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  1. Sharing my Quest US customer support experiences. A few months ago my Quest xpointer max protective screen film fell off and the display was scratched by me using in muddy conditions. I could no longer read the display. I reached out requesting how I could do the repair and they offered to repair the issue. The fix is below. Quest homepage-support-blog-Restore Your Xpointer Display: DIY Scratch Repair Guide. It shows my actual pinpointer posted on Jan.09/23. Recently I discovered the pointer had a faulty LED/flashlight. I never used that function and was going on a night hunt. LED would turn on but if you actually detected a target it would dim and stop working. I reached out providing the description of failure to include the video of flashlight not working. Feb 02 I received an email from Quest/Jason with apology and following "Therefore, we will be sending you a new pinpointer to replace the faulty one." In addition, we would like to investigate the issue with your current device. We hope the new pinpointer will serve you well in your future hunts. That set the expectation for a new pointer and a quicker resolution. What I experienced was me proving the pinpointer was defective, and asking Quest to honor their initial offer to send me a new pointer. They chose not to replace unit and swapped a faulty LED module. Feb 17 my pinpointer arrived. I suggest Quest be HONEST upfront on how things will be handled. I did get my repairs but not in the fashion I expected. I'll compare them to ML and XP as I have used their support in the last year. Day/Night.
  2. Would like to see the Xterra Pro vs Ques Q35, same price point, and both frequency selectable, like the the frequencies 5, 13 & 21 of the Q35. I am waiting on more people using the Q35, then will pull the trigger on either one.
  3. I have had great luck with several Quest Detectors. Hyper Speed processor. Using multiple frequencies (80+). Will give it a look see when it becomes available.
  4. Preorders only at the moment : https://www.maisondeladetection.com/100-detecteurs-quest
  5. https://www.facebook.com/100007040174067/videos/pcb.1640531536397147/604242114470474 https://www.facebook.com/100007040174067/videos/pcb.1640531536397147/203471742344361
  6. From across the big Pond
  7. Sun light reflective screen. Nice.
  8. Man this detector is sneaking in under the radar but believe me its a killer relic machine. I chatted with some guys from the UK before getting one and they didn't steer me wrong. For reference the Equinox 800 and Deus are my primary detectors but I also own a T2 SE, Tarsacci, and GPX 4500 and 5000. I hunt Civil War relics almost exclusively in mild soil. No salt water beaches, prospecting, or coin shooting but I'm betting the Q60 will do a great job in those areas as well. When these start hitting the shelves here in the states do yourself a favor and pick one up. I'll be selling all my detectors except the Deus and a GPX. Those 2 will always have their specialty. I'll try to get some video on this detector soon. Also I think the Quest Q30 is gonna take a bite out of the Simplex market.
  9. Here is a Video from You Tube but it is in Dutch you can set the sub titles to read what the guy is saying in English though but it does give people an Idea of what the Audio sounds Like
  10. Anyone seen or have one of these yet? https://www.questmetaldetectors.com/questv80hyperq?utm_campaign=547dedc1-f4e2-4f8f-9f8e-5e2549b75f73&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=19b8626f-0a28-4e37-86ed-2b757acad444
  11. V80 Manual quick start(2).pdf Here's the quick start guide for the V80, they don't have the manual up yet but this is available. Don't know why but I'm interested in this detector. The module appears to be movable on the shaft as well as the cuff.
  12. Received a PM from Quest detectors on Facebook saying early March for the V80 and V60 is when they will hit the Market. thought it was pretty cool they took the time to PM me personally, (Tail Features Wagging) LOL I replied back to them thanking them for reaching out and expressed my thoughts on the packages that will be offered for sale, I asked them to consider adding a third package for sale with just the V80 and the 9x5 coil, so we shall see here is hoping
  13. Two new videos on Utube. Dutch Guy . I in the field and one inside. I like what I see in the interface.
  14. They got off to a rough start as Deteknix, but Quest has moved on and continues to make impressive detectors at very affordable prices. Their upcoming introduction of a new multifrequency model convinced me it was time for a forum dedicated to the brand. I’ve always been for more power at lower prices, and Quest is doing that very well. Now if they would just make a PI detector! New Quest V80 Multifrequency metal detector
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  15. Hi all, I didn't know what forum to put this in sorry. I have a quest x5 with a damaged plug. Unfortunately the wires have been pulled out so I have nothing to go off. Does anyone know the pin out for the coil plug so I can install a new plug? Thanks in advance.
  16. Hello everybody, does anyone have information about this brand (Deteknix) and his metal detectors (Quest)? Has anyone test it and are there any opinions about the detectors? It is not at Steve’s data base. Thanks.
