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  1. We've had our headphone adapter go bad on us. What is the best way to convert the odd jack on the 2300 into a 1/4 inch regular headphone use machine?
  2. Just a video I found comparing the 2. I suspect his .01 g nugget was actually a 0.1 g.
  3. OK, I`ve found the courage, I think, Stripped the SDC right down the C/Bs with pot switches, coil plug, H/Dphone plug complete as per image below weighs 216 grams. This section complete with a couple of 3.7v LiPos hard wired in with the Pro-Sonic transmitter also hard wired, giving 3 Mini USB female plugs to charge .LiPos will be probably rectangular type that have their BMS in cooperated. Doubt I`ll used the SDC coil shaft as whilst it is quality feels heavy compared to say the GPX shaft. Anyway I`m "pissing into the wind" until tis a goer so will post back once and if it survives to detect again. NQ AU Wet weather project.
  4. I do not own nor have ever used either detector but I am considering both. Other than price I know nothing. Read a few older posts & reviews on the SDC 2300, it may be a better fit for the steep brush covered ravines of the Sierra west slopes along with the cracks and crevices in the drainages. Currently use a White TDI SL with a 10x5 folded mono coil. I have hear that the SDC 2300 8” mono coil is hot around the edges. I like the specs on the new Axiom overall but for me the current coil selection sucks. Both detectors fold up or slide up compact for packing. The 2300 may be a bit on the heavy side compared to the Axiom but is manageable. Already have the Garrett Z-Lynk wireless transmitter plus the 1/4” receiver for my headphones. What has been your experience with either detector? A lot of rain followed by a lot of snow fell out of that last storm system with more on the way. May turn out to be a good year for spring runoff. Have Great New Years Day
  5. exactly the reason I parted ways with the 6000 and kept the SDC......
  6. Hey, I recently overworked my SDC and broke the "coil yoke adapter". I contacted Minelabs service department here in the USA and inquired about purchasing the part and getting it sent to me so I could get back up and running. After talking to the very helpful Tech, they said that unfortunately it would take months to order the part, and basically would not offer any solution except for me to send my unit in for repair. $375 for a new coil assembly + 1hr labor +shipping.... As well, they would not sell me the coil assembly. hhhmmm I was a bit disappointed as I have had good experiences with the service department there before. Seems like overkill to send my unit back for the replacement of a simple part. As well, Im not sure why they wouldn't sell me a coil assembly if nothing else. I watched a video from Miners Den Australia of a tech replacing this exact part, so I know its available and not a tech only repair kind of thing. Sooooo..... Would anyone here know of where and how I might obtain this very rare and hard to find SDC part called the "coil yoke adapter" and its associated O ring? I tried to epoxy the cracked parts but it does not take, maybe im using the wrong kind of adhesive? Any advice on a possible fix would be welcomed? ----- As a side note: It was a perfect opportunity (excuse?) to try out the Coiltek kit and 10x5 coil which I purchased as soon as I got off the phone with Minelab.... I tried it out and its great! I prefer the coil being centered on the shaft for poking fwd and back and while scrubbing the coil up a steep bank. Its just as or more sensitive, stable, and capable of a coil. (found some tiny shallow pieces and one .3 at good depth). I just would like to be able to put the machine back to stock at some point... Cheers!
  7. I had gone into an old past producing mine last week. I had brought my axiom with the 11" mono and my friend had his sdc2300. I had hit a very suttle signal on the wall in a 1" thick blanket seam, my friend scanned it with his sdc2300 and could not pick up a signal. I chiseled out 4" of the wall around the target, the suttle signal turned into a banger. Ended up being a 1 oz pay zone of 3"w 4"L not a crazy amount but no complaints and always thankful. All the gold was thin and laying flat so the detector was only picking up the edges, which makes a huge difference for depth. I took my vlf gold kruzer to clean up all the non pi gold. I replaced my sdc2300 for the axiom im pretty happy with my decision. Incase anyone is wondering is was in "fine" mode, full sensitivity, no head phones, max vaolume, max threshold, tone @ 60, speed on slow. Ground track off, basically default settings except sensitivity, tone and speed. I normally run head phones in which i should have to block out the sound of the coil scraping the walls and background noise but i didnt have my headphones thats why i max out everything as for volume,threshold and sensitivity. I think volume amd threshold are maxed by default. With headphones i run 4-6 on sensitivity depending. I dont notice a difference on small,large, shallow, deep targets from max sensitivity to default except overall volume, youll still hear targets in reach. Good luck out in the gold feilds.
