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Posts posted by Cal_Cobra

  1. On 2/22/2023 at 10:15 AM, abenson said:

    Yes mineralization can change everything and I don't have a place I hunt that's not at least moderate mineralization. But I'm not overly concerned about it either as most of my gold hunting these days is done with the GPX 6000.

    The more I use the Manticore the less I'm picking up the 900 and I already sold the 800. So I may eventually just end up with the Manticore out of the 2 at some point.

    Let me know if you decide to dump your 900 ? 

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  2. 59 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    You actually only need like four buttons and a proper menu. To this day I think the Makro Racer 2 had one of the best displays ever.


    The Racer 2 was a brilliant machine, and they had a trigger button for the pinpoint ? 

    The Racers (and MMK IMO) employed the KISS method, although there was a lot going on behind the green curtain (or was that door?) to the user, it presented a simple to operate and easy to understand UI.

    Fun and deadly, can't ask for more.

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  3. On 2/17/2023 at 9:05 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

    Noobs buy Garrett Ace detectors, not Manticores. And even they put all the buttons on the front - noobs can't find buttons hidden on the side! :laugh: And as far as cost effective, I'd bet my solution costs less to make and reduces potential warranty claims.

    But let's say ten buttons are too many. Put the backlight in the settings instead of a direct access button. Wireless I would put with power button. Short press to turn detector on without wireless. Long press to turn detector on plus activate wireless. Now we have eight buttons.

    Sometimes you have an opportunity to directly have input on and influence detector designs by stating clearly what you want instead of second guessing why things are the way they are. Something to think about.

    In your imagined button pad they could consolidate a couple of those buttons to make it more manageable.  Bring back the trigger switch!  They can dump the pinpoint button, and the trigger switch could be a multi-purpose.

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  4. 8 hours ago, phrunt said:

    Yes, I would certainly take the Manticore over an improved build quality and slightly modified Equinox

    And the good news today is Minelab are looking into the small gold sensitivity, they were not aware it was any less sensitive than the Equinox and obviously didn't expect it to be, so perhaps if it turns out I'm right that it is less sensitive there might be a fix coming? That would be fantastic.

    Should be an easy fix if it already works fine on the Equinox 800 IMO.

    • Like 1
  5. On 1/24/2023 at 11:34 AM, Jeff McClendon said:

    Just received my check from Midwest Refineries.

    I mailed them my 10K and 14K scrap gold jewelry finds and my .925 silver scrap jewelry finds for the last 18 months for processing. I removed as many gemstones as I could before mailing. It all fit into a USPS Priority Mail Small Flat Rate box. I added some extra insurance.

    Midwest received and processed it on the same day and I have a check in my hands for $2,400 or so after a one week turnaround. They paid 95% of melt value on the gold and 90% on the silver with no additional fees. Very easy to deal with, no questions asked, just follow their instructions. The amount they sent me is within $200 of my estimate too, so very happy.

    Jeff doesn't Midwest return the stones?  I thought they used to ?  Always heard positive feedback on Midwest.

  6. I always felt that W&E was a class act, but the writing was on the wall when they went digital only. 

    As much as I love technology, I kind of lost interest in W&E when they ceased a paper magazine, as the online forums have been just as interesting, if not more at times.   I'll really miss their Best of the Year issues, I was fortunate enough to have some items published, some best of the year finds, even an Ask Mark submission a few times over the years ?

    • Like 2
  7. 8 hours ago, strick said:

    Yep at least with the 800 I knew when I got a 13 it was either a nickel or an ax head ?


    Well there is that, but you could sometimes tell as a nickel or similar conductor sounded bright and "excited" vs. an ax head or other large iron implements that tend to have a dull sound.  Either way I still dig 13s ?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, beyond the FLOT said:

    I'm curious to know what number in the cue for any of the other kellyco buyers, anyone care to share? Checking the Cabelas website all day and night is making my wife wonder what im really up too. "No one can get that excited about a new MD machine"

    There was a MC on Cabelas yesterday...and EQX900's have been in stock since they came out. 

  9. 7 hours ago, JCR said:

    The new Nokta bottle cap setting may only be effective on modern shotshell heads that are plated steel,(as noted by Jeff) not on older all brass ones that TID about a 5 Cent Nickel or a little higher. We will see.  I've dug a lot of very old corroded ones that bounce around just like the corroded V & Buffalo Nickels do also.

    This is also right around where the U.S. $5 gold coin IDs as well, so we dig shotgun shells.  They (and other small arms discards) are to relic hunters what pull-tabs are to turf hunters ?

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