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  • Gender
  • Location:
    southern Indiana
  • Interests:
    metal detecting, gold prospecting, loud music
  • Gear In Use:
    Legend, Nox 800, MXT Pro, F75, Accupoint,Carrot, mini highbanker/river sluices with Dream Mat, Grizzly Gold Trap sluice, Garrett Super Sluice pan, Gold Cube, Blue Bowl

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  1. Welcome from Indiana. I'm jealous of all you guys living by the Motherlode -- must be fun!
  2. Welcome from southern Indiana! Keep us posted about your prospecting adventures.
  3. Aw man, that is terrible news. Such a young guy, too. He was always so helpful and a pleasure to interact with on the forum.
  4. Well, I can guarantee it's not from Indiana!
  5. Oh man, that had to be incredibly exciting!
  6. Guarantee I'll remember my first nugget...whenever I actually find one! But seriously, those are lovely nuggets you have pictured. How many nuggets and specimens would you estimate you found during those years of detecting?
  7. Never considered the pinpoint style to be an issue, but makes sense it would be undesirable for those with arthritis in the hand. I frankly prefer the "press and hold" style on the Legend since I constantly forget to disable the pinpoint on the Nox. As for the pinpoint volume with the 1.17 update, I hadn't even noticed. With that said, I also haven't used the headphones in ages, and the volume gets washed out some using the external speaker.
  8. Welcome from IN! Like others have said, keep the Nox in the simple factory presets -- just adjust sensitivity and noise cancel. Swinging over school yards and busy parks for modern clad (and maybe jewelry if you're lucky) is a great way to hit a bunch of targets and learn what the machine sounds like. I made the mistake early on trying to get complicated with the settings and got way over my skis, when I should have just stuck with Park M1.
  9. Ditto to this. I joined the Legend FB group and found it way too "noisy" to be of use. Lots of chatter, lots of repetitive complaints, and light on solid advice. This place is much better and has roughly 99% less drama than FB. While I haven't run the Triple Score, it's a slightly dialed down version of my primary machine, the Legend. Yeah, it'll get chatty in a high EMI environment, but you just can't be afraid to drop the sensitivity to quiet it down. (And always noise cancel, of course.) It's the folks who feel compelled to max out the sensitivity setting in every location who are going to run into problems, but it's 100% an outcome of choice on their part.
  10. Great hunt, man! And good detective work isolating that small section where the old stuff lives. Local beaches here are on manmade lakes, so no chance of anything old, plus none of the erosion/concentrating action of ocean waves and tide. An ocean beach hunt is on my detecting to-do list, for sure.
  11. Yeah, I have the 10x5 for the Nox and also the similar LG24 for the Legend. So far I've only run the Legend using the LG24 at the site -- it's good for getting in between the clumps of long grass and weeds. My thinking is to keep up this practice until I've gone over the whole lot as best as possible, then switch to stock coil in the winter when the grass is dead. There are also areas thick with trash where a 6" coil might be good, too. Next time around, however, I think I'll bring the Nox with its 10x5 to see how it does. Didn't even know that's what type of jeep it is -- thanks!
  12. The new permisson is really paying off, especially since I can walk over from work. Today I pulled out a 1935 Merc, a 1953-D Roosie, another 1943-P nickel, and very worn wheat penny...all in under an hour. Also a few memorial cents, a toy jeep, and some junk copper. That's more silver I've found in two hunts than in the previous 2 years combined! I had the Legend running v1.17 but didn't spend enough time on it to get a good feel for any changes. I can say for certain the results came from finally being over a good, undetected site and not so much due to running the new software version. Regardless, digging silver is vastly more fun than digging clad all day!
  13. https://www.noktadetectors.com/metal-detector/the-legend/ I never installed the v1.16 beta, but I am going to try out this newest update this evening.
  14. Thanks, guys! I haven't detected nearly as much this summer/early fall as the last couple years. Summer heat knocks me out so I tend to limit exposure those hot months anyways, but frankly I was getting bored digging clad. The handful of permissions I worked this year were real stingy, and other than clad I only pulled one wheat from those permissions. Skunked out on the jewelry front for 3 solid months, as well. I've pulled around $100 in clad this year, but I was needing something better (something silver or gold, or old/interesting/unusual) to really scratch the itch. Anyways, it was a real pleasure finally hunting promising property...and getting results. Only thing is the lot is TINY -- not even an 1/8th of acre. The original house was tiny, as well, maybe 600 sq. ft. I only went over a smalll section w/the Legend and used the LG24 to get as close to the ground as possible between the thick tufts of grass and weeds. Once the grass dies off this winter, I'll get a chance to comb over the lot more thoroughly.
  15. At long last, I dug my first war nickel! This one came out of a new permission, a small vacant lot two blocks from my office. Property owner thinks the [now demolished] house was built in 1952, so I was hoping there'd be some silver in the ground. I only had about an hour but was able to pull 4 wheats, the war nickel (1943 P), 4 memorial pennies. I know that's not much for some folks, but for me it was a stellar hunt! With the grass being so thick and overgrown on the lot, I think the place will make for excellent winter hunting...especially since I can walk over from work.
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