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  1. gotta love those gully washers even though they are hard on the roads
  2. I tried hydro-shocking some gold in quartz last summer after reading about in your book and was very pleased with how it worked. The gold had to be connected or you get a lot of little bits but it worked well. thanks for the tip
  3. Thank you for the reply I am considering getting one and just wandered if anyone had used one detecting . I use the 6000 with the tours collar speakers so should be fine
  4. do any of you have a cochlear implant if so how does it work for you when detecting
  5. Have you tried panning a few pans of dirt off this hill side to see if there is any sign of gold at all?
  6. what going on with nugget finder and the new coil for the GPZ
  7. Dave does anyone in the USA import your pick?
  8. Rod you can get maps at BLM office in the north end of Winnemucca. Good luck
  9. Thanks to all for the information. Ran about 4 hours on Saturday and it dropped 1 bar. Got 2 little bits 1 grain and 7/10 of a grain it will find small gold.
  10. Have not seen anyone mention how many hours they get on the the rechargeable battery will they last all day?
  11. nice finds Peg good luck on the benches let us know how that goes. You seem to have mastered the GM we are going out in the morning to try ours for the first time. George & Linda
  12. Sounds like a good idea! So far it has been crazy with running back and forth to Idaho but no detecting gets done.
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