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Posts posted by JustSwell

  1. Very nice to see.  I very often have mine set at the 4th pin hole as well because it's usable to detect with and quickly fits in vehicles at that length.  However I'm still occasionally pushing it to the 2nd hole as it feels like a more natural swing for me.  I might be willing to give that up though for the ability to get really short for water use.

  2. I did notice on the replacement 35 that inside the unit after taking off the cap, just below the inner threads on ether side there is a gap and this new one had grease shoved into those gaps that I'm not sure my first one had.  At least I didn't notice it on the first one.  Might want to check if yours has that area greased. I'll try to get a picture of it up later but it's of course all black inside.

  3. Update on the waterlogged 35:  After posting about sending it in quickly to service and their quick replies that it was done, I got an email the next day or two that it was replaced and was on it's way.  Arrived today, new box.  Battery went in and did a quick test.  Now I need to get it back on the hunt.  Minelab was nice and fast about everything.  UPS was really fast on the RMA, Fedex made me wait an extra day on the return from what their email report said.  It all happened pretty fast but that's also how quick our summer is vaporizing. 

  4. On 9/16/2018 at 6:43 AM, Chase Goldman said:


    The one situation for me where having a pinpointer on steroids or at least a short shaft VLF is when scanning the "tailings" pile and side walls of an excavated CW hut or pit for relics. 

    I was definitely thinking about that with the shorty thought.  Being able to stand in a ditch or trench and scan the sides more easily.  We have roads being replaced around here this summer and there were plenty of trenches this may have worked well on.  I've been up on shorelines where the water is digging the ground away and creating small cliff edges.  I've held the equinox up at those banks for a short while but it gets to the arm sooner then later and can get awkward.  I wonder if detecting for gold on the side of a mountain it would come in handy at times to have a shorty.

    I agree however, the pinpointers seem to do a pretty good job.

  5. On 9/16/2018 at 6:18 AM, Alluminati said:

    Hey that is interesting JustSwell, it would make a good setup for someone to snorkel with.

    You could also make a coil the shape of a pin-pointer. That would be a bad ass pin-pointer.

    It sure does look like a good length for snorkeling now that you say that.    Being short and with the small coil it probably goes through the water better. Just out past arms reach and able to get along side a ridge.  I haven't taken the equinox diving full under at all yet, but have been out up to my shoulder depth. Light as it is the water drags on it pretty good with the standard coil.  Slow moving like that as I can feel the pressure it puts on the poles.

  6. On 9/16/2018 at 1:07 PM, Johnnysalami1957 said:

    Please cover your tracks always and pick up and discard the trash. I find that picking up even litter goes a long way in this hobby when people see you policing the area.

    Thanks for all the hints!  To this part, I picked this up from all the videos and items i read before I got started.  Haven't left a hole open even once.  Glad I got the pinpointers because I'm definitely going easier on the sod holes now that I'm not digging through every shred of roots.  Found so many items stuck up in sod roots early on but without a pointer I was destroying it all searching. 

    I also have had a few comments from people either thanking me for hauling out the trash, they see me at the vehicle emptying it all, or it just generally gets a smile while crushing a can and pocketing it, or a question from them about it.  At one beach now I leave all the bottle caps around the foundation of a flag pole because someone saw me throwing out almost a hundred bottle caps at the trail can and they collect them.  (my first week beach hunting i was a bottle cap god).  So yeah even if I don't find anything precious, I feel good about cleaning some of that trash up.  What has amazed me is the sharp shards I've found in beaches so far.  People have some lucky feet not to be getting sliced up on those.   In the bag they go.

    Might have to start doing more research and finding more interesting places that might have historical items to find.  The penny collection is piling up and I build more interest from older interesting items then I thought I would.   I'll take your hints with me.


  7. 5 hours ago, Alluminati said:

    At first I was using the PP a quite bit to size objects, actually I still do. I like to hear that quick little response to know it's a coin size object.

    One thing I've learned from watching a video that another member posted here, is to watch those coins on edge. They will pinpoint wide one way off the side of the coil. Kinda sounds like one big object but if you listen closely its like a double beep that blends together, those are coins straight up and down. 

    I guess a straight up and down coin exposes the most surface area to the coil when its off to the side.

