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  1. .... a meeting of the newest gold prospecting club in the Reno/Sparks area - Nevada Desert Diggers on Tuesday, April 15th. From their website at https://www.nvdesertdiggers.org/ : Welcome To Our Adventure Our adventure started a long, long time ago. Each person of the group traveling a prospecting path unique to them. About a decade ago the group started to form, to what it is today. Five friends seeking to give back to our hobby. Teaching others! When the opportunity arose to start this club; the group jumped at the chance. With the help of like minded hobbyists'. We added coin shooters, rock hounds and relic hunters. All with the goal of sharing knowledge, providing others the chance to join these hobbies all in one place. Our mission is simple. Treat each person as a future teammate. Share your stories with all. Help a new person start their adventure; guide them to success. Above all, treat each member new or seasoned, with respect and appreciation. There is about 15 minutes of club stuff, so I will be taking the stage at about 6:20 to talk about metal detecting for gold. I like to keep my talk brief these days to allow for a more free ranging question and answer period. My specialties are suction dredging, which I did in Alaska for decades, and of course metal detecting for gold using all brands and types of detectors. In my life as a dredge and detector salesman and forum owner there are few questions I have encountered and not had the answers for, so fire away. At least a couple forum members are also club members, @DigsAlot and @Nevada Brian, so if you have club related questions they are the ones to ask. Meetings are on the 3RD TUESDAY OF EACH MONTH from 6PM– 8PM at MOUNTAIN MIKE’S PIZZA 1201 BARING BLVD SPARKS, NV Again, I will be speaking at the Tuesday, April 15th meeting - hope to see you there!
  2. Garrett Metal Detectors The Garrett Gold Shootout is happening this weekend! Some of the most-followed prospectors will go head-to-head to see who will come out with the most gold! Make sure to follow all their social media pages for videos, pictures, and instant reactions from this weekend. We cannot wait for you guys to see what happens. And if you haven't entered the Garrett Gold Challenge Contest for a free Axiom or Goldmaster 24K yet, enter here: https://garrett.com/garrett-gold-challenge ENDS NOVEMBER 20TH
  3. For those of you who enjoy these sorts of events with seeded hunts and a lot of camaraderie this could be a great time especially for those of you with kids and or grandkids. Also judging by her YouTube channel Zero Discrimination miss gypsy appears to be a part of the Garrett team and entourage which leads me to believe that if the VORTEX has not been released at this point in time it could be a surefire opportunity to get a first and hands on look at one. Hence my posting this on the VORTEX forum.
  4. I was looking through some of my old pictures today and man the memories! Many years ago I had the occasion to go to Rye Patch for an outing. Now I had been to Rye Patch a couple of times. Once I got snowed out on the second day and once I got rained out on the second day. First time I went was in 1991 in my little Suzuki Samurai. I loved that little buggy. I didn't care that I could see the ground passing under me through the rotted-out floorboard. LOL This time I went North most importantly knowing, I would see some old friends and catch up on non-sense. Little did I know I would meet a couple of new friends who were about the sweetest folks I have ever met. So this goofy guy, named Lucky, and his lovely wife Robin sort of took me under their wing. Lucky invited me to come along with him the next day prospecting and man he put me right in the middle of the gold. And by the way, if anyone knows how to find gold it is Lucky Lundquist. Probably no one knows more about Rye Patch than Lucky. The stay in Rye Patch was one of my most memorable. and not because of the little gold I dug out of the ground, but the big golden friendship that was formed with Lucky and Robin. They invited me to eat with them, and we shared stories. Lucky can hang with the best of them when it comes to storytelling. And he is funny as all get out and genuine and just an all-around nice man. He's the kind of guy you are proud to call a friend. So Lucky! This one's for you buddy. God Bless You and Robin. Doc
  5. Garrett is putting on a big hunt for three days in April 14-15-16 and say they putting out a lot in prizes. If interested signup ends on March first and it will be a limited number hunting. Go to Garrett site to get the full info you may need to register. Here is what Garrett has to say.
