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  • Gender
  • Location:
    western central Oregon
  • Interests:
    Prospecting for gold.
  • Gear In Use:
    A couple of high bankers, too many pans and sluices. Gold Kruzer, Nokta Legend

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    Bedrock Miner Don

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  1. Thank you Tahoe gold. I hope Ghost Miner is okay no matter what the problem is or could be. He seems like a survivor and for sure he is a great story teller and relates his experiences very well. And I for one miss reading about those experiences!
  2. Hello Tahoe gold. I don't see any where that Ghost Miner said "before it's too late". Did he PM you or something and do you have any thoughts on why he has disappeared?
  3. Question for Ghost Miner... did you or any of the other guys ever made a return trip to dream wind canyon?
  4. Wow Ghost Miner I can feel that empty feeling clear over here!
  5. My first thought... well aren't these guys dead? Sorry Ghost Miner lol.
  6. I wish he was too. Jacob was a smart Gold Miner that took no guff off of nobody.
  7. Hello John! How did your friend make out using the Angus MacKirk sluice? Do you like the Angus MacKirk stuff?
  8. What I don't get is Paul hearing a noise in the middle of the night and then getting up and going out alone to investigate. A noise that woke nobody else up? Seems odd.
  9. I kinda agree with you. In this situation I feel like splitting up is a mistake.
  10. Wow much larger than what I pictured. Now I understand how easily you can get turned around.
  11. Any idea how wide the canyon is between the 200' shear rock walls and how deep from the opening to the back of it? Is it like a box canyon with no exit in the back? Amazing that Paul roamed around there by himself for years and the minute he brings a small crew with him to prospect in there he suddenly disappears. Wonder what the lanterns would think if you tossed a stick of dynamite at it? Haha check this out, we can make noise too. Where's Paul lol?
  12. I hear you bro. It's enough to bring tears to a grown man's eyes.
  13. 100' eh? I've got flashlights that will light up a 1/4 mile or more. You don't have to walk in too far.
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