  8. Minelab is responding to the competition with some huge price reductions. 25% off the GPZ-7000 & the SDC-2300 for the month of February. Minelab always seems to come through with a new release or a huge price reduction promotion just when the competition heats up. First it was a free Goldmonster 1000 with the GPZ and now this. Here’s the newest Pulse Induction or Zero Voltage price lineup for the month of February. Not sure where this will all end up, but glad to see some good changes in the lowering of prices on two classic gold detectors. GPZ 7000 sale $6375 7.2 lbs GPX 6000 $5999 4.5 lbs Axiom $3995 4.2 lbs Minelab GPX 5000 $3999 6 lbs SDC 2300 sale $2550 5.3 lbs Garrett ATX $2379 7.0 lbs Edited just now by Steve Herschbach
  9. 1/1/23 Important note from Steve H: Chris made this video before the Axiom was finalized using a prototype detector. The sensitivity was significantly boosted in the shipping version of the detector. As far as hot rocks Chris also did not make use of the hot rock rejection window on the Axiom as shipped in the final version. Garrett Axiom and the SDC-2300 side by side, very interesting.
  10. Im pretty sure I read somewhere that at some point Minelab fixed a waterproof issue and a problem with the coil knuckle on the SDC2300 If that is the case does anyone know what the serial number break would be for the second generation/upgraded version? Im thinking of buying a used one that was recently purchased used. So the seller is unsure but of course we have the serial number. Thank you
  11. Here is a decent video from Tassie Boys Prospecting, he's actually one of the new Minelab detect-spurts. Tasmania detecting is much like NZ detecting, the bushland looks VERY similar, so it might go some way into explaining why I like certain detectors and coils more than others ? One of my favourite creeks is so hard to get into now it's getting near impossible and like these guys it's full of hot rocks that send detectors wild, the problem is there is gold to be found if I'm patient enough and willing to crawl through the bush to get to it.
  12. So, I went prospecting to mother Yuba (Sierra County), armed with the SDC. I went to a pretty trashy area that I had previously visited with the 6000. The problem with the 6000 in that area was that I had to stop literally every 20 sec to dig a target, mostly tiny pieces of trash. The enormous sensitivity of the 6000 is a god send, but it can come and bite you if you are in trashy areas. Even dialing back sensitivity all the way did not make any difference, as expected. I literally spent most of the time on my knees digging targets, almost thinking I should just remain on my knees and slowly crawl forward to scoop up all the tiny trash. Hence, this time I decided to use the SDC to have a PI detector with comparably lower sensitivity, just to make this a more productive day. Indeed, I was surprised (well not really..) how quiet the same area was with the SDC. Yes, here and there a few trash targets, but not nearly as bad as with the 6000. I could even walk for a few minutes without any target, something that would have been unthinkable with the 6000. I managed to pick up a couple of pickers, something I contribute to the fact that I was actually able to cover some ground, instead of having to stop constantly to dig small trash targets. So, bottom line, the 6000 remains my to go detector and it's performance is simply out of this world. However, there are instances where more sensitivity is not always a good thing. IMHO, this is another reminder of how different circumstances require different approaches and that there is not one single detector that fits all occasions. GC
  13. Nugget Hunting a Hydraulic Pit Me and Gary @Two Toes head deep into the Sierra's in search of those elusive Gold Nuggets the Old timers missed. Yes I include Gary in with the Old Timers as he has Detected this spot before. Nugget Hunting in a Hydraulic pit isn't the easiest thing to do but it's one of the funnest and most rewarding ways of finding Gold. On this adventure we take three different Metal Detectors The Minelab SDC 2300, White's TDI, and a White's Gold Master V-Sat this allows us to use both Pulse Induction and VLF technologies in our search for Gold and Treasures. Watch as we pull those Gold Nuggets the old timers missed over a hundred years ago out of the ground !!!!! Gary finds a old Lead soldered painted Can with Gold inside what did the Old timers us it for ? I find Six musket balls encased in rotting wood how long have those been there ? Plus Many many old square Nails !!!!! Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed the adventure we sure had fun finding all the cool stuff and wondering what and how they used it. SG 046
  14. My name is Hank. I have detected for years in both fresh and saltwater with an Excalibur I with great results and I love the detector, but it finally died, so after reading Steve's great reviews on the Equinox 800, I'm thinking of getting one. I purchased a SDC2300 some time ago because I thought I would go out west to hunt for gold, and could also use it in the water back home here in Virginia too. However, I was surprised that although it is waterproof to 10 ft, when I first took it into the ocean, it has a tendency to float! The excalibur would stay on the ocean floor no problem, but the 2300 just wont stay down. I have to keep trying to push it down but the waves coming in and going out make it impossible to hold down and detect. Never had this problem with the Excalibur even in rough water. The 2300 is just as heavy as the Excalibur yet it just bobs around in the water. My question is, can the Equinox 800 perform as stable as the Excalibur in the ocean? It's so light I wonder if it will stay down. Thanks.