  6. my son saw this on the news the other day, I guess the popularity of prospecting shows was the inspiration, now how to convince the kids this is Disneyland an micky’s inside the mine swinging a pick… https://mikesroadtrip.com/gold-mining-in-arizona/
  7. Hi All, new to the forum and pretty green to nuggetshooting. Was going through the due diligence of finding areas to swing the coil on some shiney and had the bright idea to join a regional club, get on some open claims that I can hone my coil skills on. I was drawn to the GPAA as a well known club but thought I should reach out to the community and see if anyone had any recommendations on clubs to join in the Northern California Area. I was part of the East Bay Prospectors local GPAA about five years back and went on an outing or two…so I am aware of them. Thanks in advance for any assistance, looking forward to getting out there! John as the new guy hopefully this is in the right place and an appropriate topic. Cheers All!
  8. For those of you who live in Ca (& elsewhere) if you would like to be "my guest" at our 160 acre claim in the vicinity of the Schmidt Burro tunnel(sp?) side of the El Paso mountains the weekend of Oct 7,8 & 9 PM me back. I know it's short notice but thought I'd throw it out there. When I was 1st starting prospecting I could have used some "local knowledge" to get tips on dry washing & detecting for gold. I have one 6000 owner coming from Nevada to try his luck on the claim I found 2 nice nuggets so I thought what the heck I'll just invite some others such as Gold Catcher, GotAU and others who have PM'd me. You know who you are. I had hoped to have the new Garrett by now to go over the claim where I found the 2 nuggets but who knows when that will happen!!! I'm hearing December now...GREAT!! Thx Garrett..just in time for winter! One DP member offered to let me use his 6000 while he uses his 7000 and we split the finds. That works for me! All others of you...I doubt you have a 6 or 7 both, so until I FINALLY get my Garrett and go over the claim myself you won't get that same deal. What you will get is access to the AV claim as well as me showing you the Red Chispa and Taft side of the mountains. The Nevada guy and I are moving over there after Oct9. Gold Catcher did a nice write up with pics of the El Paso mountains quite awhile ago but he left out many areas of interest. I suggest to all of you who come either this weekend on on your own sometime to 1st stop and get an area map from the BLM on Hwy 14 (right at the Garlock junction ) which shows many points of interest. Such as the old Talc mines, the "Rock House", Schmidt Burro tunnel etc. etc. PS: An honest to goodness off road vehicle is necessary to see some things...a 4 wheel drive truck won't make it!
  9. I attended the nugget shoot in Rye Patch 2016,is there one being held this year
  10. I wondered if anybody from this organization is on the forum? I'm a new member, and planning on attending the Aug. 13th meeting at Atlantic City. Jim
  11. I have a buddy, Army Veteran who is living in Corpus. Anybody around there who might be interested in showing him beach detecting on the local beaches? Any insights are appreciated, Thank you, Jeff
  12. Just getting caught up and returning from Rye Patch NV and the 3 Days Field Training class my Staff/I offered. Even though I stress to folks that finding gold is not the most important part of the class. The 3 days with my Field Staff/I is really all about knowledge and how much of it you can retain. But the feeling of a rattler in the bottle makes for a better ride home. With the drier soil conditions and the majority of customers using the newest technology detectors, we were able to have a very high gold nugget count. In fact, this is one of the most Successful 3 days trips I have held in the last 5 or 6 yrs. Approx 40 nuggets were recovered by the group as a whole. Yes we had and always do have a few who did not go home with a nugget. As I feel, that’s really not as important as going home with detector knowledge. Part of the training is to compare undug targets with the different detectors in the class so we all get to see, hear and learn from those rare opportunities. When you get to swing your own detector over the spot and hopefully hear the signal, you start the process of building confidence in your detector and your coil control to get optimum signal response. On occasion we find some model of detectors do not do as well as others and that is knowledge gained, even though sometimes hard to swallow. The best wow target was approx. 10” depth and found with a GPX-6000. From the surface none of the VLF’s could hear it, the GPX-5000 did not, as well as the GPZ-7000’s. After 2” removed, the GPZ still had issues. 