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Nuke em

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Posts posted by Nuke em

  1. I will try that out next time i am out , on Tuesday. 

    I have decided that instead of selling my Explorer 11 , i am going to sell my E.Trac .

    My Terra and Explorer can cope with all the beach issues so if the Nox cant i will be fine . Also trying to get a good price for the Explorer is pretty poor so the ET has to go .

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  2. I phoned my dealer today . They have my second Nox 800 . So tomorrow i will have it .

    Whether there are issues with the machine on my beaches makes no difference , i want 2 of them . In due course i will hunt other beaches and see what it does in less trashy / Irony and electrical disturbance rife beaches . 

    I didn't go out today , wanted to service my car but being unable to get the oil filter off meant that had to wait . 6 days till my next day off .

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  3. I cannot make it now , i am busy that day . Cannot commit a whole day away at the moment . And the travel will take the best part of 5 hours each way from my location . Would like to go , also i dont like hot weather 24 c plus and its likely to be that by then .

    I have been out of the land scene for a long time and i dont have the car available if its bad weather because of work needing doing , corrosion underside . 

    Land detecting will have to wait a while.

    As for beach finds , i am paying for my other Nox with that . Money finds pay for the machines and i dont sell my rings anymore since 2013.

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  4. As the Equinox is having trouble with EMI and other things on the beach where i go i decided to use my E.Trac today . I got to the beach after 3pm and searched the lower beach till low tide walking for around a mile . I found a few coins here and there through out the search and it seems that the Nox hasn't been missing that much . I found most of the coins at similar depths i was finding the coins yesterday with the Nox except for a couple that would have been i think to deep for it . I still find the ET much better for target info and tones than the Nox . I also found a Silver ring and a Bell , dont know what its made of though .

    After searching the lower beach i went on the tops but it was very quiet for finds so i finished and left for home at 7.30pm . Not sure when i'm out next , might be tomorrow but i might leave it till next Tuesday . The weather is going to warm up a bit over the next few days , typical . I have to work for 6 days after tomorrow .


    36) £12.81p FOUND 14-05-18 ET.JPG

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  5. I know I am missing targets and played with sensitivity but it still makes more noise. And as said the headphones keep cutting out  with the machine . I will use the ET today and Terra tomorrow . I will find somewhere else to use the Nox and see what happens but that will have to wait for a while.

  6. I use my Nox nearly always at 20 or down to 18 but no lower . It should work fine at that on the tops . My Terra works well at 28 on the tops and the ET does too or even manual at 30 in places . The Nox is the only machine i have used on the dry tops on that beach that wont settle . I will have another look next week or maybe Tuesday this week . Maybe park 1 or 2 in 10khts .

    I will still be getting my second machine .

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  7. I will have to have another look at the single frequencies in the other modes . 

    Blimby , single freqs aren't obsolete after all ! 

    At least having the 705 and Nox together covers all the beach , and the ET too . If out tomorrow i will take the ET , it does it all on its own . Oh i wish it was lighter .

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  8. Today i took the Nox out again and only the Nox "mistake" ! I went to the beach at around 12 noon so i could work the tide out then do the tops for the fresh losses and i am sure there would have been some . The machine behaved mostly lower down the beach between the tides where i found all the finds for today . I didn't have any gems this time , considering the conditions of the beach i am surprised . It looked good . 

    But like i said it was a mistake to only take the Nox , normally i would take the Terra and change the machines over on the Anderson shaft. When i tried to use the Nox on the dry tops like the last trip i had nothing but interference from something . Maybe EMI from the clubs again or maybe mobile phones ?? plenty of people using them on the beach today . It got so bad that the headphones kept tripping out and the machines main speaker would go on , then the machine would just go silent like when the ET or Explorer's would nul on a target of Iron or something . I noise cancelled several times but it made no difference at all. So i gave up at around 4pm and headed home . My finds for today were £15.03p and 2 foreign coins .

    It is an understatement to say how bad the conditions of the beaches i search are , and many think i am being negative . I'm not . From now i will only take the Nox out with the Terra 705 , it will mean more weight in the rucksack but its the only way to make sure i have a machine for all areas of the beaches i do . The Nox works in the water and up to the ridge where it gets level with the tops but on the tops its hopeless . I will have to visit another beach elsewhere at some point .

    Tomorrow i am thinking using the ET so i can go on the tops and do a little in the tidals too , on that beach that and the Explorer 11 are the only machines i have that can do all areas without trouble . Except for some nulling on Iron and bonfire markings , that will be early in the morning at 5am till 10am if i go . Tuesday is a definite due to 6 days working after that. 

    Very frustrating !

    35) £15.03p FOUND 13-05-18 EQ.JPG

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  9. 1 minute ago, Randy Dee said:

    To be honest I don't know how Joan Allens have got back in with Minelab after all of the rumpus they made over the CTX3030.

