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Rick K - First Member

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Posts posted by Rick K - First Member

  1. One happy result of the seemingly endless process of getting the mechanical package, production process and certifications done in El Paso is that Alexandre has been constantly pushing the boundaries of what the AQ is capable of. In the MANY months of slow progress towards full production, he has made multiple improvements in circuitry etc., resulting in a series of progressively improved boards, culminating in the released for production version.

    Here is part of an email I got from him late last year as a result of asking him to comment on statements on another forum that there was no way a PI could operate at 7microsec. delay in salt water....

    “I have reduced noise by 90% with a new electronic system (he is referring to the issued for production version) and I have reduced variations due to seawater conductivity. A variation in conductivity due to salt at 15µs of pulse delay on a FOSTER (the TDI is of course is an Eric Foster design) is equivalent to a variation at 8 µs on the IMPULSE AQ in terms of stability and salt conductivity compensation.”

    Other results I am aware of as a result of this continuous evolution of the design are - reduced depth penalty for using higher levels of iron ID, expanded range of low conductor acceptance to include higher carat gold acceptance when using iron ID and a completely new mode of operation for Volcanic Sand and other extreme conditions which would totally shut down a VLF and many PI’s


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  2. FTP is closely held - they need to please no one except customers and Tom Walsh the CEO and his partners if he has any.

    Still, there is no doubt that they need to “up their game”.  Alexandre Tartar is designing highly marketable new development detector systems WAY faster than FTP can figure out the mechanical design, do the sourcing of bits, set up and qualify the production system and figure out how to sell the darned things.


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  3. It will soon be 3 years since I first learned of the FTP acquisition of the Manta project and hiring Alexandre Tartar and his team. Since then, I have posted everything I have learned of the project outside of details which I cannot share. 

    Currently, I can truthfully say that I know no more than any of you about a likely product release date. I am confident that it will be released, but at this point I am not even asking for any updated information. It will happen when it happens and we will know more when FTP marketing tells us about it.

    Meanwhile, we wait.

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  4. “Trash” - with a VLF you can pretty reliably ID ferrous trash, but everything above that pretty much needs to be dug.

    PI’s up to now don’t offer a reliable way to ID ferrous targets.

    The Impulse offers a totally new approach to doing that, but only usage in the field by experienced detectorists will tell how useful it will be and what settings and modes are most effective for that.

    The Impulse AQ is not a diving detector. True diving detectors need waterproof ratings well above the current crop of beach machines with the exception of the Excalibur and CZ-21.

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  5. Just a note, but the AQ has no “holes” because of the way the two-channel sampling of signal is arranged. I would explain exactly how this is done, but....

    A. I don’t understand it well enough


    B. If I did explain it, I have some concern that some guys from Juarez would be hunting me pretty quick.

    There is some loss of sensitivity when the multitone and mute modes are used and the iron ID is turned up - vs. the all metal mode. This has been described as perhaps 10%, but I believe that this has been reduced prior to final production hardware. 

  6. I’m pretty sure they hit just about anywhere. Finding them with a detector is about the only way to do it in most places, but there are some places where finding them by eye is easier. Anyplace where the present surface is free of dark colored rock, plant growth and other things which camouflage meteorites is good, especially if the surface is “deflationary” that is, not covered by later deposits from stream flow or other accretion of new material.

    Good prospects are deserts with light colored surfaces and dry lakes. The serious scientists are making a lot of finds in Antarctica - so I guess that’s good also.

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  7. No one knows when the AQ will be released. Whatever Fisher’s plans actually are, they have not disclosed and information about the ongoing certification testing means that even Fisher Marketing may not be able to give a firm date.

    I am personally satisfied that the AQ will outperform the TDIBH for most wet salt beach applications, but it will certainly cost significantly more.

    Patience is often rewarded. When the AQ reaches market, and if it indeed outperforms the TDIBH, there may be an opportunity to pick up an nice used TDIBH at a bargain and you can then choose based on how much $ vs. how much performance for YOUR own uses.


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  8. Tim requested that I return the detector on 9 Jan. I did so the next day. In our conversation on the 9th, he mentioned the certification issues and gave me no great amount of detail. Even if he had, I doubt I would be allowed to publicly post it. Tom Walsh owns FTP, not me.

    I never made any pretense of considering myself qualified by either my inland location or my relatively limited beach hunting experience. I leave expert testing to those more favorably qualified and located. 

    Should Tim have sold the machine to someone else - guess you have to ask him.

    My intention with having the AQ was to enable me to totally familiarize me with its operating characteristics, including the action of the various controls and their interaction with each other. This would be building on the few days I had in 2018 and May 2019 with prototypes. I believe that I achieved some useful progress with this as detailed in my lengthy post on this forum about the controls and their function and effects.

    One of the reasons this was important to me is that I have been invited to review and comment on the user documentation which under development.

