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Gold Hound

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Posts posted by Gold Hound

  1. On 11/30/2023 at 6:50 AM, phrunt said:

    You really need to try an older GPX on this ground, especially with a DD coil, I think you would be pleasantly surprised.  Borrow or hire one or something, there has to be a way to try before you buy.  Someone may meet up with you with one.  If the concentric deals with it in DD mode while also controlling EMI and having some decent sensitivity I will be a very happy person.

    These rock formations are quite weird, I don't know if lava caused them, but they're nasty to detect and smash up to try get targets out of them.  There is no soil there, it's all rock.


    That rock is called polymictic conglomerate. Common in some places here to mate.

    The stuff here dose not carry gold like normal sandstone type conglomerate but it can be intruded by gold bearing veins.

    Not sure about your NZ stuff though if the water course that made the clasts was auriferous it will be.

    Ours pre-dates the gold mineralisation events so keep these options open when prospecting the area.

    That type of conglomerate is prone to brittle fracture which is highly favourable for gold vein intrusion. Also some types have clasts that are chemically favourable for gold precipitation. Good rock most of the time.

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  2. On the 5k my two favourite coils are the nuggetfinder 15in spiral wound  and the 20in spiral wound.

    I ran a 14in coil as my standard coil until the spiral wound mono came out. I found many kg of gold with it.

    I used the 20in anywhere the ground was over 400mm deep as you are not going to get small stuff at that depth anyway. And the sensitivity of the 20 is still pretty good on gram sized and up targets. On 20g+ sized targets the 20 gets way better depth than the 14 or smaller coils.

    I like Reg do not target small crumbs (unless electronic loaming) but take whatever comes, and believe me there is not much that gets past the 14 or 15 in the way of crumbs once you know how to use them. I wasted many hours going over areas that I cleaned with the 14 with smaller coils for SFA so abandoned that approach very early on.

    I always used the 14in coil if the depth of cover was shallower than 400mm as there was no advantage of using larger coils in shallow ground. But in deeper ground they have a distinctive advantage and I found many kg following this approach.

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  3. Looks like a VLF setup to me.

    We use them to map conductive structures prior to drilling.

    They work particularly well in places like NZ or Canada where oxidation is low compared to Australia where oxidisation can be a problem.

    The oxide here can cause quite a bit of noise.

    We have had the most success with gradient array and high resolution magnetometer surveys.

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  4. Pretty cool bone mate!

    I've prospected the same types of areas for years mate if you want some pointers to assist you pm me. There are some techniques I employ to increase my success working Jurassic sandstone, and ways to figure out what direction the channels are heading and certain sweet spots to detect.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Sheppo said:

    They stopped due to an incident involving firearms and someone being seriously injured. I know more to the story but this isn’t the place to broadcast that knowledge. 

    I also enjoy Krissy’s videos from Outback Gold Fever. While alot of her videos may not impart much knowledge, it’s great to see some of the areas she works in and gives a glimpse of what I hope to see myself in the near future.

    That is total BS Sheppo, all of our videos were filmed and posted on YouTube after Bruce's murder it had nothing to do with it, and we have never had any other "incidents" as you say. Despite what people say we had written permission and lawful access rights for everywhere we prospected and filmed.

    We stopped posting videos because of the same problems that Jaysong has/had. The lengths people will go to to follow you are extraordinary! If they spent that much time looking for gold they might find something! I have a 3 terrabite hard drive full of video that no one will ever see due to the negative impact it inflicted on me.




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  6. 2 hours ago, jasong said:

    Thanks (and to Aureous), I figured something like that must be at play if none of the Aussies were commenting. 

    That's really the only video of real field detecting that was published. Just for a rough idea since I've never been to Australia, is that basically ground you could normally expect to run a mono in Sharp/Sens Extra in on the 5000? Or would require Enhance?

    I've prospected exactly where he is filming and stayed there many times oftern for months at a time since 2002. 

    I can tell you it may well be the least mineralised productive goldfield in Australia, if its not it would be a close second...

    On the 5k my normal settings for the area were sens extra everything else max due to the fast time constant advantage of sens extra and the predominantly small gold in the area. It is very rare to get gold over 7g or a 1/4 oz on the Yankee scale.

    The NQ Explorer bloke is from far north Queensland which is about 2200km give or take or a good 2 days drive on nothing but empty freeways from FNQ which has many many good Goldfields within minutes or a few hours drive. This may along with past garrett false marketing hype on both the infinium and ATX that burnt many Australians may give you an idea on why many Australians may be sceptical.

    I myself maintain a positive outlook on it and am willing to give anything a chance, and then we have the fact that Gerry and Steve both had development input into it which gives me hope and confidence.

    • Like 4
  7. 6 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    No, but I fear it will be too expensive in Oz, hurting sales. Look at 24K price there - twice what it sells for here. Horrible exchange rate right now making it worse. That alone should insulate Minelab.