  17. Watching this review really made me want one. It seems to accomplish what Minelab kind of missed, and that is the ability to discriminate at a good distance from the object. This is what the ProFind 35 should’ve been. With Boost engaged this beast will easily hit a coin at 4”. The LCD seems super helpful in many ways, from determining what settings are what, and adding a visual dimension to discrimination. The price also seems very reasonable relative to what it does. Sooner or later I’m going to have to have one. But I already have 4 pinponters here and a Mi6 on the way to make 5. What justification can I come up with to own this too? ? but anyway, what do you guys think…does this represent the ideal pinpointer? Will it lead to a new era in pinpointer design? Will an LCD and ever advancing discrimination become standard after this?
  18. On paper this appears to be a fairly impressive unit with the depth or range that the ProFind 35 lacks to be able to make an iron tone more effective. What feedback I’ve seen on it indicates this would equal the depth of pinpointers like TRX and Tek-Point, but with more features as depicted below. Has anyone here used one? What do you think so far? Personally the only thing that would make me think twice is that I already have powerhouse pinpointers and I’m not really looking to take on any new pinpointers that aren’t part of an ecosystem. While I’m impressed with this pinpointer on paper, I haven’t seen a full sized Quest machine that really floats my boat, particularly in light of the latest machines from the big players.
  19. TESTING THE QUEST Q30+ RAPTOR 11X9 : -------------------------------------------------------- Testing conditions : Coin/relic hunting , inland , low to moderately mineralized soil , low to very high iron trash MY GRADING : 3,5 of 5 ( 14/20 ) THE PLUS : ------------ - excellent audio ,accurate and fast on targets - excellent in the irons - 14khz polyvalent frequency - high quality manufacturing - IP68 protected to 5m - easy to use - lithium ion battery - very stable / no EMI in my areas - screen backlight - very good telescopic shaft - very good wireless headphones - very good value for money ( price 450e) THE CONS : ------------ - detector front heavy ( 1360g ) / Raptor coil heavy ( 470g ) - accessories/spare parts availibility The Quest brand is quite popular in Western Europe and most of the MD dealers over here propose this brand to their customers. There are 5 Quest detectors available at the moment : - The X5 (170e) and X10 (240e) : 12khz entry level detectors for beginners and more - The Q30 (350e) and Q30+ (450e): 14khz for more experienced users - The Q60 (600e) : 5,14,21khz switchable freq / the Quest top level machine https://www.metaux-detection.fr/fr/detecteurs-quest-c102x3814868 https://www.questmetaldetectors.com/ The Q30 and Q30+ have been released on 2020 . The objective from Quest was probably to propose a serious machine able to compete with the Nokta Simplex+ and the Minelab Vanquish. Notice that the Q30+ is almost identical to the Q30, except it has an embedded bluetooth transmitter plus wireless headphones . FIRST IMPRESSIONS : ----------------------- The Q30+ is very well build . The control box is IP68 rated to 5m . This is very useful when you need to wash the CB after a muddy outing , which often occurs at the moment .. The CB has a magnetic plug for charging the lithium battery, this is more reliable than a USB connector . The telescopic shaft is very convenient and robust . The Raptor coil is a 11X9 size , it is a little too big for me I would have preferred a 10X8 or equivalent . Moreover it is heavy ( 470g without coil cover ) compared to other brands ( Equinox 11" 420g , Vanquish V10 360g ). The Q30+ with the Raptor weighs 1,36kg . This is heavier than an Equinox 11 ( 1,26kg ) or a Vanquish 440 ( 1,2kg ). But a little lighter than a NM Simplex+ . I am a little disappointed by this I expected a lighter detector .. Lets talk about the electronics. The Q30+ is a 14khz monofrequency machine . 14 khz is a very good choice because it is probably the most polyvlent VLF freq . The Q30+ has are 4 detection modes , PARK , FIELD , GOLD and BEACH. During this test I have only used the PARK and FIELD modes . The multitones can be set to 4 tones max. The Q30+ has GB , sensitivity , volume etc ... plus a screen backlight. See the details below : The Q30+ wireless headphones : You wont find advanced settings on the Q30+ like for example the reactivity ,this parameter is perfectly preset and I have never needed to change it during my field tests. Personnaly I like simple detectors , and this one is very easy to use . OK its time to start the detector. As usual I sweep it over a few targets in my yard to have a better idea of the audio. This audio is very reactive and is similar to fast detectors like the Tesoros and XP for example . Good news because I am a great fan of these audios because they are fun and efficient to use in my detecting areas , usually fields with a lot of iron trash , old nails and 1st WW shell fragments ... FIELD TESTS : --------------- I have done 5 outings with the Q30+ for a total of 8 hours. One