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Carbacious Chondrite?

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Pictures are hard to identify from and I am no meteorite expert but it looks like a rhyolite crystal tuff or flow. Rhyolite is the volcanic (extrusive) equivalent of granite (igneous).  It can vary in color.

The phenocrysts (crystals) look like feldspars and quartz.  Some appear to be broken, that implies erupted.  I don’t see fiamme which are flattened pumice that look like a wispy or flame like structure(s).  The real way to tell is if the groundmass is crystalline, it will be very small or aphanatic, meaning no small crystals.  Groundmass with small crystals means near surface cooling.  No crystals means erupted. 

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Carbonaceous Chondrites are far darker in color. There is no fusion crust and it appears to be waterworn. If you have a high frequency VLF detector, either lock the ground balance (if a ground tracking detector) or turn the ground balance pot to half way (if a manual GB detector) and then pass the rock over the coil. It should create a negative 'Boing' signal if its a CC meteorite. Some CC's are weakly magnetic also. Most likely a waterworn piece of breccia or volcanic aggregate, not any meteorite.

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