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Everything posted by Swegin

  1. Is that a not so subtle hint for what you want for Christmas?
  2. Well I have never had this happen to me but this is good info to know. Thanks for posting this.
  3. What does a second hand bridge go for these days? 100% scripted but it is entertaining when nothing else is on.
  4. One of their great songs. Nice gold by the way.
  5. You may not have been misled if they told you UP TO 36 DEEP.
  6. Yea I agree 94 is still a little too warm.
  7. I can't answer for Rob, but my number 1 pick would be Fists full of Gold by Chris Ralph.
  8. For some reason I am under the impression that the publishing company owned the book rights. I might be wrong and I hope that I am.
  9. Sorry to hear this Jason. If this happened a few weeks ago and if they were druggies I am afraid your stuff is probably long gone. They need their fix so they are not going to be holding on to anything. I hope you do recover most if not all of you gear.
  10. I wish I could give you two thumbs up for this. This is very solid basic info that seems to get missed way too much.
  11. I really enjoy looking at this pic's.
  12. You shouldn't do that. I think he is getting old.
  13. Looks like is't just a rehash of old news. https://www.minelab.com/community/news?article=290017 The link is from 2015.
  14. Seen this on Chris's forum. Strange that it is only the SDC and the Gold Monster. http://arizonaoutback.ipbhost.com/topic/14406-minelab-price-increase-coming/
  15. If JohnB was there then I know you guys had a good time.
  16. And a couple cans of spinach.
  17. I hope they offered you free training.
  18. Congrats. Did you buy it locally?
  19. You did good work by the way. ?
  20. The HBO series Deadwood. The way Mr Wu called Al Swearengen.. Swegin.
  21. This right here. Unbiased reviews...
  22. Peety and Milo. Peety is an American Bulldog (black and white) 108 pounds biggest lap dog we ever had. Milo is heinz 57 but the best watch dog we ever had.
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