    Yeah, it’s a great machine. Not going to put Minelab out of business, but a powerful detector, fun to use. Now that the initial burst is over, my main desire is to shut up and go detecting with it. I’ll not ignore people, but I’m also not going to get stuck in the position of being a defender of the Axiom, or a person trying to convince anyone of anything. Frankly, I just don’t care, not my problem. I lobbied Garrett forever on this, they finally listened, I did my best to help make it a good machine. I did not get everything, but I got a lot, and I’m happy. But I’ve grown to hate the internet drama over new machines, and if I did not have so much time invested in this website, would go offline entirely. It’s only you, my forum family, that keep me online at all. But I prefer peace more than anything, and so am going to more or less shut up now. Gerry will hopefully take the lead on all this.

    To everyone. Don’t get all giddy, caught up in a “new thing”, buy it, and then be a vocal baby when it does not do what you thought it would. Be wise, slow down, get more info first. Let others be the guinea pigs if you are unsure at all. It’s just a metal detector, not gods gift to humanity. It does not negate Minelab having some great metal detectors. Many Minelab owners can just go on using what they have, no worries. New buyers now have a new option, that’s all.

    But all the drama? No thanks. Be adults, take responsibility, sort it out, and leave the BS to the YouTube drama brigade. Count me out! Just call me an old man in second childhood, having the time of his life, having fun with new toys. Meeting and hanging out with fun people from Garland, having some people pay attention to what I have to say when making a new detector…. life is very good my friends. Whether anyone likes the Axiom or not, I just don’t care. I like it, and that’s good enough for me. Peace, and best wishes to all of you!!



    Thanks for the detailed reply Steve,  much appreciated.

    I'll heed your advice.

    Thank you for staying involved in detector development, I appreciate the effort and the benefits that we all receive from your involvement.

    Looks like a great detector I'm going to give it a try when the dealer I know gets one, that way I won't have to risk my money and possibly end up dissatisfied like I was with the ATX.

    It may not suit my needs but it certainly ticks a lot of boxes and is a major step in the right direction for garrett! And I believe that this will positivly flow on to other manufacturers aswell.

    Thanks mate!

    • Like 5
  8. 10 hours ago, jasong said:

    I dunno, looking at those Aussie vids, the Axiom seems to handle hot ground a heck of a lot better than the 6000 does. Not sure what sensitivity level he was running though.

    But - swinging a mono over hot ground like that, if it's like hot ground in the US, would be painful with the 6000 (or 7000 with any coil in normal). But again, no clue how hot that ground is relatively speaking, still impressive since I was having issues with the 6000 and the 11" mono in what I'd call US hot ground in Arizona.

    I'm surprised it's like 10am in Australia and there aren't more Aussies commenting on what appears to be some exceptional ground handling with a mono coil. Is that particular place just not very hot?

    Just so you know Tibooburra has extremely low mineralisation compared to all other commonly prospected gold fields in Australia, its in high silica granite the soil is red which is deceiving.

    This is not a bash at garret though, I think that the nq Explorer bloke went there because of its reputation for prolific small gold. Last time I went there I averaged 7g per day over 2 months, its a pretty easy goldfield the gold is spread out all over the flats and there are heaps of dry blowing areas. The gold is generally small sub gram the biggest piece I've ever got there is only 53g.

    I've watched a lot of videos from the NQ Explorer he is a passionate detectorist but I wouldn't rate him highly in regards to prospecting ability, he is definitly no JP in that regard, I'd wait to see a better prospector use it. That being said I still think its a very interesting looking detector and can't wait to try one.

    I like how they gave you simple but I believe essential manual control, ml went to far into automaton and eliminated user control over basic essential settings, glad to see that garret obviously listened to Steve and Gerry in development which gives me confidence in risking my money to try it out, especially after my ATX dissapointment.

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  9. Are you planning on using it for gold or relics/treasure?

    Just one thing to consider if your using it for treasure, most treasure is small coin or up size, so sensitive coils can be a detriment as can be higher gain settings.

    I found the best combo was gb off or sharp if it was on in some places where the soil required it. And I would lower my gain so that I did not constantly pick up small surface junk targets.

    The opposite is required if you are going to use it for gold, high gain and I'd definitely run the spiral over the traditional bundle wound.

    Here in Australia I ran it over extremely mineralised ground for gold but the monoloop coils and timings still out performed except in extreme conditions.

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  10.  Hi Jasong

    Thanks for the patent info, I think there will be a very interesting release in the next year or so.


    I agree with your views on signal processing, I have always thought and even suggested to one of the minelab engineers that they need to employ digital noise cancelling filters that read the EMI and play back the inverse of the received emi signal and cancel it out much like they do to silence the sound on military helicopters aircraft ect.

    My uncle worked for Lockheed Martin as a mathematician/physicist electronic engineer and designed the flight control, weapon control and silencing algorithms that they still use today across a broad range of military vehicles, I've had a few conversations with him about the possibility of this and he says that it is easily achievable with modern processing and further stated that you can even use ai processing to make the machine learn as it goes to adapt to different adverse conditions and filter them out.

    We also started work on a detector that works on elemental resonant frequency to detect only desirable targets. We got promising results but much work is required to make it usable in the field. And it is not like a handheld metal detector its similar to IP/Resistivity servey equipment that we already employ in geophysical serveys over our tenements.

