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  • The title was changed to Weekly Wrap Up Aug 12 To 14

Great hunt on the finds and glad that you are fine.

Hope you get the equipment fixed and back out there.

Good luck and stay safe out there.

  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, Airtemisa said:

Which model of compressor are you using?

You can easily find it under the name of Z270 or Z500, which only means basic or higher battery Amps up to 6 hours.

I bought it for around 500 bucks shipped and luckily paid back the price soon...Eight months later, after the ruptures of air breathing tube and leaks, piston's gasket due to saltwater filtration inside the chamber, battery light short due to minimal flooding and totally rebuild by my hands...I'd say leave it where it is on the dealer's place.

Right now, in the middle of a delicate moment for "season" real start, I'm fu#k#d up without a light air source and forced to step back to scuba cilynders🤬🤬🤬

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2 hours ago, Skull diver said:

Вы можете легко найти его под названием Z270 или Z500, что означает только базовую или более высокую мощность аккумулятора до 6 часов.

Я купил его примерно за 500 баксов с доставкой и, к счастью, вскоре вернул цену...Восемь месяцев спустя, после разрыва дыхательной трубки и протечек, прокладка поршня из-за фильтрации соленой воды внутри камеры, короткое замыкание аккумулятора из-за минимального затопления и полная реконструкция моими руками...Я бы посоветовал оставить его там, где он есть, на месте продавца.

Прямо сейчас, в самый ответственный момент перед настоящим стартом "сезона", я не справляюсь без источника легкого воздуха и вынужден вернуться к снаряжению для подводного плавания🤬🤬

Do you flush with fresh water after using the z500?

34 minutes ago, Alexnov said:

Do you flush with fresh water after using the z500?

Always, as usual for every piece of equipment used for diving...But the regular salt corrosion can destroy easily every metal component.

I admit a recent issue due to accidental internal flooding by water suction inside the chamber (compressor upside down among waves), but inside, even changing completely the motor with a brand new one, a good part of other components is seriously ruined to the point of not working anymore.

So, eight months and the structure its been almost completely damaged and to rebuild.

Not to mention the air tube fragility and related leaks, prone to led the motor to work almost continuously due to insufficient pressure to stop the pressure switch. 

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I currently have my second Nemo unit.
The first one went out of calibration, and I repaired it. And after a while, it became out of calibration, so I sold it and bought the second one. And for now it holds up.

They have released the Nomad Mini version, with improvements on the weak points of the Nemo (they told me about it in the official technical service) but it seems that the autonomy is not the same, so I don't pay attention to it.

For now, Nemo. And I hope for a long time.

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