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Posts posted by Cal_Cobra

  1. On 1/9/2023 at 10:21 AM, abenson said:

    I'm not a fan of the 99 target ID's to begin with, I liked the compressed Nox 800 ID's better. But that just my preference. On the Nox 800 you could expect of spread of 2-3 at the most. But on the 900 I'm seeing as much as a 10 number difference one way or the other.

    I was perfectly happy with the TID setup on the EQX800 too. Shame ML didn't offer a user option to select either the original Equinox TID layout, or the new expanded TID layout. 

    • Like 4
  2. 3 hours ago, Carolina said:

    ... It once was my go to beach machine and did put lots of gold in my pouch, but the tones are just terrible. Arron had a special made tone Tarsacci that was the bomb, so I asked Dimitar could he do that to my machine? No was his reply so it and all my other past machines sleep in one of my spare rooms. I never could get the hang of that trade up concept haha. Good luck everybody.

    The Tarsacci has been a machine of interest,I lurk on the various Tarsacci forums and the audio is the #1 complaint I've seen on the Tarsacci. 

    If Dimitar would just offer the alternate audio option I suspect the Tarsacci would be far more popular.  IIRC it's just an EEPROM or something similar re-flashed with an alternate image from Dimirar.

  3. On 12/11/2022 at 10:50 PM, phrunt said:

    To me the best is the one that needs the least tweaking, the one I can turn on, select the mode to suit the area and type of detecting and use it and get the best results with a broad range of targets in a broad range of scenarios.  Not one I've tried to tune to give the best result on the target that I know is there. 

    So all this fiddle with this setting, adjust this setting and tweak this setting and stick your tongue out and hold it to the left with your right eye closed and you'll pick up the target better to me is a fail, I don't want to have to do that.


    I'm with you there.  After using the EQX800 since it was released, I'm almost thinking I might be happier with the EQX900 vs the MC ?

    • Like 3
  4. 25 minutes ago, Dan(NM) said:

    A dealer posted on Facebook that they received 6 Manticores today. Hopefully this means more are hitting other dealers soon.

    Mine came in the second batch, just waiting for my dealer to ship it.  He got zero on the first round, and only one on the second round, so their trickling in....more like slow drip ?

    • Like 2
  5. On 12/28/2022 at 4:14 PM, TroyLPN said:

    Best show ever!  The one where he plunks down a handful of muddy coins on a bar to pay for drinks....I'm like "I've did that!!"  ?

    I used to use the dirty ones for bridge toll haha I loved the toll attendants that expected one to wait for them to count the dirty clad, I'd always assure them it's all there as I drove off reminding them they're getting paid not me ?

    • Haha 2
  6. Jeff very interesting test, thanks for sharing your results.  If DP is gaining an inch or better in most of the tests, I assume that would also be the case in full tones?    I've tried to hunt in two-tone modes in the past on my F75 LTD and Racers and I wasn't a fan, but that's just me.

    • Like 2
  7. On 12/29/2022 at 1:54 PM, PSPR said:

    Maybe Simon is right in that Minelab is holding up Manticore production until they get some newly found bugs worked out of the software.

    Tom D. indicated that initial production was uber conservative as they want to make sure [crucial to success] "exacting" tolerances are employed while at the same time [I suspect] monitoring user response as they trickle into the field.

    Mine is finally shipping, time to crack open the manual ? 

    Here's to hoping the Manticore is worth the premium over the EQX900 ?

    • Like 7
  8. 10 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

    So I hope. ? I've probably dug over 50 buttons in the past few weeks. That makes 4 of those recently! They're usually plain.

    George Washington didn't live too far away from here, but only as a boy I think. They've found some here and there. lf.thumb.jpeg.6ee6a04ddc9af3b7926939c8266a89b7.jpeg

    This one is probably the bucket lister... ?

    The fact that some have been recovered in your area bodes well for you recovering one ?

    I have better odds of finding a gold coin cache than a G.W. inaugural button out west, not that I'd complain with a gold coin cache, but I'd sure like one of those G.W. buttons in the collection one of these days ? I guess I can't even count it as a bucket lister as it's just not possible out here ?

    • Like 1
  9. Considering that the original Equinox is going on five years old, and it was likely in development for a good 2-3 years prior to that, that would make it's general purpose CPU around 8+ years old.  That's pretty old in the tooth for CPU shelf life, and the CPU could well be on the road to EOL (End of Life) from the manufacturer (what is it a Cortex ARM 32 bit CPU?). 

    If nothing else a newer CPU was likely selected to future proof component sourcing, although that may or may not be what contributed to better separation/unmasking if in fact it does have an edge. 

    • Like 6
  10. 8 hours ago, PSPR said:

    Oh, I understand what you are saying.  I just don't expect I will be going metal detecting in the dark.  Should I somehow decide to do that, I'll strap on my 44 mag. right next to my pinpointer. :biggrin:

    Problem is that you'll be blinded by the light from the non red LCD screen and the .44 mag will be useless because you can't see ?   The F75 has an always on backlit LCD, not adjustable in any way, and it's blinding to hunt at night with it.  I used red gel screen to cover it and it worked pretty well, your eyes could handle the red glow, but the bright white light is blinding.

  11. On 12/18/2022 at 6:18 PM, midalake said:

    If you're a BEACH hunter, then this is an EASY CHOICE. One extra piece of gold alone could make up the $600 dollar difference. This is a no brainer! Wait for that Manticore! 

    Same way I see it for relic hunting - a gold coin, rare silver coins, nice buckle, rare button, gold ring, etc., and that $600 dollar difference is easier digest.

    • Like 2
  12. I'm with you SImon, the EQX900 (and 700) came out as a total surprise (or was it the Manticore that was the surprise!?!?)!  I like the 900, LOVE the red LCD screen, Tom D. stated it's amped up with more power and better separation, in a Manticore physical package and works with existing EQX coils.  Not a bad deal for $1000!  Leaks and coil breakage aside (which this appears to address) the EQX800 turned out to be a proven beach and relic detector. Heck it even appears to make a decent prospecting machine, seems to be able to hold it's own against the GoldMonster. 

    The Equinox 900 is the perfect Equinox 800 ?

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