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Posts posted by starvin1374

  1. Thanks.

    Sporting ovals are high volume traffic with a higher chance of dropped coins , lawns are like miners moss for $1 &$2 coins and normally hidden very near the surface. Set your detector to a very low sensitivity (cuts out irrigation pipes) and start detecting, you learn very quickly the correct signal for each coin. When I have a good signal(8cm or less) I use my pointer to find the exact location and then pop the coin out with a flat head screw driver , if my pointer cannot find the signal then i leave it. If I am unsure of the signal I leave it while on ovals.

    I don't use a digger on public ovals and always repair any disruption to the surface. Hence you can not tell that I have even been there. My personal strategy is that I go out at first light and detect away from any general public , the soil is normally moist for easier extraction of coins and return home by 9am(as my children and wife are waking up).

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  2. Sorry , I didnt want to start any debates. ....... but back to the ctx3030.

    I also bought the coiltek 10x5 a few months back with the intension of using in gold areas and would like to share this story.

    The weekend after buying the coil I went back to my weekend property. Over the past year of owning a 3030 I have found over 60 pre decimal coins plus military items (1st horse regiment) at this location and I had thought that I had hunted it out. I think it might of been an early military training camp.

    I connected the 10x5 coil and gave it a run , unbelievable!!! I sniffed out another 12 coins including a silver 1898 British shilling at good depth. The target seperation was awesome. Returning to canberra I went out to an oval using the 17 inch coil without much luck so I went to the car and put on the 10x5 coil and went back to the same area. I was walking at the same pace but was plucking coins left right and center. I admit the area was very trashy but I ended up with $45 and a silver ring!

    so I cant wait to try the gold program with the 10x5 coil on some good gold infested ground.

    Could anyone tell me the types of singals a small nugget would come up as ?




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  3. Gold hound

    It was excellent separation and yes I had the target trace on using the 17inch coil. The lost ring was found in an area that was a fire pit many years ago so you could imagine all the trash in the area. The 22ct ring was a thick wedding band and rang a solid repeatable 12/27. The 18ct was also a thick wedding band (4.7 grams) , it also was a very strong repeatable signal at 12/23.

    I was only using the gone hunting program when coin hunting but now I mainly use yours because

    I was missing so many good targets. I got $34 this morning , only two pieces of junk in that hunt . I was expecting another ring !! But as you know a good location makes all the difference.

    Thanks again

    ps-sorry for posting a pic of coins on your gold forum.



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  4. Hi gold hound

    Thanks for your program , its a cracker and thought I would share a story with you.

    While laid up with a torn hamstring I was searching for a good program for my ctx3030 and came across yours , so I installed it with the intension of using it on an old Chinese gold mining area. Once I could walk again I was busting to try it out so I went to a local oval for a quick test. I normally just hunt parks and ovals for coins so my test area I had already hunted out the $1 & $2 coins but it's also trashy , so perfect to test this program. I kid you not within 15 minutes a had a very clear signal 8 cm down so I dug it. Man I could not believe that within 15 minutes I found a 18ct gold Ring.

    A week later an elderly man approached me on the Oval and asked if my machine could pick up gold. I told him the story about the 18ct ring. He was impressed and asked if I could help him with finding his 22ct wedding ring that he lost 20 years ago. I agreed to help him out and meet up last Saturday to have a look. He had lost his ring while throwing some wood on a bonfire during a cracker night and thought it went into the fire.

    There was heaps of trash in the area so I switched to your gold program, 20 minutes later and only 5 cm down I had a clear signal , couldn't believe it as it was his ring. He was a very happy man.

    2 gold rings in 3 outings. I have not tested it yet on the gold fields but will report back when I have.

    So thanks again.



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