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The purpose of this website is to educate and inform interested parties about gold prospecting, metal detectors, and metal detector technology. Membership requires participation, see the last paragraph below for details.
Keep posts focused on prospecting and metal detecting. Off topic posts will be moved or deleted. When visiting this forum act as if you are visiting my home. I demand that all members be treated with decency and respect. Politeness is the order of the day here. If you can't act like a decent human being go away now. No detector wars, and NO POLITICS. We are here to exchange information in an enjoyable way. See the Forum Info message pinned at the top of the each forum for details. Dealers are welcome as long as they abide by My Dealer Policies. This site is not related to any manufacturer or dealer sites and is for informational purposes only. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. There are no warranties expressed or implied as to the results obtained from the use of the information contained on this site. Any opinions expressed are just that - opinions, and should not be relied upon as a sole factor in making decisions.
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New members have limited access until they have made at least 10 posts and been a member more than 30 days. There is no access to PMs or posting links or ads until after 10 posts and 30 days. Attempting to post links or ads before those requirements are met may result in account deletion. In addition any account that has not posted at all in the first 30 day period will be deleted - the Meet & Greet Forum is a good place to start. Anyone with more than one but less than 10 posts will remain in the Member account status indefinitely. The accounts that make at least ten valid posts and have been a member at least 30 days will automatically be promoted to Full Member status. This will give access to the PMs and the Classifieds, ability to add profile information, ability to include links, and more.