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  • The title was changed to Nokta's New PI Machines

Me🖐️ Me🖐️ Me🖐️

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I do believe that Nokta wants to make sure they have it right the first time before their PI detector shows it’s face. I know they’ve said two PIs but I’m not sure what’s behind their thinking on having two.

 I believe their price of each will put a PI detector in a price range than more can afford than others we have now. One thing we can look forward to and that it will be waterproof.

 I know it’s been a while from the last time something was said about them but just maybe it won’t be too much longer we have to wait.


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I'm in this anticipation simply because I feel a waterproof PI possibly with some sort of discrimination is coming, I like the Algoforce but hope competition solves some issues.

I have places both in water and on land that it would be good to squeak out a few more finds from, but I don't want to dig 2 feet for an old bolt or farm shard.

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I just wish they'd get their arse into gear, I'm hanging off on buying an AlgoForce.. 

  • Like 8

 I'm sure they are watching the development of AlgoForce. This is a good thing even if it causes some delay. @phrunt just made a nice informative Post about the latest E1500 update/upgrade. They have raised the bar for Nokta & everyone else on an affordable, versatile, general purpose PI.

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