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Steve (UT)

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Posts posted by Steve (UT)

  1. I found this button in a early 1900’s park in Utah County. I has a 3 point crown in the middle. No luck on the “google machine” so hopefully someone on here may have some insight as to a date and or manufacturer.

    The Nox read brass area but it was found about 8” with a square nail next to it.

    thanks for any help with this!



  2. I am new to this forum and wanted to drop a line and say thanks for having me. I am newer to the hobby due to military service and have started back up recently with a Nox800 that I purchased from Gerry in Idaho, who is by far the best dealer around and he is super helpful. I will definitely recommend him to anyone looking for a new machine. 

    Is there anyone else on here from Utah? Specifically the Utah County area that might want to do some detecting? 

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