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Hi friends, what do you think about this information? is this true?

The devices currently sold in the market are only for small pieces. As for the buried treasure, it has a special frequency, and even if you pass over it with the machine, it will not ring it. It will only give an unclear sound as if it is sensing the soil. This has been tested. I had placed a target in the shape of a real treasure in an unfilled space at a depth of fifty centimeters. When I closed it, the machine rang it. But after I left it for two years, it stopped ringing it as if it was not there. The reason is that its atomic composition changed and its frequency changed. I had placed two targets, one copper and the other iron. Neither one was detected.


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  • The title was changed to Frequency Changes In Buried Items In Unfilled Space
On 12/27/2024 at 5:59 PM, detector said:

Ahojte priatelia, čo si myslíte o tejto informácii? je to pravda?

Zariadenia, ktoré sa v súčasnosti na trhu predávajú, sú len na malé kusy. Čo sa týka zakopaného pokladu, ten má špeciálnu frekvenciu a aj keď cez neho prejdete strojom, nezazvoní. Vydá len nejasný zvuk, ako keby snímal pôdu. Toto bolo odskúšané. Do nezaplneného priestoru v hĺbke päťdesiat centimetrov som mal umiestnený terč v tvare skutočného pokladu. Keď som ho zatvoril, zazvonil stroj. Ale potom, čo som to dva roky nechal, prestalo to zvoniť, ako keby tam nebolo. Dôvodom je, že sa zmenilo jeho atómové zloženie a zmenila sa jeho frekvencia. Mal som umiestnené dva terče, jeden medený a druhý železný. Ani jeden nebol zistený.


Brian,,as you correctly said-the effect of a freshly buried hole ..give a signal similar to the target signal or in the second case help to detect the located target....

The effect of a buried hole disappears after a certain time..and this can really affect the detection of the target..and here the real detection capabilities of the tested detector can be shown...,,and it often happens that some buried targets are difficult to detect...

it can be one of two factors...:
The first is that such a pile of targets represents an Extra highly conductive target...which not all detectors can detect well...

For example, a colleague has a 5kg lead brick buried at 50 cm in the test field-and this target is a detection problem for many detectors...

The second factor is, let's say, that the composition of the targets can to a certain extent affect what can be heard to an irregular signal...which the detector can often give iron to the signal...it's something similar to a column of coins...which many detectors can't detect..

When you add to that the oxidation of the targets as Carl wrote, you have another effect,,which can significantly reduce the detection of targets...

I can also tell you...that if the tested target is clearly visible to the detector...it's no problem to detect a 500 gram silver depot pearl and coin at a depth of 80 cm..- that's what my colleague has buried in his Top Digin test field..



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3 hours ago, Geotech said:

I'd need to get some additional details from the OP, but it sounds like he subscribes to the notion that particular metals resonate at particular frequencies. This is nonsense widely promoted by people who sell LRLs.

Most non-ferrous targets have a dominant tau which has a peak response at a particular frequency. It's not a "resonant" frequency, it's just how the math falls out in common metal detector designs. Ferinstance, a US silver quarter has a peak response at about 1kHz, but obviously they are commonly detected at all sorts of frequencies. I suspect in his case that corrosion has reduced the apparent size of the combined target, making it harder to detect.

That's what i thought me too. maybe the target got smaller. but he says that this happen only in unfilled space.

I tried to watch the video but the CC translator didn't work well. From what I can gather, he does believe that particular metals respond to particular frequencies, which isn't true. As to why his target fades over time, I can't say for certain.

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According to the practice of one of my colleagues... a very well-known treasure hunter... *Saper... a proven way to use for searching for buried deposits is to use a detector with true Allmetal or Dual mode - Mix mode, because in this way you will not miss such a signal... even with the correct coil sweeping technique you can largely eliminate small iron waste that is in the field...

Saper... has treasure hunting in his DNA - already as a boy he found detectors in caves in his area .. a pot with Roman coins...and so far ...he has already found several treasures...

The treasure that he found in the video was located at a depth of 1.3 meters .. and he found it with Fisher cz 3D in Allmetal..


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