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Everything posted by gilgsn

  1. Hi, salt water. I saw a few videos mentioning that gold could mask as something else.. Surprising since gold is used in electronics for contacts. I thought it would ring even higher than silver, but no, apparently it starts at 11.. Gil.
  2. Hello, I understand, just haven't figured out all the numbers. At this point I find it better to dig everything. Maybe I'll keep doing so, i don't know. I just don't want to miss anything, or at least not much. BTW I ran sensitivity at 7-8, Recovery speed 2, sometimes 3, beach mode of course, on F. That beach is very polluted. In some areas, I would have dug every few inches. No amount of tweaking changed anything. Interestingly, there is more to listening to the sound than I expected. I wish Nokta increased the tones volume and decreased the pinpoint tone volume. No need to be heard the next town over when pinpointing! I dread hearing it with earbuds. Funny thing, when I sneezed, I got a VID of 45 ? It was a positive experience, and I am looking forward to more, on better grounds hopefully. So here are my keepers for six hours of search:
  3. Chuck, that was my thinking... I didn't necessarily want all the settings. The ferrocheck would have been nice though. Well, my first hunt at the beach wasn't very productive, as far as "keepers" are concerned. I found quite a bit of junk, including a pair of cutters and a fork, unfortunately not silver! Lots of bottle caps, with a VID of 34-35. Aluminium foil seems to be low 20s. In six hours I only found and kept a 2-Euro coin, two smaller (I think 10c) coins, an earring with little shiny stones (probably fake) and a fishing weight, which I will melt to make bullets ? The Double Score worked well. This being my first outing, there are things I did not expect... From a newbie's perspective, the VIDs and sound need some interpretation... After digging trash for a while, I started to understand, slightly, the difference between a false and real signal. Still a way to go. The only thing that bugged me is that my hearing not being what it used to be, with the waves nearby, I could barely hear the tone. So I ordered low-latency earbuds, a must for me. I am also glad I did buy a pinpointer, albeit a cheap one, the latest Dr Otek, working great. I wasn't sure I would need one, but it saves so much time... The pouch I used is way too small given the amount of junk I collect, so I ordered a bigger one, even if it adds to the nerdy look, but at this point, why not go all-in! The sand scoop I got is heavy, what a pain! I ordered a carbon fibre tube to use as a handle, I hope it will help. Anyways, I got six hours of physical activity, and it was somewhat fun. I say somewhat because I didn't find much, but it's probably because of the place I chose... There is also a certain amount of stress because in France, metal detecting is nearly prohibited. Theoretically you can only search for lost modern objects or for "depollution" purposes, with an explicit written authorisation of the owner of the field. You get away with it at the beach because, first here the sand beaches are artificial, so no archeological objects to find, and presumably, you're looking for stuff tourists lost... Anything else and you get charged with "plundering of the national heritage," they get a warrant for your house and you pay hefty fines if they find any object dating from before 1875. Not sure where I'll go next time. They are plenty of beaches around here, though many are rocks, not sand. I need to find authorisations from field owners who just happened to have lost a precious ring while on the tractor, happens all the time ? now I need a nap! Ya'll have a great wek-end ? Gil.
  4. Well, I just ordered the Double Score, saved 110 Euros, got a nice shovel... I figured performances will be similar, and less settings to contend with. Too bad for the ferrocheck. Metal detecting will not be my main hobby, and I have a few, so I don't really need to most feature rich machine. The regular Score was out of the race for being too restricted... My best wishes to you all for 2024 and lots of finds! Gil.
  5. Thanks Digalicious, much appreciated. I did understand that on the bottom end of the iron filter, falsing was eliminated, but did not quite understand the filter's behavior on the top end. I got that non-ferrous targets were possibly no longer detected with a high iron filter, but did not get that the iron was "let through." So your explanation clarifies things, and the need to find the right range.. I would get then that one needs to set the iron filter just high enough to reduce falsing but not too high as to not miss non-ferrous targets. Now, what happens when the iron filter is high, there is a non-ferrous target but no iron around it? Is the IF then inconsequential? I'll look into the smaller coil, thanks. I might have to wait a bit before getting one, but I'll remember your advise on sensitivity.. I guess manufacturers include larger coils for depth, but I don't really want to spend all my time digging deep holes anyway, LOL. Gil.
  6. Thanks guys! I do like the ferrocheck scale... Still haven't decided yet. I even considered the X-Terra but decided to put it in third place, for various reasons. Why small coil? 9.5 looks pretty small.. Better separation? The only setting that eludes me, from reading the user manuals, is the iron filter. I posted about that.. Ya'll have a good one ? Gil.
  7. Hello Tony. Believe it or not, I've been to Perth! In my mid-20s, hitchhiking around Australia ? had a great time, two months trip... rvpopeye, thank you! Just what I needed ? Gil.
  8. Thanks Mark, I was worried the Legend could be confusing, but I am pretty tech-saavy, so maybe I'm worrying too much.. Gil.
  9. Hello. New here, first day posting ? I don't even have a detector yet, will order one in a few days. I am hesitating between the Double Score and the Legend. Here in France it's a 100-Euro, $110 difference. I am thinking that being my first detector, I might not need all the settings of the Legend. Am I wrong? BTW I do live near the coast, though the beaches here are rocks, except the artificial ones where tons of sand has been dumped. How useful is the iron/non-iron indicator on the screen? Are all the extra tone settings a must? So far I am slightly leaning towards the Double Score... Is there anything else to consider? Is performance pretty similar? Would my lack of experience make the Double Score a better choice? Thank you, and merry Christmas! Gil.
  10. Hello. First real post here after my introduction.. I could not find and answer from a search.. BTW I have not bought a detector yet, waiting for the end of the month.. I understand how the iron filter works on the lower end, avoiding high-tone chirps on iron. It's on the upper end that I have doubts... So, based on the lower-end filter behaviour, one could deduce that a max iron setting filter would be best, no false alerts.. It seems however that above a certain level, nothing gets through... Am i right? There is probably something I am missing here, as to how an IF works. Could anyone explain this? BTW if anyone here has a YT channel this would be a great video subject: How it works and how to set it... Most videos mentioning the iron filter seem to assume that everyone knows how it works... Thank you very much! Gil.
  11. Hello. When I was a child, 12-13yo maybe, my parents bought me a metal detector; big mistake at the time, LOL. Most of what I found in the north of France, and my parent's garden, were German cartridges from WWI or WWII. I would remove the cordite and make, let's just say, more powerful devices... Almost blew myself up one time! Fast forward 43 years later, I want to buy another one! Although detecting in France is almost illegal... Anyway, I am hesitating between the Nokta Double Score and Legend. I am thinking I don't need all the settings of the Legend, am I wrong? I do live near the coast BTW. Otherwise, I am into HAM radio, aviation, photography, building FPV drones, sailing, and shooting/reloading/casting. I drive an old Toyota Land Cruiser LJ70. I bet many of you guys have similar interests... Merry Christmas! Gil.
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