    • Like 1
  11. 3 hours ago, jasong said:

    Not selling your 6000 anymore then?

    I see indications that the rigid control over coils and the range of sizes available is less about Minelab adding another revenue stream (how much can you actually make off a chip license compared to a new detector sale?) and more to ensure there is a solid delineation between detector models in performance, so as to ensure we'll always be eager for newer detector models at $6-10k rather than just buying much cheaper coils to enhance performance.

    That was my point I've used the 6k enough to know what it would be like with a larger coil. Minelab are obviously just protecting the sale's of their top priced model.

    The detector handles the 17 elliptical just fine, but elliptical coils geometry limits their depth capacity even though they have a very similar surface area and susceptibility to EMI.

    So I call B.S. in regards to the arguments of electronics not being suitable and noise limiting their performance.

    Its simple physics, round coils are quieter than elliptical and larger diameter coils go deeper.

    Elliptical coils are limited by the width of the narrowest part of the coil and also suffer from the uneven signal rx of their shape which also negatively affects edge of detection target depth considerably.

    The 17in minelab coil is clearly designed for smaller gold and not depth as all elliptical coils should be due to the above. I've never been a fan of elliptical coils due to years of seeing the comparative results.

    If I was able to get a 14in and 18in or 20in round coils for the 6k it would render my 7k obsolete, and I'm just talking monos here a well designed concentric would be a complete game changer in my opinion.

    Hence my frustration at the current situation, and I can't swallow the invalid excuses put forward as to why...

    Any way that's my final take on the situation. I suppose it leads me back to using Xcoils again.

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Norvic said:

    All due respect to Coiltek, I`ll have one of theirs but if we want bigger coils X coil might be the go 15 , 17, or bigger CC, said it before I`ll sacrifice my 14 for its chip no worries.

    I lived in hope that I would be able to buy off an Australian manufacturer but I guess minelab has bound them up, and we'll have to go source our larger coils off the Ruskie's.

    Just to be clear my dissapointment lies with minelab and not either of the coil manufacturers.

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  13. In my educated opinion I think that it will have similar depth with larger coils as the 5k maybe even slightly better.

    Still to this date neither nugget finder or Coiltek make larger coils for the 7k either. 

    I guess I'll have to souce larger coils off the Xcoil fellow, they seem like the only manufacturer doing large coils for any of the modern tech. Very very dissapointing, I still can't believe neither of the manufacturers are making at least 1 larger round coil to cater to people like me who make a living off their detector.

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  14. A larger round coil like 14 or 18in size would go really well on the 6k in my opinion even if extra noise has to be dealt with. Im very dissapointed that neither of the manufacturers have made any larger coils.

    They are all that close in size to the 11in except for their smallest offerings that I won't be buying one. 

    I have to say I'm very very disappointed.

    I wore out 17x 14in coils on the 4500 and 5000 as 14 was easily the most versatile allround sized coil for the gpx and I suspect this is why the 7k comes with a 14in coil standard.... very very dissapointing!

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  15. 9 hours ago, Coiltek said:

    So I had the chance to get out myself and test the new GOLDHAWK coils... Super impressed.

    The 10x5" size is a superb little coil - ?

    The 9" round is a great well balance coil - I like this one

    The 14x9" is a great searcher with some excellent performance characteristics... 

    More news coming out this week!!

    Excited to get these out there!

    Stay well peeps.


    Come on Trevor where is the 14in round... best all-round sized coil on a gpx!

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  16. I use 'Induced Polarisation and DC resistivity' to detect large ore bodies before drilling.

    This goes about 300m deep in the middle of a 1km electrode array, after a sample is taken you input the data into processing software and  you end up with a 2d cross section image of mineralisation under the ground. You can then do multiple cross sections and input the data into the software and build a 3d model of the mineralisation.

    Then you drill it and prove the grade of the mineralisation and hey presto you have a very accurate structure, size and grade for your newly discovered resource that can now be sold or a company floated on the results.

    This technology is well out of reach of the hobby or casual gold prospector. But this is a valuable tool in a professional exploration company’s tool box!


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  17. Hi Flakmagnet

    Sounds interesting, what dose it cost to use and subscribe?

    I use a inmarsat sat sleve that caddies onto a smart phone.

    Its very expensive but needed insurance when working remote.

    It is a little known fact that in Australia the real average recovery time for an eperb is about 12hrs! Where as the average recovery time for a sat phone is under an hour.

    If bitten by a Brown or Taipan you have around an hour before you go blind... I know what I would rather have!


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  18. Hi Gerry 

    For me a gold detector has to pick up as much of both large and small bread and butter gold as possible in as minimal passes as possible, as I need to be able to pick up a larger 2+ oz bit at depth but still be able to find the bread and butter small bits as they make me my living!

    That is why I preference mid size coils as my standard use coils, I find that 14-15in round coils on all the more modern detectors have been the best for me.

    I can't wait for a 14in round mono coil to become available for the 6k!

    Such a light well balanced easy to use detector, the only thing missing are coils! What a deadly machine it will be with more coil options!IMG_0338L_s95_ND.thumb.jpg.b5680b7bfe55b2ba21732d2fd0dcfb43.jpg

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