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Chris Ben

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Posts posted by Chris Ben

  1. Great job defeating your nemesis!! Don't let him back into the fight lol.

    I have an out of the way spot that I pass by on road trips to visit my family. I've managed to detect it 6 or 7 times, but only for a couple hours each time. There are tailing piles everywhere,  from hand workings. It is a known gold area, and also has been known for large nuggets. I've seen no evidence of modern day work, no detector holes. It is a pretty trashy area, and I've dug much lol. No nuggets.  I have panned dirt from the area and found flakes in every pan. I do need to spend a couple of days there to attempt to figure out. I'm not really sure how to approach the area from a detecting perspective. It's a bit different than the desert I'm used to detecting.  The rock piles are extensive,  mostly large rocks. Have not seen areas of gravel tailings. Hopefully I'll figure it out one day. 


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  2. Hello, I had one in 2019. Best thing I did. I probably do to much, but I am a personal trainer and a boxing coach. So I lift heavy, I even spar a bit. I even do some trail running (probably against Dr's wishes) but these are things I have not been able to do for 30 years. It has only benefitted my detecting. I'm more mobile, better endurance and less things hurt when I'm done than before I hD the surgery. Hiking is actually great rehab when you get a full release from Dr. My only concern was weather or not my hip would set off my detector lol. Listen to your Dr,  but you should be good.


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  3. On 2/21/2020 at 2:27 PM, kiwijw said:

    Well, well, well.....for those of you who have walked away from a ground mineralization type signal or an iffy sounding signal.....here is proof of what it just might be. Goes to show, you just never know what ANY signal is until it is in your hand. I don't care what anybody has to say about how they reckon they tell a crap signal from gold. There is no way to be 100% sure until it is in your pinkies.  

    Good for you Chris.? You were rewarded for deciding to dig it anyway.


    Best of luck out there

    JW ?  

    Thanks JW, looks like you had a great find yourself. I found this mineral the same way. I was detecting bedrock on a slope and thought I had a signal. 18 inches into the rock I chipped this out20190107_192106.thumb.jpg.779456a4480a57141dd5e8deca86e610.jpg20190106_212602.thumb.jpg.5c20ad55ab80b36ea8ddb6e6ae277ef9.jpgnot really sure what mineral it is.. I was hoping for gold though. Best of luck to you,


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  4. 55 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    Do you think that was actual in place pocket vein material, or possibly just a large quartz specimen that decomposed/shattered/broke up in place? It's hard to tell from the photo if you are into decomposed bedrock or talus.

    Definitely vein material, a lot of work with pick axes and rock hammers.  Overburden kept falling into the hole so it looks dirty. And the gold would pinch out, but wed dig deeper and find another signal. The GPZ definitely helped 

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