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Detecting with CM

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Posts posted by Detecting with CM

  1. This tokens were found with an Equinox 900 in April and/or May of 2024. 

    The first token shown had two German words on it. The piece cut off might have had the letter M on it. It might have other writing on it too. 


    This token has IOOF and at least the letters L and T on one side while the other side has Sovereign Grand Lodge, IOOF, and 1834 on the other side. 


    Does anybody have any information on these tokens?


  2. Quick Question: Would you rather use a 6000 with the 13'' by 17'' coil or the 5000 with a 13'' by 17'' evo coil on a two gram nugget? That's the average size of nuggets here. And how much would a 15'' evo coil give me over that?

  3. This is my first post on a detecting forum of any kind. Hopefully I'll learn from this forum. If it helps to find more gold, the more the merrier. 

    I own a GPX 6000, but have used an GB 2, and a SDC 2300. 

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