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The manticore "deal" currently running that includes 3 coils got my juices flowing once again. I have owned a EQ800 and 900 and Deus I in the past, I was not able to dedicate time to adequately learning the machines and ended up selling them all and migrating back to my MXT PRO for a turn on and go machine.

Realizing now that any of the others could fill that role as well if I kept my fingers from gerfloppen around has gotten me thinking "time to upgrade". One noted  idea that began to move me is that there was a time when Steve had the MXT as almost legnedary, but sometime recently kinda downgraded it as past its prime due to its single frequency.

So I am looking for a multi frequency machine for the broad range of detecting types of which gold and relics are more limited endeavors but nugget shooting is in my future as a western US guy with retirement coming into view.

I have looked high and low and can't really find any definitive discussions on who has the best ground tracking/elimination system which is on top of my list as well as the multi-freq. capability.

Being west coast based, my general range includes mostly difficult soils, and I am not close enough to salt water beaches where people are all that willing to jump in or lay in the sun (when it infrequenctly does shine)although I do get some chances to hunt inland lakefront beaches from time to time. I prefer old parks and campgrounds and am planning a backcountry trip into the Bitteroots and Rockies to do a bit of prospecting in the not so distant future.

I have diligently read comments from Steve, Jeff, phrunt and others so have a pretty broad understanding of what's out there, but most of the comments about comparisons etc. are a year or so old and am hoping to hear some thoughts on how things have been progressing with better coil selections, user experience, factory updates etc.

I realize that gains to "depth" transferring from my old MXT to more recent detectors will come from great ground handling, faster recovery speeds and other refined tools so am not looking for a holy grail, just an entry point that will keep me going for the next 5 years or until sombody really moves the bar up.

I am intrigued by the manticore 2d display as it seems reminiscent of my etrac and V3i visual feedback. I just can't seem to settle in on a choice, but the current ML Manticore deal seems pretty attractivfe... anybody want to shine some light??

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  • The title was changed to Manticore - 900 - D2- Other??

I can tell you that I don’t miss my Deus 2, and I’m glad I replaced it with a Manticore. The main reasons are I disliked the menu structure of the Deus 2. I also disliked having to charge 3 separate components (especially the screw on charger for the remote and the fragile feeling clip on coil charger) and the wonky water setup. I really don’t have anything negative to say about the Deus 2’s performance. I just prefer the Manticore way of doing things and just being able to get on about the business of water detecting without extra steps and the silly look of an antenna wrapped around the stem a hundred times. The Manticore also has a more intuitive menu structure to my eyes anyway. And now with the 3 coil deal, it’s arguably a better deal than when it was marked down to $1199. If you were going to buy those two extra coils anyway you’re saving at least $597, and I say at least because if you call a dealer ahead of time they may knock a little more off the top. 

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46 minutes ago, ☠ Cipher said:

I just prefer the Manticore way of doing things

That sums it up for me. They both perform. Yet they go about doing what they do in vastly different ways. If you think the concept of proprietary wireless coils is cool that’s a point for XP. If you prefer more coil options in the form of wired coils, point for Minelab. Then look hard at the manuals for how the various options are accessed, the menus, how the screen looks, etc. I find it hard to believe that if you accept that both will get the goodies, that most people will not have strong feelings about the various other aspects I mentioned. I totally get and respect why some people prefer the XP way of doing things. Personally, I prefer the Minelab way. It’s just personal preference thing in my opinion more than anything else. Anyone that can’t be successful with either option needs to work harder on their detecting skills.

Yeah, I’m ignoring the 900. For me it’s D2 or Manticore.

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Starting from scratch, I'd go with the Manticore.

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Or maybe wait a few days (or weeks/months?) to see what the new Garrett machine has to offer?

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Just now, cudamark said:

Or maybe wait a few days (or weeks/months?) to see what the new Garrett machine has to offer?

That sounds like good advice actually. The Minelab Manticore deal is active until 7/1/24, so there’s time to see what Garrett has to offer and what timeframe it will be available. 

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