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Posts posted by iqwozpoom

  1. I was hoping for a dual frequency machine myself, looks like I'll stick with my cz and mxs. I had an at pro, great machines with a few quirks that bugged me like floating in water, but the deal breaker was the bashing my ears got in iron. It's too bad they didn't add iron volume.

    Unless I see a new dual frequency machine come out I'm pretty good on new machines with the exceptions of some of the euro analogs. Maybe we'll see some US companies take advantage of the interest and relative success that those machines have enjoyed even without a domestic manufacturer. Micro mx pro? Mini beach hunter id? A mini cz3d? Maybe a dual frequency Tesoro, a Bulgarian inspired Tesoro?  I don't know but I do know whites and fisher have some patents that look interesting and Tesoro is still kicking so maybe we will be surprised.

  2. Speaking of the mx sport and coils, it looks like Whites is working on making a 5.3! There is a thread on another forum and tboykin is asking for testers. I would try an take him up on the offer only I don't know the first thing about being a tester and have my plate full with work for a couple weeks. I've tried the big coils before but usually find myself using the smaller ones 90% of myself. As soon as the 5.3 is ready for prime time I'll be picking one up!

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  3. Here's an interesting video 

    I know that mixed metal coins ring up best with a Tesoro for me. Not knocking the Mxs, I really like mine and my Racer as well but a simple disc and concentric work. Hopefully we'll see the 5.3 coil available one day. I know the 950 is available, but I'm holding out for now.

    Oh thought I'd add, I've watched a few of your video's but I never thought of enabling the subtitles! I'll have to check them out again!

  4. Ridgerunner, do think maybe the ground has been recently fertilized?  Still with the readings you're getting on a quarter it sounds like a ground balance issue with the mxs it's self. Maybe a faulty coil. I'm hoping everything gets sorted out for you as soon as possible, I know you were excited like I was to get the mxs and can only imagine your frustration. 

  5. Here is my two cents. If not for this forum I would not have known about the issue, although I did notice something was amiss. Thanks to to Steve and others for their experience and ability to convey to Whites in more technical terms their observations. But I wouldn't have known about the mx sport in the first place without this and other forums. I also had heard of Whites exceptional customer service and dedication from others and even though I was concerned, (a couple of days seems like a long time when a potential problem arises) Whites has done well. I realize technical support is a two way street and both parties need to access potential mistakes with a product and it's use. Could they have done better? Sure, but they could have done a lot worse. In these day of rapid information exchange thirty or forty days can seem like a long time but it's still pretty quick when you think about it. It couldn't hurt whites to have a person does PR on the forums from time to time. Not necessarily 24/7 but after a major release just to see how customers are getting along? 

  6. I was really hoping it was a Whites DetectoRpro with the Classics's miniaturized and stuffed into headphones. With all the raspberry pi's and old game console's stuffed into a controller it would be neat to see the same done with some old favorites.

  7. I don't want to confuse you but, for gold and trash you might want to check out the nokta relic. I've swung the original racer myself for a bit and have an r2 on the way. From what I understand  the r2 will work for gold but, if your foucus swings more towards gold then the relic will have an edge.

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  8. Here's my observations, take a coin and sweep it across the stock coil. Do you notice that the edge of the coil is as deep a the center? I mean if you can hit a coin at 10" at the center what about the outside edge if the coil? For me it is still 10" or 9" on the outside of the coil. The fields of the coil seem to intersect the closer you get to the coil itself. 

    A quarter on the surface will make on long tone but down in a hole if you get the center of of the coil over it and sweep back and forth then it responds more in line with other detectors. On most detectors the DD coil has two small fields on the outside and one large "blade" down the center. If you watch the mxs vs mx5 vs mxt comparison when the mxs does the coin and nail test the coin sounds off at the back edge of the coil. It doesn't hit it in the center but from one side of the coil to the other. The coil hasn't stopped seeing the target during the sweep, all 10" of it. Basically the stock coil is a hot mess. My big question is, with the 6x10 does the modulation work?

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  9. No prob Steve, I knew what you meant. To me if I were to describe exactly what I'm hearing it would be like this. I have an old Tesoro bandido and had an outlaw. I generally like DD coils so naturally I ordered  a sharpshooter coil to use on them. Both of these machines have wonderfully modulated audio but when I put the sharpshooter coil on them it disappeared and was replaced with horrible crackling. The effect was worse with the bandido wich had the most modulation and only seemed to work somewhat with my silver micromax that has a less pronounced modulation. Maybe Andy can chime in as he is the only one who has more than one coil? I could be wrong to and it just don't work that well.

  10. 25 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Well, you have one, right? What are you seeing?

    My comment about running gain too high is true but may not be the actual problem in this case. Saying it only works in high mineralization sounds very much like an excuse. Since when has that ever been a requirement with any detector that has modulation?

    It either works the way people want it to work or not.

    I'm just conveying what Whites told me when I had contacted them to express my concerns and alert them to a potential issue. I've never heard of mineralization being a requirement for modulation either. Like I said I called Whites to ask them to check into it and that is what I was told. Either it's true or it's not, but they are aware of the issue now. I'll have to try the modulation on in the dirt some more because I basically gave up on it after dismal air testing results. I'll keep you posted but I wouldn't hold my breath that the results will be any different than what is already being observed by other users.

  11. On 3/9/2016 at 2:33 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

    People have been complaining about the modulation on the MX Sport, and half the problem is they are running the Gain too high. 

    And according to Whites the other half of the problem is the modulation is only effective in high mineralization. IE in air or low mineralization no tangible results as modulation is dependant on ground mineralization to function.

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