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Posts posted by foreverteachable

  1. 11 minutes ago, J-ROB said:

    If French manufacture, perhaps it is a code-mixed expression "Roy of I (or 1) from Roi for king.

    King of my own castle sorta expression. One man riding free.

    I venture this interpretation since the only glass seal on the page from Pimento has a Fleur d'Lis motif which put me in a French mode.

    2Valen's point about seals on bottles of wine is a good point. Seems commonly done in 18th c. America.



    Holy smokes this is cool. Often I do a little research, show my finds to some friends or post on Instagram or Facebook then put them in my display case. I'm so glad I came back to the forum. The information and support here is amazing! Thanks!

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  2. 3 hours ago, 2Valen said:

    Nice finds, does the top center hole have threads, or is it smooth.

    I can tell that it is brass and glass, so that should be for a wax seal.

    It could have been used for letters, documents, or even wine bottles depending on where you found them.

    Please let me know if it is glass and brass and a general area where you found them.

    Thanks everyone for the interest and great questions. There appear to be rudimentary threads in the back. I included more pics. If you edit it with Instagrams editing you can bring out details better. I rarely find jewelry but for the last few weeks I  have been on a jewelry run.




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  3. 10 hours ago, schoolofhardNox said:

    Great finds. 2 Connecticut coppers, a nice Tombac button and I believe your other copper is a British George III copper. Some of those British coppers can be counterfeits too, so a little research on the date should help you. Also, counterfeits ring up much lower on your machine. It's either a half penny or a farthing. Nice digs.

    Thanks a bunch!

  4. 10 hours ago, phrunt said:

    Wow, is that coin from 1780 something? looks like it from where I sit, what a fantastic find!

    Thanks for the story too, sounds like a fun afternoon.


    The Connecticut Colonial copper coin was from 1787. I had never found one before and I'm actually from Connecticut originally and I found two in one day I can't believe it. The other coin I believe is a georgius triumpho from 1783 or around that time. It is really hard to detect in my town because the ground is all sand and even modern coins can be found down 8-inches or so so all the old stuff is really deep unless you go to a plowed field. I found six coppers in this cornfield last year and they're going to build up on it in a few days so it's nice that the bulldozers helped me uncover some more before it was gone.

  5. I switch between field 2 and park 2. For home sites, parks, and fields. Recently I did well in a cow pasture next to a 1700's cellar hole by switching to park 2. I had been getting a lot of iron falsing in field 2 and when I switched over to park 2 I got a nice high pitched tone with the nox 600 and it turned out to be the 2 reale I posted earlier. I had hit that area the previous year and perhaps even that day. I checked it with field 2 and it sounded off great but for moderately-fast sweeping a field park 2 is worth trying out. I also tried a frequency of 5 around a home with lots of interference and around other detectors and it can be much more stable but I haven't found it to be that deep compared to multi-iq.

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