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  2. Ya, Tony's headsets are very well made and sound great. The feedback on these has been very good and they have really increased my chain count. Hope the book has helped you. Good Luck, clive
  3. thanks Tony I totally agree. Its a half hour job to begin with and grdat care has to be taken. Best case out though and once you do have it locked down and some Silca Gel in there you are pretty well set. Im concerned about heat transfer and condensation with this high powered board but my GQA2 is in a BH case--never an issue. (Image: GQA2 and CS6PI). cjc
  4. Good post Chase. Very logical thoughts, data & construction.
  5. It's stories like that, that will keep the enthusiasm strong in this hobby. That was a great read Steve. If you haven't already written a book, you should for sure. I can see how 6 yrs would leave a bad taste. I'd feel that way too. Either way, I enjoyed reading your story, and I'm sure many others have, and will too. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Yesterday
  7. Besides, the best of the journal ended the season Jacob passed away. That's where it should have stopped. Just look at it that way.
  8. Steve I'm glad you finally have your found gold ring home.. even though it took so long... But I want to ask you one thing,,,to reconsider..another trip to Great Britain..because I believe there are people from Europe who are on this forum and would like to meet you.. . ..I think that wouldn't be a bad idea....even though it would need to be planned somehow..
  9. It's not like that. I'm just not up for writing it any longer. Sorry. If I ever finish it I'll mail it to some of you. Thanks again.
  10. You know I've been thinking about you quitting the journal. So now we know I guess that for you it was all about the numbers. How many readers your journal attracted. I'm sorry that you're number of viewers is not up there with what you expected. The 100 or more of us faithful readers that have been with you from the beginning have no control over the rest of those people. I feel a little bit gutted that you feel no obligation to your faithfuls to even at least finish the current episode. We aren't worth that much? You say that you appreciate us, and you probably do somewhat, but you are throwing us away because you didn't get the number of views that you expected. What is it with that? I don't feel used or anything like that but I am disappointed that because you just can't get over not having thousands of readers, you're just quitting on the rest of us like we don't matter. So I guess it is what it is but I was really starting to like you man and now I just want to kick your butt. Not really, I'm just kidding about that. You would kill me. I hope you realize that we have grown fond of you and your journal writings. You could probably write about anything and I would enjoy reading it. Please get over the thing about the numbers and remember that the 100 or so that you have are really solid people and we are worth your time!
  11. not there yet
  12. Just like the old timers I wrote about who worked my claims, all things must pass - even the journal. If you're out there on some of those old mines and listen real hard you just might hear the clanging of the pick axe or the shovel banging away at those rich gravels. There's gold yet to be had. Nothing lasts forever, not even the journal. So long everyone. See you around the big Sierra Nevada territory. All Things Must Pass.
  13. Awesome, can't wait to try it out. FREE UPDATE! Vortex VX9 firmware update 2.07 is releasing this week! Check out our YouTube video for a sneak peek of the upgrades. They include: updates and improvements to iron filters; increased detection depth on high conductors; improved battery charging time; improved Target ID separation in Multi-Frequency operation; upgrades to Notch Discrimination adjustments, including numeric ranges from reference; and more. VX9 Update 2.07 will be available on Garrett Direct to current Vortex owners at no cost.
  14. I know that XP Deus manufactures their product in France. I do not know about Minelab---maybe in Australia. Just a question that I have comes to mind. How can and why did Minlab sell its Manticore a few months ago for 500$ less than it sells them for now?
  15. Not so fast. Multiple factors will likely keep nickels from facing the same fate, at least in the near term. Even though nickels cost about 14 cents to manufacture (13.7 cents to be precise), that's only about 2.7x of the face value of the coin whereas for pennies, the cost is 3.7x. Note also that the intrinsic material value of a zincoln is less than a penny while that of a a nickel is slightly more than 5 cents. The mint manufactures about 202 million nickels vs. 3.2 billion pennies. Therefore, the mint loses about $86 million every year manufacturing pennies while "only" losing $18 million manufacturing nickels. Finally, in the market place, rounding up by a penny has less of an impact than rounding up by a nickel, even though we are mostly a cashless society as evidenced by the slowly diminishing amounts of fresh clad drops we are seeing in the usual places (beaches and parks). BTW a quarter costs ~15 cents to manufacture per coin and a dime costs ~6 cents, which you can see are less than face value. So they are actually "profitable" to manufacture FWIW
  16. I for one enjoyed the saga and found it more interesting than a lot of the boring stuff on this forum, especially some of the sycophantic nonsense about Aussie gold hunters and the associated BS. As a long time prospector I can tell you that some of the Aussie gold hunters were total phonies, and far more fictitious than Ghost Miner.
  17. I was just reading a thread on the expensive shipping prices. I joined a shipping website called "pirateship". It's free to join and reduces shipping and insurance prices drastically. Even if you don't ship often, it's free price makes it worth it. I saved over $100 on shipping one detector. I've used it several times and have never had an issue. They give you prices and options for both ups, and usps. They did not offer fedex shipping as of the last time I used it. Www.pirateship.com It is legit I am in no way affiliated with this company. I just thought I would bring this to your attention, since I have used it successfully, and saved plenty .
      • 1
      • Thanks
  18. Short answer is a 6000 with a 11” coil will go 10” on a 4 grammar in my very mineralized soils. Stock 5000 in Fine Gold and 12” Evo hits it at 12 to 13” and modded does 14”, could not run the 5000 in Sensitive Extra as too much mineralization here. 7000 has struggled on beating the mod 5000 on several solid nuggets I checked with both but the 7000 and 6000 excels on the disseminated specimens types over the 5000. Warning though as running a mod is not a very easy task as you are dealing with a pulse width adjustment knob and a boosted receive signal knob causing several issues that require many fine adjustments and experimentation to get this to achieve the extra performance without raising the noise levels or causing the coil to go dead or down in performance. IMHO Minelab new timings are so refined in the 6000 that if the next release uses the same timings or deeper timings as the legacy 5000 has then it will be a better experience and option than the modded older pulse timings and well worth the wait.
  19. Agreed, someone should make one for the Manticore, 24" or so long.
  20. We are gathered here today to mourn the zincoln , BAHZEENYA ! OK that's long enough ! 🥸 It will be more than a week till they all rot away and we'll still have the halos fo-evarrrr .😩
  21. Picked up one of these 24x12 Coiltek UFO'S in mint condition, yeah the single tab mount is weird. Could probably epoxy a second ear in place. For it being nose-heavy, I'm thinking a length of thin elastic cord cord from the coil tip to the base of grip would balance the coil while still allowing easy angle adjustment on the fly. And would retain keeping the coil out away from your feet, which seems like a good idea.
  22. Rob and AZoutback are out, haven't seen one on eBay recently. Of anyone has one collecting dust, pls drop me a note, thanks!
  23. That's an awesome find Steve. But six years is bureaucracy gone crazy
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