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Record Reviews posted by Lammerlaw

  1. I bought an Equinox800 and took it to my property and had a guest there with a Gold Monster. I found it a great deal easier to use than the Equinox so immediately purchased a Gold Monster and have never looked back.

    The only bad thing is that it is TOO GOOD! It would pick up mere specks in the gravel and that wasted my time but the first time I took it out I paid for it twice over in an hour or so.

    It runs silent so there is no threshold and when it detects even the smallest piece of gold it is loud enough for even me to hear and I have an 80 percent hearing loss at talking level. The only down side is that on occasions it gives an almighty BEEP and you think you have the grand daddy of all nuggets but it turns out to be a very small piece very close to the coil.

    The photograph is of 2/3 of the gold found on my first outing with it. Over 24 grams in the photo.


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