2 more inches removed and the ZED gave a dirty signal (kind of like a small piece of wire), but the 6000 was just simple loud and clear. At about 6” depth the VLF heard it but their target ID read IRON. (realize every detector on the market has a max depth of proper ID before the system is unreliable). Finally at 8” the NOX had proper ID of a non ferrous target and we were all getting excited expecting the customer to score his 1st Rye Patch nugget. Well you know gold hunting, it turned lead. The most nuggets recovered were by 2 of the repeat customers. One of them has been on top of the technology change and realizes the importance of hunting the old sites with the newest machines for best chance of success. He shed the weight of the GPZ-7000 to shine with the new lighter GPX-6000 and his efforts were golden. The other (his hunting buddy) stepped up from an SDC-2300 to the 6000 and this was his best trip to RP ever. Just goes to show those old patches can still produce nuggets if you have the new GPX-6000 in your hands. We had 2 hard chargers in the class (GPX-5000 and a GPZ-7000) that went home with plenty of knowledge and education, but did not find a NV nugget. I’m not saying those models of detectors are no good, but just realize this is Rye Patch, the same area hunted with every PI since the early 90’s. The good thing for these customers of those models, my staff/I were able to shine light on when we’d be using some of the features/capabilities of those model of detectors. The GPX-5000 has IRON ID capabilities for trash areas and the GPZ-7000 can find the biggest of gold at near 4’ depth. The dangers of Rye Patch are still there. 4 flat tires that I am aware of, 1 dead battery on a truck and a caved in tent from the high winds. The snakes are out and the Mormon crickets were on the move. If you are going to go. I highly recommend for those who are not familiar with Rye Patch to check in at Gold Digger Saloon. Danny, the owner has some of the better ground (claims) that have not been hunted as hard as the surrounding area. I think he charges $20 or $25 for a day which is pretty reasonable. The best part is you get a map so you know where you are and not on any others persons claim. If you enjoy Pizza, they absolutely have the best pizza and coldest beer around. Summery of the weekend. Older model detectors don’t stand much of a chance when compared to the new. Still a few nuggets left, but they are getting smaller and fewer. Even if you have a new detector, if you don’t know what you are doing, the deck is stack against you at Rye Patch. The lake is gone…it dried up. One of my Staff said it best. Cell phone = detector. Who owns a 10 yr old cell phone and goes to Rye Patch and expects to find gold. Pics are of my customers and some of the Rye Patch gold success/smiles shared.
  13. Well not quite a bucket full, but this was a banner day for me! Now in full disclosure, this was a detecting club seeded hunt, but it was my first seeded hunt with the club. Not knowing quite what to expect and still learning the Deus II, I decided to use that. I figured if I found anything at all it would be a win because there were almost 30 much more experienced detectorists hunting in an area roughly the size of a football field. This site has been a favorite place for many area detecting clubs to hold events and has been pounded for years. The whistle blew and it was off to the races with every kind of detector swarming the field. I started off in Park mode and was quickly rewarded with probably the only nail left in the field. I then switched to Relic mode and the field lit up like a pinball machine spitting out bucket lister coins all over the place. As the hour and a half time limit wound down the pickings got slim, so I switched gears and started checking other people's holes and pulled out some more bucket listers. After the final whistle blew we all headed back to clubhouse for lunch and festivities. I poked along the way across the nearby turn of the last century baseball field and hit four more coins (2 tokens & 2 coins). One of the coins was within inches of one of the large bronze base markers. The tiny token, shown in the middle below, was actually found twice because I dropped it somewhere walking to the clubhouse and had to retrace my steps, but the D2 found it again with no problem. In all I ended up with 40 coins. Two 1964 Jefferson Nickels not shown were traded in for lottery tickets... I should have kept the nickels! ?
  14. Always great to have GB Amateur (Chuck) join us for one of our impromptu Eureka Treasure Hunters Club group wild hunts in a local Denver area park. We didn't find anything great today but Chuck got about 2 hours hunting with my Deus 2 while I got to use my Legend. Chuck is on his way to Nevada for one of Monte's Ghost Town hunts and got to break up his trip with a nice hunt today with our club. Forum members that are traveling through the Denver area can always PM me about possible hunting time if you are staying over for a few days. Great to see you again today Chuck and good luck!
