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Posts posted by troutsnouter

  1. Thanks for all the advice...and I will get that book you mentioned GB_Amateur...

    I almost ordered a GB2 but after reading some of this and doing a bit of snouting, it seems that I may need to go with a PI. I don't have a ton of bedrock around here, but they say my river has been known for gold. This winter, she really went nuts raging over her banks, and there may be small gold lying around. The most that I can spend is about $2500 US. If you had to pick one detector within that budget... WHAT WOULD IT BE?  

  2. I am new to this forum and fairly new to prospecting in general, but I have jumped in with both feet though and I staked a claim nearby where I plan to do a lot of practicing. There are a lot of inside bend gravel bars in the area, and I am wondering if you can successfully detect for gold on bars mostly covered with large round boulders? Is this something that a Goldbug 2 would be capable of? Or would you want to go with an ATX Deepseeker 20" mono in a place like this? I am hoping to decide on what type of detector to buy and any input would be much appreciated. There is not a lot of bedrock in the area. The river was raging this winter and I'm hoping to scour the bars and river banks. I just don't know if this is the type of ground that is conducive to detecting. Thanks!!!

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