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The Pest

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Posts posted by The Pest

  1. On 5/20/2023 at 5:19 AM, StarVatrex said:

    ......That piece came out at the doors of my house, first day; just taken out of the box. I live on the seashore and that area has been detected for years too!

    It was deep, about 10' inches, but it's not so much deep?! ...No ???

    Take a good look at the photos, it's broken at the bottom...It was a weak signal, forget about the ID, but I could hear that clean tone in the background that I adore. Among all those familiar iron growls.


    And for the price of a coil. Master play!! ?





    That Ring Even Has A letter M  Engraved on It.... That's A Perfect Advertising Plug If I Ever Saw One... Great Finds...

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  2. 7 hours ago, StarVatrex said:

    Good choice.

    I've had it for just over a month and I'm very happy with the new toy...

    Around here, when the colleagues saw it on the beach, another two have already been sold!.

    He loves gold like me...


    Casually showing 2 Rings on the display... LOl... The camera angle makes this the perfect Mine Lab advertising back drop... Your picture is desktop wallpaper gold if nothing else...  I don't have much luck with scoops here in West Coast NJ... I think River sand just has too much mud... rocks... and junk... mixed in... I gave up... and just use a shovel... I wish we had your beach...

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, bigtim1973 said:

    I do not know if you are aware of it or not but Monte  has passed away and has made that great journey to the detecting field in the promise land. 

    I hated to hear that....he could sure tell you his thoughts too on what he preferred and why. 

    But people do influence others to change their minds sometimes.

    It has happened to me. Just like this legend I have on the way.

    If you look at the specs and frequencies between the legend and equinox, they are very similar. Same coil size, previous version legend anyway, just about the same frequencies too. 

    I didn't think I would ever get one but after reading so many success stories with forum members on here and the other ones i frequent, who own both the equinox and a legendb, it made me change my mind.  

    So I hoped on the wagon finally as well. 





    I knew Monte very well From over at Findmall... And he's still everywhere... I can't do a google search for anything detector related... Without one of his post's turning up....☺️  As far as choosing... budget was a factor... being an old school white's guy... This is new territory... And I definitely want to crawl before you run... being able to get other coils reasonably was a factor... And the Hands On accounts... Recommendations... and answers to Questions of forum members really helped solidify my decision... But it most certainly started and ended with the forum...


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  4. Just My 2 bits... The most recent purchase I made was the result of a forum thread By Monte... Which led to several YouTube videos... Then back to several forums to learn what I could form other's hands on... and wash... rinse... repeat... I ended up looking at 3 different machines before I Did Not Buy the one I went looking for in the first place... The Hands on Accounts from forum members is what directed me to my purchase... But the YouTube videos were fun too... 


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  5. Just one more 2 bits ( oh no ).... I think that American detector manufacturers should quit outsourcing their production before they try too hard to compete.... How many Tesoro & Whites knock offs' were out there before these companies went belly up... Even now there are Garrett & Bounty Hunter knock offs' galore... Why seriously improve or re-invent detection technology.... If it's gonna be re-produced and sold in mass as a more efficient knock off... Let European manufacturers have their Hoorah for now...  And quietly sit tight developing and building one detector at a time if necessary... In House... ☺️ 


  6. 1 minute ago, The Pest said:

    The Barber dime is a great find.... But I Think that old Railroad Lock really shines... That's the neatest thing I've seen In a spell... Is that a Ring next to the lock in the 4th picture??? Is the pick axe head in the 5th picture in decent shape??? I mean... is it too far gone to take a handle???  What does the mashed cup in the 6th picture say???  "merry"  is obvious....  I'm just glad you had a great day sir.... ☺️

    " I also found a 3 merry widows tin near that dime."  Sorry... see it now.... I was having a ball... and missed it earlier....   