  15. If so, will it be in September. Planning upcoming trips and would like to attend this one.
  16. Nebulanoodle and others who have contacted me about the El Paso mountains. Some of you made comments about how you couldn't believe the size of the nuggets being found here. Well here is a pic of a FRACTION of what is also found while finding those nuggets. The pic doesn't show a lot of lead, bullet brass, screening and pieces of wire. Oh and hot rocks aren't pictured. I am interested in an informal field test of a 24K 6000,7000, Goldmonster and of course my EQ800 in this area. I will put my EQ down and just observe for awhile. Maybe the 6 & 7 will do well out of the wash and up the sides of the hills surrounding the wash and I wonder how the other 2 (24K & GM) will do IN the wash...we'll see.I am going to have to break this outing(s) plural up into 2 trips...I have too many volunteers..LOL!! I don't mind inviting these people to be my guest for the weekend as I have been over and over this wash and if they can find what I missed and I can see these other detectors in action and in the case of the 6 & 7 actually use them and split the findings...well great. It's always good to gain knowledge and compare.
  17. Do any organized hunts get collaborated here,if so could you navigate me where???thx
  18. Just wanted to say thanks too Gerry for the training on the gpx 6000 at rye patch and a special thank you to Eli you made my brother and I better Nevada nugget hunters .We put a lot of hours on the 6000 in northern .ca. before the training and found a good bit of gold it is a hell of a machine. Just nice to get the pros to teach us more. all the guys at the training were awesome and made some new friends that we will be hunting with this spring Thanks again Gerry
  19. Stev H can move this if it doesn't belong here! That weekend there R no less than 4 outings for gold prospectors! OC49ers(as "guests") of LDMA, Taft Club, Pat Keene's group and where I'll be at Rocky Road (160 acre claim) for Antelope Valley Treasure Club chili cook out. One viewer mentioned he was interested in going out and that he had also joined Taft but had not yet gone on an outing with them. You may look these clubs up and contact them for directions or I can also direct you as I have been out with all of them. This nugget was found on a OC49er claim this year with an EQ800. I will be going back there another time as I am committed to the AV club outing for that weekend.
  20. Here’s a look around Detectival Sept. 2021. This is an amazing location and I’m sure we are going to hear about some banner finds this year. btw: can’t tell Minelab is there can ya? Haha
  21. Today was a day that I've been waiting for for two weeks. A great forum member GB amateur contacted me to see if I would be interested in getting together to hunt on his way back from another trip on the east coast. Without reserve I said yes. With all the details worked out we got together today to hunt an old swim club established in the 20's. It was hot hot and more hot today and I was hoping we would have a good time before we both died of heat stroke. GB was running the 800 and I was too for about 15 minutes, When I decided to change over to the Compadre. I have found a few silvers there and had some problems with iron so what the hell. We both were finding some clad and wheaties. After an hour or so GB raised his hand with the first silver of the day a merc dime. Shortly after I pulled a 62 rosie. More clad and wheaties I decided to move to a spot I hunted a fair amount with the 800, But not with a Tesoro. Within a few minutes I pulled out a 44 merc. Two minutes more and out comes a 9k wedding band. The Compadre never ceases to amaze me. After a little while longer we decided to call it quit's and get some lunch and BS some more. Getting a chance to hunt with GB today was as fun as it gets and to have a good time with someone who you respect makes it all the better.
  22. Anyone up for a two weekend Vintage Metal Detector treasure hunt? It would be from one Sat thru the Weekdays and ending the following Sunday. You must dedicate yourself to using a vintage detector(s) at any location(s) of your choice. BFO, TR, IB, OR, VLF/TR type. You will post all of your finds found using the detector(s) you used. All based on the honor system. It would show folks that vintage detectors are still alive and kicking finding treasure. If there's interest. I will work up a hunt. Date probably June or July. Detector would have to be no newer than 1985?
  23. [UCLA Meteorite Gallery] March 2021 Newsletter http://mail.artnet.net/skins/elastic/images/contactpic.svg From UCLA Meteorite Collection <meteorites@ucla.edu> on 04/03/2021 05:49 PM Details Plain text
  24. If you aren't doing anything in 3 hours you can attend a meteorite lecture! Metamorphism of primitive solar system materials Chondritic meteorites represent the most primitive material in the solar system. These chondrites originate from asteroids that did not reach temperatures high enough to melt. Although they escaped melting, some of these primitive asteroids reached temperatures high enough to induce metamorphism - recrystallization of a rock in a solid state. Unlike Earth, where metamorphism is accompanied by pressure and heat, metamorphism on asteroids is driven only by temperature. This metamorphism results in textural and geochemical changes that provide insight into the thermal and physical evolution of small bodies during the solar system's earliest formation. https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqduyupj0vGd3S0_52FsbHTbPjYr0sZQUj
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