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Salt Sensitivity, What Is The Actual Effects Of It On Programs?

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Do the settings have any effect when not in salt water areas? Does it make any difference on the filters in non salt areas?

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On 7/24/2024 at 10:03 AM, DWerk said:

Do the settings have any effect when not in salt water areas? Does it make any difference on the filters in non salt areas?

Like all filters there are tradeoffs - including those directly addressed in the D2 manual, and perhaps other interactions that are not so obvious and that are not explicitly addressed.  The known trade on the salt sensitivity filter (applicable ONLY to the Beach/Dive programs 10, 11, and 12) is that if you set it for low sensitivity on salt, it can then reduce the sensitivity of small gold (micro jewelry) or other low/mid-conductive targets that ring up in the region from 25 to 35.  If you intend to use a beach mode in non-salt water areas, I would suggest increasing salt sensitivity to max to see how it responds to small targets.  The salt sensitivity setting as well as the magnetic ground filter (reject/accept) (also only applicable to Programs 10, 11, and 12) can have some benefit in soils that have salt-like properties that cause ground noise. 

That all being said, if you are really detecting in non-salt water areas and areas with no salt-like mineral soil properties that can be mitigated with the salt sensitivity or magnetic ground filter, there really is no reason to use the Beach modes for detecting there.  No upside, only downside in mid/low conductive target sensitivity.  If you really are not seeking targets in those lower TID ranges, then simply notch them out rather than chancing reducing your detector sensitivity overall with the beach mode salt filter.

Page 18 of the D2 Manual describes salt sensitivity settings and tradeoffs.  Page 23 of the D2 Manual describes how the Magnetic Ground filter should be used.  HTH


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