    They were stopped from supplying machines to other dealers but could sell to customers , they somehow were able to wangle a direct deal and get good discounts i have been told but then thats second third and fourth hand info .

  10. 3 minutes ago, Randy Dee said:

    But Richard we are getting loads of the Equinox's here in the UK it is just a case of no one is getting on the forums and telling all that they have received theirs, here up north on a local forum a pal Les put his order in with Joan Allen a month ago and then he was 267th on their waiting list now Les is 3rd just 4 weeks later and another pal (Pistol Pete) 5 weeks ago put his order in with Craig at Crawfords and then he was 147th on Crawfords waiting list this morning Pete rang Craig and asked where abouts he was on the list now and Craig told him he was on the next delivery next week and Pete asked Craig if there was still many waiting on his list Craig said his order list is back over 400 so it looks like what good reports which are coming out and filtering through is provoking other guys to make a move for the Equinox.


    Here Below Is Les's post referring to Equinox deliveries.

    Hi all,

    I’ve just been talking to Billy at Joan Allen, I asked him what the score was regarding the delivery of my new machine.

    I have been waiting just a month since placing my order, Billy informed me that I am now number three on the list, they just had forty machines delivered and I missed out by three.

    I have to ring them midweek to find out when they expect the next delivery. At least I’m getting close now and the excitement is growing. I can’t wait to get out and give it a try.

    Is there anybody else on the forum still waiting for theirs and if so how long have you got to wait now?

    Regards to all.

    Detecnicks hasn't had a delivery for around 3 weeks now . Joan Allen get theirs direct . Crawfords have to supply all the other shops too , so JA has an advantage in a way .

  11. 2 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    For its size, has some heft, .8 g.  Not magnetic.  We'll see.  Tone was 17.

    Maybe Gold 14 or 18k . Or Gold plated Brass maybe . 8 g is the weight of a 22k Gold Sovereign coin , 22mm diameter .

    Your find has a stone , depends on that and its weight too .

  12. I never found the Terra's very deep in hard ground but on airy ground and beaches quite deep . In hard ground i also find that the numbers change quite a lot though the tones stay around the same . Maybe your soil has Iron in it to make it do minus numbers ? That happened to me and others using the older 70's back in 2006 on a Roman site , that sort of site put a lot of people off the machine in that club . Only in 2011 when i started using the 705 on the dry beach did i find its real hotspot . Then it turned into a coin hoover. Gold rings too.

  13. Just now, Chase Goldman said:

    Amen to that.  

    After Equinox, the bar is set pretty high before I wait in line again, too.

    What has made me avoid queues in future was the release of the CTX . I bought that on day 1 and after around a year had had enough of the machine . It just didn't tick the boxes in the right ways , the Nox ticks a whole lot more of them .

    Anyway whatever replaces the ET / CTX will most likely mean a Mortgage is needed . Then again i might not buy it if thats the case .

  14. 5 minutes ago, Chase Goldman said:

    BTW - Got out to my local beach park this AM to give Goldinox a dip and managed some relatively deep coins again, including nickels.  But what was amazing is the small stuff I was digging out of the wet sand.  Wet sand and surf recovery is just plain exhausting and to make matters more fun, the tide was coming in.  So after 3 hours, I managed just a little over a couple dollars worth of change and this tiny gold turtle pendant for the world's best and toughest mom and I'm beat.

    Nuke, I have no idea how you manage your 14 hour ironman beach detecting sessions.  You have every right to be demanding of your equipment!  Tip o the hat to your determination and skill.

    Happy Hunting to all this weekend!


    What karat is it , looks good , well done.

    I haven't been out today . The weather is crap and might be tomorrow . If i do go out it might be from midday tomorrow till sunset at 8pm or so. Not expecting much , all the beaches looked built up a bit or enough to hide most in the tidals . The tops are likely to be baron till the better weather .

  15. 1 hour ago, Chase Goldman said:

    Well even though I said I was poking fun, you still decided to take me seriously.  You have every right to be demanding and fussy.  Never said you were or were not endorsing the machine (I dont have personally care whether other people like it or not) nor did I think that you were adding to the "supply problem".  I was merely humorously pointing out the amusing contradiction that you (justifiably) want Equinox to be more than it is yet you are still willing to buy a 2nd machine.  

    You missed my point completely.  I find it ironic that even people who are not 100% all in on the machine like it enough to get more than one and that those same people wonder why ML can't keep up with the demand.  Most folks are more than pleased with the machine so it makes sense that ML never even had a chance to meet that ridiculous end of March backlog clearing goal.  Meanwhile the backlog grows ever larger as the Equinox demand snowball rolls down the hill. That just makes me smile and shake my head ruefully.  Lol.

