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Cancelled Airline Guy

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Posts posted by Cancelled Airline Guy

  1. 1 hour ago, Carolina said:

    I understand your thought process. Save time digging all that junk, and there is plenty of it !!! That really pisses me off, why people use the beach for a garbage can. Pull tabs to diapers. They are just damn lazy I guess. This in mind, I am a water hunter. My notch program is learning to stack the odds in my favor, on how water classifies the targets for me. I am a water hunter 90 percent of the time. My dirt is mostly spent on Colonial sites. This picture is all a years worth of water hunts. My three main methods  of attack are, notch the iron, dig everything else and location, location, location. Gold can be found from 28 to 85 in this picture. Anything in this picture not jewelry was a stroke of luck and again use of all three methods above. Get in the water chest deep if you want to cut down on the trash and once you hit gold, slow down to a crawl. Work that area hard and use your feet to move some gravel and gain some depth. Gold tends to congregate close together in spots, at least that’s my finding. Good luck everybody.


    Ok, you have my attention. Very impressive. Do you always use a wetsuit this time a year or have you tried weighters? Do you always hunt the ocean or have you hunted the sound side? Are you in North Carolina or South? Thanks

  2. Absolutely worth the risk. I’m taking my cover off. If you hunt 200 days a year with an average hunt of 5 hours: that’s a 1.99 a hunt or .39 an hour if the coil last a year. If it last 2 years then .99 a day or 18.5 cents an hour. I find enough sinkers to cover that cost. I’m not trying to have a pristine deus2 a year from now anyway. 

  3. Yea, 9 to 11 is a 4.4oz jump. I started with 11. Took 9 months to get a 9”. That Ws6 master in the front pocket with ear buds and the 9” coil is ridiculous. But, I hunt mostly with 11, RC and wire for water. Anyhow, Im waiting on the 13x11. But if history shows anything, I’ll probably end up only hunting beaches with the 11. That’s what happened with my Nox. The big coil was awesome but it will take a toll. And I eventually got the counterweight and still went back to the 11. 

  4. I just had a huge awakening. When the coil is flat on the packed sand and I unweight it for the slide, undoubtedly I am unweighting the rear of the coil more, even if it’s still touching. Less friction on back and more on front causes the front left or right side to catch an edge way too much and roll up. This doesn’t happen nearly as much with center point, because the friction is generally evenly spread unless I twist my wrist and drag the low edge which is desirable but not intuitive because your dragging slightly aft of center edge corner with Deus2. Thank you, this product will correct my issue and suits my technique and style of sweep on hard packed sand. 

  5. I wonder if that centering device would help my coil slide better on top of wet hard sand. My deus2 11” is always catching. I have sanded down the coil cover raised edges. But I swear my 800 glides better. So I was wondering if that device would help ergonomics and sliding on top without getting snagged all the time?

    9 minutes ago, F350Platinum said:

    Just putting a centering device on my 11" made a big difference. If there is one for this coil the difference between the two should be fairly negligible. Looking forward to it! 👍


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