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  7. The Barber dime is a great find.... But I Think that old Railroad Lock really shines... That's the neatest thing I've seen In a spell... Is that a Ring next to the lock in the 4th picture??? Is the pick axe head in the 5th picture in decent shape??? I mean... is it too far gone to take a handle???  What does the mashed cup in the 6th picture say???  "merry"  is obvious....  I'm just glad you had a great day sir.... ☺️

    • Thanks 1
  8. Just My 2 Bits.... I myself just acquired an MXT-E and recently posted about it... I don't know that An older flagship detector could compare fairly... It's like a race between a Dual Engine Tractor Pull Tractor... and  a Porsche... They just aren't in the same class.... I haven't toed in on a newer unit yet.... I like the Nokta Simplex best at the moment... But the technology is still evolving way too fast... In My Opinion.... They're gonna hit a technology wall... and it's gonna burn out...  Garrett and 1st Texas may just be hanging tight for the minute... And waiting to see how it's gonna spin... I'm not in a hurry by a long shot.... There's plenty of old and new Aluminum targets to be found... I have plenty of Old Flag Ship detectors I'm Happy with.... And I quite honestly don't like all this GPS stuff the Non US companies are incorporating... Every time you do an update.... the thing is trying to share your GPS data with it's makers... It's nobody's business where I found A silver quarter... Unless I choose to share the adventure... But that's been more than 2 bits.... The xtra 3 1/2 were on the house.... ☺️ 

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  9. I recently acquired an MXT-E ... as I'm getting to know this detector... I've been amazed at how deep it finds very small targets... I had read somewhere that these machines do well at the beach... So I took the MXT out a couple of days ago... to a little strip of beach I like to hit... many of the locals fish here... there's always sinkers and pocket change... I've found two wedding bands on this strip in the past... For Me... It's a Good close by spot... after an hour or so... I found the usual run of the mill aluminum... sinkers... a nice little pair of wiss snips( CW7T ).... A stainless hook( I really should take up fishing some day)... some junk rusty iron... clad coins.. The piece of Bone was an eye find at the edge of the water... I think It came from something that's dead...  but one target blew me away... pictured in the middle of the quarter and nickel... is what I'm pretty sure...  is a dot of silver solder... I don't know exactly how deep it was... but I dug a heck of a hole before it was topside... the MXT carried on like I had a troy once under the coil... this is the 3rd time Iv'e had this machine out... It finds Tiny stuff deep... It kinda reminds me of one of the blue lunch box detectors... The Coin Master V Supreme... That machine could find a rusty nail head a foot down.... But...  that was my sneak away from work early day at the beach... with a detector I'm really starting to like        







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  10. On 4/28/2023 at 5:58 AM, Gold Seeker said:

    It appears to be the very rare and hard to find invisirock.

    Howdy Sir... At a first quick glance.... I thought was Disapearomite ... but now that I've had time to take a better look... I agree whole heartedly with your assessment of Invisirock 100%.... I was further surprised to find that Invisirock is not as rare as we thought it was... Most people just don't see it... I found a sample right in my back yard ( pic included )... Just under the grass... Now I know where those cracks in my windows came from when mowing... You can clearly see... in the picture... why the translucent edges led me to think this was the much harder to find Disapearomite ... Does anyone here have an actual picture of Disapearomite they could share...  As I have never seen an actual sample... ADDITIONAL: While searching for a more Clear picture of Invisirock... I found reference to Vanishanium... Which is horribly Rare... As Vanishanium is so hard to find... Samples can only be seen at Museums... Has Anyone been to a museum and taken a picture??? I'd really like to see what Vanishanium looks like... I've learned so much here on this forum... but the most important take away for me... Is to just pay attention to what I'm looking at... ?


    • Haha 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Chase Goldman said:

    FSA - Unfortunately, Monte recently passed away.



    Monte V. Berry passed away Sunday, March 26, 2023, at age 73.


    Good Lord... This happened so fast...  his last post on his forum was  April 12, 2023 08:28:PM... He was just telling the tale of his treasure boxes...  https://www.ahrps.org/forums/read.php?4,31285,31285#msg-31285  I see many long time adventurers posting condolences   https://www.ahrps.org/forums/list.php?25   I am absolutely stunned...  I feel like its not real...  


  12. On 2/24/2023 at 8:36 AM, Rick N. MI said:

    Talk to Monte. He knows this detector inside and out. 

    This is his forum.  https://www.ahrps.org/forums/list.php?2

    Just my 2 1/3 bits.... For Me... Monte has been the greatest wealth of knowledge for many of the older lines of detectors... And he has a good grabb on the newest Tech as well...  If memory serves me... Monte favors the smaller coils on the XLT... better target separation... and it goes deeper... There are custom programs galore for the XLT... Iv'e tried many over the years... used different sized coils... and adjusted the programs to suit... You know what I found???? Deep Aluminum.... Lol....(it's a west coast jersey thing)  The best luck I've had finding good deep targets here in Jersey... with any of My XLT's...  has been to choose "Coin and Jewelry"  Don't adjust anything... and dig Everything...

