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Hoping For A Nokta Pulse Induction Detector

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A Nokta/Makro P.I. machine... Now That could be a home run... 

The Gold Kruzer is playing out as I had hoped...But I am finding that I am very much desiring the other half of the equation, So a P.I. is now at the top of my list..

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Hello Notka/Makro,

   I wonder what your new name will be once you have all your distribution channels consolidated.

   On the new Pi detector, how about a way to chest mount? Push button controls, a way to have wireless and 1/4 inch corded head phones. A shaft like the Simplex+, under $500? 

  I don't mind having to replace batteries after a few hours if it makes the unit lighter. However, if that means less depth due to low voltage then I'd take better depth over less weight, especially If I could chest mount. 

   Ability to change coils yet stay water proof. I would think water proof enough so that if it was dropped in a wave at the beach or falls into a pool it would be ok. 

Thank you Notka/Makro for going towards making Pi Detectors! We are willing to wait for a new, consumer request driven dector, and VERY much looking forward to see what you will do in this area!

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I would like to see a fully automatic pi or hybrid nugget detector along the lines of the style of the vlf gold monster, automatic emi tuning, couple auto prospect modes that adjust the sensitivtiy and ground balance, multi channel to cover all the detection holes,   but have the capability to adjust a few things by hand as well if needed. Keeping it simple and easy to setup and use would be nice.

I would also like to see solid coils rather than spoked,  so they slide along uneven ground better, and don't snag on veg or sticks. I like Phrunts idea of being able to use existing minelab coils. There is such a wide variety available and a lot of us already have collections of them.

Weight would be of utmost concern as well, would like to see a pi detector under 5 lbs. I would like the detector to have the ability to detect tiny gold, in the 1-5 grain range to 4" depth or so and also have the ability to detect 1/2 gram to 2 gram nuggets deep in  low mineral soil to depths of perhaps 15" on a 1.5 gram solid nugget. Not so worried about large gold at depth.

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Dear Nokta/Makro:

As far as coil compatibility, I hope that also includes Coiltek and Nuggetfinder.

I think lightweight, balance, and battery convenience are all achievable.  Please (I'm sure you have) read what Steve says about balance taking precedence over minimum weight.  A variable counterbalance system (or at least the ability for a detectorist to do that himself) would be great so that different coils can be used and still allow balance.

What I'd like to see in the battery area is both a rechargeable lithium pack and the ability to use standard AA's such as alkaline throw-aways and NiMH rechargeables.  I'd prefer not having to tether the batteries to my person -- I'd much rather just change them out when they get low on juice.

Oh, and I do hope we're talking about a dry land, native gold hunting capable detector.  Now, I'm not a beach hunter so fully waterproof isn't necessary nor do I want to pay for that, if possible to avoid.  I could imagine two versions, one for beach hunters (waterproof) and one for landlubbers (waterproof coil and rain resistant contol head).

For the headphone sockets, why not include both (at least on the dry land version) 3.5 mm AND 1/4"?  First Texas has done that in some cases and I find it extremely convenient.

Hope you don't mind all this 'help' designing your detector.  ?  As usual you're not going to make everyone happy and a Swiss Army Knife approach probably won't be feasible.  Most important to me are minimum weight for a truly balanced dry land capable detector with no tethers.  The other stuff would be nice, but I'm sure I can live without them.  As far as cost, yes that's important to me (most of us?) but you've repeatedly proven you know all about that!

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30 minutes ago, GB_Amateur said:

Now, I'm not a beach hunter so fully waterproof isn't necessary nor do I want to pay for that, if possible to avoid

We already have the heavy waterproof Garrett ATX with its ridiculous coils. And besides, the big bucks is in gold prospecting. We need that dry land only light weight machine the ATX could have been but that Garrett refuses to build.

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Just another thought to "kill two birds with one stone":  For the counterbalance to accomodate heavier coils, have a way to attach spare battery packs.  This allows you to carry the battery spares on your person (pocket, backpack, etc.) when not needed for counterbalancing but easily used as counterweight when a heavy coil is mounted.


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The cost to make a light waterproof case is negligible at this point! May as well just make it submersible to ten feet like the Simplex, Equinox, or AT series! It should also break down or collapse small enough to fit into a backpack! You all covered the battery options well enough!     ( both would be nice)! 

    Here's my argument on waterproofness: Say you hike in somewhere you are unfamiliar with to do dry detecting, but end up near a stream or wash and see some promising wet locations! You only have the one detector; dry only except for coil! Do you risk a dunk with this machine if you slip, or have the piece of mind of a waterproof unit! Seems like an easy choice to me!

Now obviously salt water is a different animal, and requires different software that may not be compatable in a PI detector! I'm only talking inshore locations! But it would be nice to have the "get wet" ability!

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