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  1. an interesting diving suit for ws6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML0K2fTM274
  2. I made the antenna for the second mast using a shielded cable for wi-fi antennas and the caps on the plate are the stl and it came out a great job at 0 cost considering that the cable used is much softer than the one supplied from xp
  3. I would need a piece equal to the one in the photo to put on the wl6 pole support then I made a second pole for the sea since the standard one flexes a lot and then I noticed that the sand and salt ruin it a lot then I would need it a support for the sensor equal to the standard one like this then I would say that these stl files could be put in the download section because they are certainly very useful to others in the forum
  4. anyone know where to find the stl file of this piece? i went through all the 3d print sites but i didn't find it
  5. pensandoci bene ritengo improbabile che si possa collegare una piastra alla porta dati saremo costretti ad accontentarci delle uniche due piastre sempre che non ne escano di nuove o da venditori terzi thinking about it I think it unlikely that we can connect a plate to the data port we will be forced to settle for the only two plates as long as no new ones come out or from third-party vendors
  6. in fact I also think that our Russian friend played a joke on us ...
  7. good morning everyone I write from Italy (forgive my bad English) I have a deus2 and I would like your opinion on this video https://youtu.be/HBh9d1oMzCw which I found where you can see the wired connection of an equinox plate (apparently ) fully functional if the thing were feasible there would be the 6 '' of the NOX which could be very interesting
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