in a little wood infested by old irons . The other outings have been done in open fields. The Q30+ has always performed very well especially in the irons and I have really been impressed by its audio , with an excellent iron filtering and very accurate and clean signals on targets. The screen conductivity IDs are quite accurate and stable , a little less than on an Equinox or a Vanquish , but it is ok for me . As I was expecting the Q30+ is front heavy with the Raptor coil and my Deus is much lighter . This is the only thing I did not like on this machine . A few pictures below ... SETTINGS : ------------ I have mostly used the PARK mode as it is a little more reactive than the FIELD mode. CONCLUSION : ---------------- I like the Q30+ . This detector is very good especially in the irons where it is fast with very clean and accurate signals on targets . It is probably one of the best audios I have ever tested . The detector is easy to use and the control box is very well protected . It has a very recent/modern design dating from 2020 . The wireless headphones are great . Everything seems to be very reliable I had no issue during these tests either with the detector or the headphones . Concerning the downsides ,the Q30+ would have deserved a lighter Raptor stock coil. For info there is an optional smaller 5X9 BladeX coil which is probably a killer . Unfortunately I could not order it as it is not available in France at the moment ... Then to summarize at 450e the Q30+ is a very good detector for coin/relic hunting , that can easily compete with the ML Vanquish or NM Simplex+ to my opinion... A few pics : ------------- During one of the outings , ir was a windy day ... A big coin ... : It is a coin from Louis XVI , 12 deniers 1791 B A smaller coin , denier tournois 16th century , but very corroded : And some rubbish in the big box ... : The Q30+ with my Deus1 Lite HF :
  20. TESTING THE QUEST X5 : --------------------------- Note : As there is apparently no dedicated QUEST topic in the forum , I decided to post in this METAL DETECTOR ADVICE and COMPARISONS topic I have tested the Quest X5 a few months ago , first part in spring , second part this summer. The Quest X5 has been released at the beginning of 2021. It is a monofreq machine running at 8khz with a modern control box powered by an integrated lithium battery . The CB is rainproof . The X5 has all the basic settings , sensitivity , volume , 3 detection modes : jewelrey , coins , all metal . It has 4 audio tones. Plus a ground balance . It uses an elliptic 10X6 coil. Last but not least , its price is very attractive at 170E ( 200$ in the US ? ) ? Long story short , I have been very impressed by this little machine . First of all it is very light , weighting only 0.99kg coil cover included ! ? ? For info there are only 4 detectors under the kg at this moment , The Deus , the Orx , and now the X5 plus its grandfather the X10 . This lightness will be appreciated by teenagers , women , and others interested by a very cumfortable to use machine ... Second it has a very good audio with an excellent iron filtering ,and very good reactivity on targets . Which means that it can be used in trashy areas like gardens , paths , yards , fields , etc ... The X5 audio recalls me some Tesoros or the teknetics T2's audio, I like it ... I have only used the X5 during 10 hours , but it looks like a robust and reliable detector. I never had any issue with it during my tests. Only a few downsides on this X5 . It is not very sensible to very small targets ( less than 1g ) due to I think its relatively low freq ( 8khz ) . And it has no bluetooth connectivity , only wired headphones can be used . And some displayed screen infos are very basic, like the conductivity scale . But beginners need simple things and the X5 is for me a perfect detector for a beginner. Or a second machine for an experienced user. Or a good detector for a person with a very limited budget ... From what I know the X5 is already a best seller over here in France . From what I have seen during these tests it is well deserved My full test of the X5 below ( sorry in French ) , I hope that Google translate will help ?... https://www.metaux-detection.fr/blog/test-du-detecteur-de-metaux-quest-x5-disque-24x14-n19 For info the X10 ( 230e/270$? ) is an improved version of the X5 with 6 audio tones , 4 modes and more detailed screen infos A few pictures : 1) The X5 display ,simple and efficient .. 2) The X5 with a Deus HF during a comparative test this summer 3) 1st coin in this field with the X5 , dating from the 17th century 4) light like a feather ... 5) A very clean and aesthetic design
  21. I’m having huge interference from the Quest using it with both XP models .Changing frequency doesn’t help .It is quiet with the Nox .Any help is welcomed . Also here in Canada having good success with G’s Sonar programme on the Deus ,though one needs to be vigilant with crown caps as they ring high tone .Pull tabs barely make high tone so are mostly recognizable , at least for me in my conditions .
  22. Two unique pulse induction pinpointers/detectors compared....
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