  15. Actually for the Minelab F3 Compact, from which the SDC physical design was derived. Part numbers galore! Check it out: https://www.minelab.com/__files/f/264523/4904-0005-1 Service Manual, F3 Compact.pdf
  16. I am in the market for a used SDC 2300 and wanted to know if there have been any software/firmware or hardware updates since the first introduction in 2014? Are there any pros/cons of buying an older machine lets say 5 years old vs a 1 year old machine? Are the supplied oem headphones satisfactory or is it better to invest in better headphones? Is the Lithium Battery upgrade a good investment and does it come with a charger? Thanks in advance
  17. I haven't seen very much conversation about the comparison between these two detectors now that the GPX 6000 is creeping into the SDC 2300's territory. So far, the GPX gets both smaller and deeper gold. Has anyone other observations?
  18. First off... Really liking my SDC so far and have only about 18-20hrs on it so far. Most places I hunt are pretty trashy so the Goldmonster is usually my weapon of choice. My question regarding the SDC is about threshold change over targets. I've been finding myself usually only digging targets when the threshold goes from a steady tone to a higher in pitch and softer tone? When I get a lower in pitch signal tone from the steady threshold I find myself passing on these lower than threshold pitch signal tones? In your opinion am I on to something as far as trash or gold? I'm basically lazy and try to manage my time more efficient so I try and avoid digging every signal if the odds are junk? What I've been doing lately with success is taking the SDC and finding a target, do a shallow scrape, then check with the Monster to determine whether to dig or not. Then again...packing 2 machines also takes extra time and effort (lazy me)? What are your opinions on signal pitch tones as semi reliable clues? Thanks.....
  19. Hi there, Looking at getting another detector for the Golden Triangle in Australia. Have a vlf but looking at either a new sdc2300 or a 2nd hand gpx4500 for marginally cheaper. Which one would better to learn PI with, and which one performs better? Cheers
  20. A new video has popped up comparing various nuggets on the SDC, GPX 5000 and GPX 6000. Looks like they're in pretty bad soil judging by the depths they can get the nuggets at with all of the detectors. They only use the DD on the GPX 6000 for some reason.
  21. Finding Gold Nuggets with the Minelab SDC 2300 Can I beat @Two Toes with his own Metal Detector ? We head back to finish off a few spots we left from our last trip out. Gary found some good gravel so he decided to run it though his Sluice box while I was happy to use his Minelab SDC 2300 while he was busy sluicing !!!! Those targets that we left sure paid off !!! Nothing like hearing a good sounding target sitting on bedrock . SG 041
  22. I am fortunate enough to be able to buy either a SDC2300 or a GPX5000. What I don't know is if these are significantly better than the ones I have and the expense is worth it. I already have a Minelab 705 Gold and an Equinox 800. I really want to do some gold hunting out west and of course using it for beaches would be nice also. Would either of these fill a niche that I can't already cover with the two that I have? Is either significantly better a finding gold or doing beach combing than what I have? Whatever I purchase would also have to take the place of the 705 because I will sell that. I would appreciate any advice on suitability and which pick and combination would give me the most range. And if there is enough difference to make the investment worthwhile. Thanks, Keith
  23. Moving Boulders to find more Gold Nuggets We return to move a boulder that's been keeping me awake at night just thinking about what might be underneath it. This boulder is sitting on Bedrock just above the main flow of the river so it could be loaded with Gold !!!! I worked the crevice around it and pulled out a couple pickers and a lot of lead so lets see what's under that boulder. Detectors used Minelab SDC 2300 and the White's Gold Master V-Sat . SG 040
  24. If this has been posted here already I missed it, sorry. But, wow...
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