  13. On 4/14/2023 at 2:41 PM, Doc said:

    By the way I am a Garret dealer and I own an Axiom myself.  I was not attempting to insult Garrett as I think the Axiom is a really valuable addition to the metal detecting hobby.  But I was shocked to find that the accessory coils do not come with a coil cover and there is nowhere that I can find on the website that says, COIL COVER NOT INCLUDED.

    I sent an accessory coil to a customer and he called and complained that there was no coil cover.  I had not noticed it did not have a coil cover.  The customer said well they provide a coil cover with the coils that come with machine.  So I think the expectation is that the coils come with covers is a reasonable expectation.

    I just wanted to see whether I was the only one that assumed coils come with coil covers these days.

    I think we may have gotten this impression because almost all the accessory after-market coils, Coiltek, Nugget Finder, all come with coil covers.

    If a coil cover is an additional item, then that should be something that is easily understood especially by me as a dealer so I can let my customer know.

    I have found Garrett to be extremely easy to work with, but sometimes with all of the things going on at the corporate level something like forgetting to list Optional accessories is forgotten.


    Howdy Sir... Just my quick 2 bits... I agree with you 100%.... My GTAX 550 did not come with a scuff cover.... Neither did my ace 200 years later.... I did buy the covers after the fact.... but if I had known they weren't included... I would have bought covers at time of purchase.... 

  14. On 4/25/2023 at 8:50 AM, Michaeldoc2u said:

    Thanks, Popeye! Is there any source that I can go to and find coil covers (skid plates) for my Whites detector coils? I noted one post that discussed 3D printing of a coil cover. Not sure if that is cost effective except for the person printing.

    Any sources in the states or overseas?

    Thank you

    Welcome... Another Indiana Jones ... Come to join the Quest of the Whites Holy Grail... Where to find Scuff Covers for Our Whites coils...Yeaaa Though we may buy many "For Parts Only Detectors".... To find Upon receipt... The Cover has been pilfered... The Quest is The Quest... It never Ends.... And Hi... How's it going Doc... ?

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  15. The GTA / GTAX machines just seem to keep going... unless the keypad goes bad.... or the machine takes a dunk in water... If it seem like it doesn't work.... you pop the control box apart... a tiny dab of deoxit here and there on the contacts... and its brandy new again... even if you forget the batteries... and they spode ( guilty )... clean er up... get a new set of battery holders... and you're huntin... These are neat little machines... the don't weigh a ton... and they're so easy to use... to this day... still  a great starter detector....   

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, Againstmywill said:

    What machine do you have?

    I have way too many... I get yelled at all the time.... Lol....  I have several Tesoro's .... Too many Whites... And a few garrets to keep it interesting... I think my big problem is location... South West Coast New Jersey (It's a great place to be from)... the topography here is challenging... Iv'e found over the years that different detectors do better in certain areas... depending on what you're looking for...(in my case aluminum apparently)  This area is industrialized... but... I have beach...marsh... farmland... rocky high ground...patches of dense and sparse woods...clay mines.... gravel pits... golf courses... and Washington always seemed to cross the Delaware into Salem County to head north and mix it up with the red coats... all within a 20 mile radius...  87% of what I dig is aluminum trash(there is a lot of trash).... the rest is iron junk... clad coins... an occasional key or cell phone.... once in a blue moon... I find a piece of Real jewelry... I've had a few colonial buttons.... I only ever found 3 silver coins in the last 18 years... so ... when I saw what you found in a couple of days... It blows me away... It's absolutely amazing.... you're trash finds even look fantastic... Sir....

  17.  I can relate strongly to the appreciation... I was introduced to the IDX PRO by watching this guy on youtube ... Adventures with Jim... His oldest videos are the best....  he can have a salors mouth at times... but he had useful well thought techniques... and some great finds on a stock IDX PRO with a maxima 1500... I knew I had to try this thing out for myself... I had to have one...  Now years later... I have two... And would buy a 3rd at the right price... These are still great little machines... simple and fun... And with mods that can still be done... The detector can bump to the next level...

         I will never stop collecting old machines... I tell the kids often... "Some day all of this will be yours"                (no one remembers Fred Sanford)...





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