    This I think I've heard quite a bit in soft dry beach sand.  However in that type of sand I will never really know if the coin was actually standing on edge down below once I've scooped it.   But knowing this happens now will help demystify why some might sound off this way and maybe why sometimes the side of the coil seems to initially find it.  Thank you for explaining this.

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  8. On 9/14/2018 at 5:51 AM, Johnnysalami1957 said:

    Lol. Nothing. Just that pinpointing sometimes is a mystical process.

    Dig we must!


    I've been following that direction from many.  Dig we must.  I wonder about the 6in coil option.  My 800 at least has been putting me on the spot more than not. When I ultimately find a target, if I've kept my original X bearings the original location the 800 pointed out has been that perfect. The trouble seems to start once I break ground and the new variables come into play during double checks on the way down. The coil can't be swung as needed in a hole, or likely doesn't fit in at all. Swinging above the hole the detector is seeing ground over the targets on the left and right of the swing, and almost nothing over it in the middle.  We are just begging for confusing it. Didn't stop me from trying to relocate and messing myself up.

    Both the carrot and the 35 have really helped and taken a lot of the mystery out of it for me.  I went from chasing magical moving targets to finding exactly what the equinox originally pointed out very quickly.

    Which brings me to the 6in coil.  I'm not keen of the idea of swapping coils and then trying to scan a large area with a smaller coil, just to get that ability to get closer in a hole or closer to a wall.  But I wonder if a second detector, maybe another 600 or 800, with a shaft cut ultra short could make a nice hand held extra tool that would be easy to carry around.    Really short shaft, also remove the arm rest extension, 6 in coil, hang it off the belt?  Maybe someone has already done such a thing?  Maybe it's a over costly solution when the pinpointers work so well already.  But could it double as a good diver/river setup as well? 

  9. Update on my 35's service call.  Got the RMA and ups'd it in.  1.5 days later I'm getting emails in triplicate saying we received it, we repaired it, and we've shipped it back and here's your tracking number.   Next week it should arrive. I was initially told over the phone they would replace it.  I got the impression over the phone they don't mess around with repairs once it fully fills with water.   However two of these emails clearly talked about repairs, one of them talked about possibly sending me a bill for repairs.   I'm thinking they are just canned/automated emails.  Hoping they are.  Would have liked a more personal description of what they found out about how it leaked, but if this is how they do it so fast so be it.

    Whatever the case, service appears to be really fast and I'll be glad to be able to use a 35 again when it comes.

  10. On 9/12/2018 at 3:32 PM, JP.Diggzzit said:

    Hit this deep, 10 gram Platinum ring on the beach recently.  Initial signal was a faint, choppy tone, jumpy 12/13 ID.  After the 1st and 2nd scoops the signal went to negative #'s and gave me the iron tone.  After the 3rd scoop the signal was gone.  I utilized pinpoint mode thereafter and recovered the target after the 5th scoop.  Solid 13 out the hole.  Wet sand was hard packed so I don't believe the target was moving or sinking, no water filled the hole.  Has anyone else experienced an initial good target going to negative #'s/iron readout?  Halo effect on non-ferrous?  Positive this target was at the brink of detection range...14" - 15" inches.  Impressive depth but I will not trust that iron reading/tone if it is mixed with a positive reading/tone going forward. 

    I run Beach 2 with no discrimination almost exclusively on the beach.

    GL & HH!


    Nice find!

    I have ran into what sounds like the same exact occurrence more than once, on at least 3 finds and once where I never ended up finding it.  No rings in these instances though.   Beach 2, all deeper then a foot.  Numbers change as I work my way down.  I keep going till it surfaces.  Once foil, once a tight collection of penny, nickel and tiny copper tube together, another was an oddly colored unknown water smoothed slag (still have to check it).

    When I see the numbers change after first digging in I start checking different angles and using the bob action to see if it changes again.  But I still dig it to learn.  I sometimes have felt like I was maybe energizing the soil too much going over it.  Probably nothing to do with it but I'm such a newb that's where my head takes me.    Thanks for posting your story it will serve me well when next time I'm over 12 inches deep and feeling like I might get duped.  It might just be a platinum ring this time!  This thing locates deeep items. Maybe we just need to keep the numbers out of it at that depth and just go on faith.