    Nothing wrong with thinking that way, Nuke, it just tickles my funny bone, that's all.

    I did not think you were serious or poking fun , got up late this morning and was to tired to read all you wrote properly .

    The queue that Minelab has created is getting longer as it should if they are going to make it work in the detecting World but its Minelab that is at fault because they are taking an age to clear the backlog that was there even before the release . As far as i know there has been around 700 to 800 units delivered to the UK , dont know if thats including 600's or not but have heard that 1 or 2 shops have the 600's on the shelf ?? 

    I dont know what Minelab's production rate is on the machine per week but they certainly aren't coming here , have heard that another delivery to Crawfords dealer is due though . The other main dealer that get theirs direct must be soon too if thats the case.

    I am not in a hurry for my second unit but i would like to get it out of the way . I only cancelled my second when i got my first because of money mostly and would have had both at the same time .

    One thing is for certain whether it be good bad or ugly i wont be in the queue for any other machine in future. I will wait till its on the shelf so i can see it before buying it and see other peoples thoughts on the forums first . 

    I am never easy to please and no machine is perfect everywhere , but then they dont have too . They only have to be good somewhere .

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  16. 32 minutes ago, Sinclair said:

    Don't think so, I'm with chase there. The machine has some issues and I hope there will be an software update soon, because the userprofile messes up the settings big time.

    Updates . That'll be a first ! 

    Not sure updates are needed for it maybe a few changes but i am in no hurry , might be just a few dodgy machines . I have heard about wonky stems but not seen that in mine . My dealer has had 1 though . 

  17. I am not all negative. I like to tell it how it is , if there is something i am having trouble with i will talk about it . Most of my finds are from other Minelabs and like most others i am only changing machines because of weight and wanting a waterproof machine.

    Around my area of beaches the Nox works best between the tides or in the water but then i have problems using it in the water here due to the lack of time the tides are long enough to get on the sand and the rough conditions with the currents . At some point i will get to another sandy beach and hit it for all its worth but not yet , my beaches are getting a bit busier and even if i dont get the Gold as much i do find lots of coinage . Travelling to other beaches far away means risking not finding anything or nearly nothing .

    I bought the Nox purely to add to the Terra 705 and to see if it can replace my FBS . It certainly has added to my 705 being able to use the Anderson shaft but it hasn't yet replaced my ET . The ET is better for target info in trash , not as good in Iron true and as for depth i am still figuring that one out . But the 705 is still my machine of choice on the dry tops , the coinage comes in on numbers that i have very little doubt on and the tones hit better . I still have to work out the best tones on the Nox , not yet tried the 50 tones properly but thats because of good targets being to close to bad targets numbers wise . Land use might be different but for the beach a little more distance between the Pull tab/ Ring pull and the 20p or 50p coins would have helped . On the Terra the Pull tab comes in at 12 or 13 and on the Nox its between 12 and 15 . Where 10p 20p and 50p coins come in . On the Terra the 10p 20p and 50p are 14 , 18 and 16 respectively . The situation on the Nox with the Pound/ 2 Pound coins isn't as bad but is stuck in at the top of some Aluminium blob targets which means if i set a tone for numbers to 20 then it crackles sometimes for 21 which the Pound comes in at a lot of the time. If in the ground in cases the Pound can change numbers and be anything between 21 and 23 . On the Nox the 20p is 15 maybe 16 , the 10p is 14 and the 50p 14 most of the times but so do the Pull Tabs at times . 

    Now then i know what your thinking , what about Gold rings ? They come in anywhere from the lowest numbers to around 23 maybe higher , on my dry tops its not worthwhile looking for Gold rings . If you find one its a bonus but its not the area to look , it will take to long when there are lots of coins to go for and with all the trash way to hard to go through .

    For me the Nox is best on the beach in less than very trashy areas (I dont have time to mess around figuring targets , i like to find and retrieve a target within 10 seconds on average ) , the 705 is best in trash but not lower down in the salt , the Terra is a great scavenger machine for coins . On the tops the ET is my backup due to target info being second to none when away from Iron.

    If my beaches were less trashy and not sand / pea shingle / pebble / stones mix then adding all the nails from pallet boards burnt in the past , bit of and whole parts of barbecue trays plus other Aluminium from Coke cans bottle tops Crown caps Pull tabs Ring pulls and large burn marks on the tops which send the ET and Terra into quiet mode and the pubs / clubs sending EMI from their speakers and alarm systems and under beach Iron girders concrete mix i would have a lot easier time .

    I am fussy , i need to be !

    As for me adding to the supply problem for wanting 2 Nox's . Nah . Shouldn't wanting 2 of them endorse the machine a bit ?

    And i want it for land too when i get out on land again .

    I am only giving my opinion on my beaches not others . And all my machines work well in different places on my beaches . And all in my opinion work better than almost all else of any makes .


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