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Posts posted by ignas

  1. 28 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    Happy Hunting - its a great time full of surprises so welcome to the insane asylum.

    Yeah, what with the learning of the equipment, the interference, digging up the false alarms & the Aussie sun beating down on my half bald noggin I'm sure the experts in the asylum will be equally confused trying to detect the short circuit.

    • Like 1
  2. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the welcome & the considered & thoughtful response.

    Looks like I'll be waiting for some reports to come out. Glad you have set up this forum & not allowing the biased & opinionated comments to come through. It's a relief to see the fake news is is not getting heard. There has been a tad too much of that lately. 

    I'm assuming the Gold Monster would have most of it's problems in Western Australia where the iron ore is abundant & the eastern states have less of an issue. More research for me to do before considering it. Having sorted that out it could be be a case of seeing how good the Equinox's gold detection is in comparison to the next best other specialist gold detector in my price range.

    Will be looking forward to you & Jonathan's reports in due course. 







    • Thanks 1
  3. Hi Chase,

    Thanks for the advice & info. Totally understand a newbie can be unaware/unrealistic, over purchase & lose interest quickly. Also aware it's for fun & rarely pays for the beer money let alone equipment, fuel, effort etc. 

    After looking at the prices of a 7000, 5000, 2300 the Equinox is light relief. I've done quite a bit of research, been detecting with a newbie friend who purchased the 2300 first up. Talk about the blind leading the blind (now experts at cleaning up ferro trash). The joke being we could have opened up as scrap metal franchise. 

    I may consider it as an allrounder & entry level gold detector & if I get serious I could up grade to a specialist gold detector as required. As you say it will probably hold it's value for resale, though from reading about other people's equipment it would most likely complement rather than a replacement in one's arsenal. 


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  4. On 04/01/2018 at 5:35 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

     toss in a few gold nuggets.

    Hi Steve,

    A first timer here on this site & in detecting in general. Hope this is the right place to be asking this type of question.

    I was wondering if the Equinox is a good purchase if I intend to detect some coins for a bit of fun & practice but would most likely spend most of my time detecting gold. When you say "toss in a few gold nuggets" exactly how good would it be as first purchase & probably only purchase when I'm probably looking a spending no more than about $US1,200 at this stage. Would I be better off purchasing a specialist gold detector like the Gold Monster or similar. I would be using it in mostly NSW, Australian old gold fields & a few Sydney beaches.

    Hope you can make sense of what I'm trying to say.





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