    • Like 3
  11. On 9/10/2018 at 1:52 PM, Bob'ke said:

    Saturday, my own Pro-Find 35 (only 3 hunts and my first waterhunt with it) kept on beeping/vibrating. Not possible even to shut it off. While opening the battery compartment, to try to reset it, water came out of there. Upon closer inspection I saw two cracks lengthwise  in the black probe part. Never "dug" with it, never twisted it or let it drop and always used a new/spare rubber cap from my Deteknix Xpointer on the tip. So I have no idea what caused those cracks. I'm waiting for the response of the dealer to my email. I really like this pinpointer and I hope it will be replaced soon. :smile:

    Good luck and greetings,




    My first real attempt to use the PF35 in a lake also ended filled up with water inside and a constant beeping/vibrating. Don't remember dropping it or doing anything forceful with it at all.  By the solid feel of it you would think it's bullet proof. Could only see maybe a seam pin hole, not sure. Cap was really tight to take off.  After days trying to let it dry out for not,  I finally called service and they called back with an RMA the next day.  They were really nice about it.  Just before sending back, i tested it one last time and it seemed to work again.  I'm not sure how many days drying total but it seems to have finally dried out enough to briefly work.  However I could still see water in the light area and i would like a working water unit so I sent it in.   I had looked up Minelab America/service to call direct about it.  They sent a link to attain a shipping label. 

    I hope we both get them back soon.  I like having more then one button.  The carrot works but I keep hitting the one button too many times.  Plus and minus works so much easier.

    When sending it back I also noticed on the box it says made in Ireland and that surprised me. I had assumed Australia or Malaysia.  Might need a trip to Ireland to tour a Pro Find factory and do some detecting where there is more history.

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  12. On 9/9/2018 at 12:32 PM, sillllvar said:

    Thanks guys for the comments! I found a good lot of the nail targets produced a good ID and tone response. I used to get the odd iron circle and chunk of cast Iron come through on my explorer SE (Conductive setting) but I could live with that for sure. I've been metal detecting 20 odd years and have always run my machines hot. Over in the UK if you don't you are leaving stuff behind  ? Now I'm here in the states I'm in a very different environment. No longer massive crop fields, instead thick woods and heaps more concentrated Iron. One thing I did not dig with the SE was nails, so this is unusual for me. I'll try that rotate trick more often. I have done it in the past, but the curiosity of wondering if it was just an iffy signal always got me to dig ? I ran my sensitivity at 20 in that old field system. What would you suggest it should have been at  guys?

    I'm under 100 hours on the machine, but I'm in no way frustrated. I know it takes time to get to know a machine. But I LOVE this machine, I wish I had it back in the old Country lol Man, I could see some Celtic gold under my coil ?



    I'm no 20 year expert so gains of salt and all.  I don't know if my local areas are just crazy mineralized or what but I'm often running it way below 20 to calm it down and I feel like it's pointing out everything.  Junk next to treasures everywhere too often perfectly separated next to each other that I purposely check by digging into the side of my coin hole quick to find the junk nearby and validate that.  I had real trouble early on in my areas when sensitivity was always 20 or above.  I've really only had a few spots where 20 and above worked well.

    I feel it is going to depend on your soil type. That's what I learned from people here while I was trying to figure that all out this spring and it's really helped me to drop it down. So from a newbie's perspective I wouldnt be hesitant to drop below 20.  I'm still digging good things up that I've had other detectorists laugh at me for digging because my hole was so deep. 

    I just wish I was digging up some ancient euro paths and villages instead of our US homesteads and beaches.  History isn't deep enough here, especially where I've been so far.  Celtic gold sounds like something that would have me shakin on every hole.  I really do like this detector and taking it with me everywhere.

    • Like 1
  13. On 9/7/2018 at 6:56 AM, Andy2640 said:

    One gripe with the pro-find 35, (which incidentally i love) it can have a tendency to take in muck through the speaker cover netting.  This kills the noise of the alert feature, and i then have to rely on the vibrations.  I was looking at the carrot as a back up, i am now tempted more than ever.

    I'll keep that thought and bob's tip in mind if I get mine working again.   My 35 hasn't even seen mud yet, just dry beach sand and then the dip into a rocky lake.  I remember looking at those tiny speaker holes and just like with the Equinox wondering how they get good sound while still waterproofing them.  Little bugger perks up ears of passersby when I'm finding things.  Makes for good conversation anyway.  

