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Gus In Idaho

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Posts posted by Gus In Idaho

  1. Hey guys,
    I am going to start working on a "Prospecting Articles" page for my website.
    My goal is to put together a large list of short stories from fellow prospectors about their gold adventures.
    If you are interested in being featured on my website, and can put together a story on a successful gold outing I would be most appreciative!
    Your story can be about any type of Gold Prospecting.
    Some of the things I will need with your story are:
    *A Title. *A few images that will be placed within your story. *The State or Region the story took place. *Your name, nickname, or alias.

    Please email your story to me at Gus@NaturalGoldTrader.com

    Many thanks for your help with this guys,

  2. Hi Tom,

    Yeah the value of a specimen like this is based more on rarity and beauty than gold content. This piece is worth many times more than it's gold weight.

    Of course it's only worth what someone is willing to pay, however there are some serious mineral specimen collectors that will pay big bucks for stuff like this.

    I know of two gorgeous chevron nuggets with a total weight of 2 ounces that sold for $25K.

    Man-made artwork sells for big bucks... This is Mother Nature's artwork, and it's composed of one of the rarest and most sought after elements on the planet!

    Gold is rare, Nuggets are even rarer, Crystalline specimens like this are.... well you get the point.

    Thanks for your great question Tom.


  3. I have handled a lot of gold through the years, but this has to be one of the finest high grade specimens to date!
    It weighs 24.65 Grams, and was found with a metal detector in California.
    Brilliant gold with lots of Octahedron crystals.
    I can only imagine what the crystals might look like under the quartz.
    Enjoy the eye-candy!
    Best of luck on your next prospecting adventure....







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