    Both the 35 and the carrot have sped up my finds so much and ended all those vanishing finds I was having before.   Can't live without them now.  I hadn't really taken enough advantage yet of the tone ID, except for my last ring find with it.  The equinox already has us so close and it takes seconds to pinpoint now.  But that one deep hole in the sand with tiny copper tubes, bottle caps, and odd water worn metal shards probably could have had me missing that ring without it.

  14. A little update on my use of the used carrot and the profind35.  good and bad news of course.   The good news is the carrot hasn't failed me once yet, even though it looks like its previous owner used it to scrape car brakes or something.  It's been a solid pointer even if it mostly only finds clad coins so far.   The Profind was working almost flawlessly as well, on dry land.  Found a tiny 925 ring within a nest of junk deep in park sand last week with the 35.  It really works when it works!  I had noticed that if I ever turned it up to full power I could get it to false repeatedly just by tipping it upwards, so I stopped using full power and everything seemed fine.  Of course I had been using the carrot the few times I made it to water.  I had only tested the profind in a sink when I first got it.  It worked then.

    Then I took the profind to a freshwater lake.  Detecting in shallow 1 feet of water but finding everything by scoop right away.  Then I move a foot deeper, 2 whole feet deep.  I start having trouble finding an item with good tone on the equinox by just scooping.  Pull out the 35 and dip it in and before I even reach the bottom it starts howling.  "Yes(!)" I'm thinking.  Then quickly "Nope!."  It never stopped wailing and vibrating.  Turns out it sucked all the water in that it could and it's toast.   Just once right before I turned the cap off I think I saw a tiny bubble eek out from the seam in what looks like the tiniest of pin holes.    I emptied it and left the cap off for days now.  No joy.  As soon as a battery is put in it starts screaming again.  I can still see water droplets inside the light area too.  How did it get in there?  And when I first took the cap off I couldn't believe the amount of water that filled the spaces of it if it only came from some tiny seam hole.  Wouldn't the air inside it had kept some water out alone?  I'm thinking it must have more then one leaking spot.

    I'm a little dismayed at the moment as I can't seem to get Minelab's site to send me a login reset.  But I'll get it soon and attempt to get some repair action going I guess.  At least the carrot has still got my back.  I'm being careful with it for now.

    • Like 1
  15. I had just bought a used carrot AT from a friend who was buying one of the new carrots with the wireless addon.  Like others here he said the carrot works great. This used AT looks like it has gone through a tornado yet seems to work fine.  But my brother snagged me a ML profind 35 new for a birthday gift days later. Also seems to work good. 

    Both seem to work fine so far with the Equinox and in freshwater I've tried but I haven't been to saltwater yet.  Does anyone know if either of these are useful around saltwater beaches or in the saltwater at all?

    All the profind says on the box is VLF, no other details on the brief instructions.  The carrot was used so not any details there. I am guessing someone already has tech posted about all pinpoiters.  Anyone got a link that I'm having trouble finding on the tech behind them all or most?  I was leaning towards PI pinpointers before getting these. 

    Either way I'm all smiles digging parks all of a sudden.  Such a difference.









  16. I've got a thousand bottle caps to one gold earring in that 12-19 range on the beach.   When I found the earring, two feet away I got an identical number and thought for sure I had a pair.  Instead, a bottle cap.  ?

    I've since found this trick handy:

    All metal, then backup a bit and get the tip of the coil over it verses the center.  Tells me right away I'm on a cap again.  Only time it's tougher now is when numerous items right next to each other.


    As much as I want to notch some junk out I know Im not ready and am still digging pretty much all except these easy to spot beach bottlecaps.  Well still gettin some when they are close to treasure!

  17. I need a pointer and frankly I don't want to make a mistake this costly, or waste any more time than I have already digging without one.   I'm hoping someone here has tried a few with their Equinox and can suggest a good tool to pair with it. I blow serious time in holes right now and it's all the color of shaded dirt.

    Can anyone suggest which pointers they have used with their Equinox 800 that they know don't cause the Equinox any trouble.  I really like the Nox but I know she's sensitive.  That is unless you tell me none are an issue with this detector.  I will need a water safe unit

    I'm sure this question has been asked that I haven't found besides those presenting pointer comparisons.  Those are helpful,  but I'm looking for Nox 800 specific pairing here.  Would love a few opinions to help me decide.  Thank you in advance for your short or long tales or experience.






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