    Also during this period I have spent approximately 3 hours on Skype video calls with Alexandre Tartar durning which he went into great depth on various aspects of the AQ’s key characteristics involving sampling of target and ground signals and how the channels are used to provide information to the user - especially the function of the pulse delay and rejection controls and how they modify the timings. Much of this information is proprietary and I am bound by NDA regarding it.

    Sorry to disappoint everyone, but it’s been a tough end to 2019 and start to 2020. Long simmering gastric problem put me in the hospital for 3 days this last week - I got out on Tuesday. Long recovery from urinary tract surgery in mid November climaxed yesterday with another long night in the emergency room and one of those fun catheters to walk around with till I can get to my urologist - hopefully tomorrow unless he has MLK day off.

    Meanwhile, here are some pictures Alexandre asked me to take since even he does not have a production unit in hand. You may uses them for this forum in any way you like with attribution.







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  9. You are probably wondering why I haven’t been sharing experiences of using the AQ here in Gold Canyon. Good question.

    After New Years, it became clear that some relatively minor modifications to the production configuration of the AQ were going to be made in order for it to meet all the certification tests required to meet the requirements of each of the required agencies.

    In conversation with Tim Mallory, I agreed that the best course of action was for my AQ to be retuned to El Paso and returned to me when it was identical to the final production configuration.

    Add to that, the fact that I spent last weekend and a good part of this week in a local hospital enjoying “bowel rest” after an intestinal blockage, and I have been pretty “non-productive” - lol - (that was the problem, anyway!!!).

    Everything is fine now with me but my AQ is still with the crew in El Paso.

    Meanwhile, the days are sunny, but the evenings are chilly - I’m enjoying Long walks in the sunny mornings and relaxing evenings watching the fire warm the living room, burning the dead palo verde, mesquite and Ironwood that I gather in the desert. Most of it was cut years ago by the power company when they removed trees from under their transmission lines. 


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  10. I will bet a sizable Mexican dinner at La Casita in Globe Arizona that “VE” has nothing to worry about on the possibility of a bi-polar AQ version shortly after AQ going on sale. Fisher is the Tortoise in the fable of the Hare and the Tortoise vs. Alexandre who is the Hare (and a speedy bunny he is indeed!)

    If you wait for the BP version, I hope your beaches aren’t visited by too many AQ owners! Lol 

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  11. Well, since I wrote those words about a year and a half ago, I guess I get an opinion on what I meant. I meant simply salt water - sand wet with it, wading in it and coil submerged to some reasonable depth. I stated that the ability to find small gold would surpass any existing detector in said salt water - due to it having the capability to operate at shorter pulse delay settings in this environment. 

    Since I wrote that - based on what I have read, I have used AQ prototypes breafly in salt water - including with the coil submerged in running salt water. I found no need to adjust the pulse delay from the setting I was using - 8 microseconds of I recall rightly. Also however, I have tested the AQ against tiny gold targets such as small posts and earring backs. I found it to be less sensitive to these than something like a Minelab SDC which is targeted at tiny low conductors like gold nuggets. In discussing this with Alexandre and in subsequent posts he has made, he made it clear that a degree of insensitivity to tiny low conductor trash like foil bits and tiny melted AL fragments from beach bonfires. This of course means that hunting for tiny 10k crucifixes is pretty well out.

    It is well documented that as the quantity of salt a detector sees increases, the ability to operate at very short pulse delays is lost. Diving PI detectors have quite long minimum pulse delays I believe.

    When Alexandre was questioned why no pulse delay longer than 12 microseconds was available, he answered, as best I recall, that within its submergence limits, the design of the circuitry and coil made that unnecessary.

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof. You stated that “So it now appears that “in the water” this detector will provide little additional benefit against existing products.” Time will tell if you are right. 


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  12. 5 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    I have read posts by Alexandre stating the Impulse is locked permanently in “salt mode” even in all metal mode, and that there should be no expectation it will detect tiny gold items. In fact it is by design excluding small aluminum in order to focus of gold rings to the exclusion of almost anything else. This implies an insensitivity to saltwater that should be in favor of stable operation at depth.

    You can’t really complain the detector will not pick up small gold items then turn around and get overly concerned it might be too sensitive to saltwater. It’s one or the other, and the machine is stated to be insensitive to saltwater, small aluminum and small gold by design. In any case this is the reason why we have a pulse delay control and a sensitivity control so it seems to me like concerns over saltwater stability is a blown up issue. It’s not like the machine is preset with no adjustments available.

    I agree Steve ...... theres no free lunch in the salt water.  Testing will determine..... what small gold might be lost on that end in the water.  However..... for the most part the machine we now use ARENT getting that small gold either.

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  13. I’m reasonably sure the - at one time - rumored 1 M rating was info based on the state of development of the AQ mechanical package at the time - it very likely had NOTHING to do with the electronic performance.

    I believe that Alexandre has already pretty much answered the question when it was posed in the form of - “my former PI beach machine needed to have mpulse delay increased to XX to operate in open water and the AQ highest pulse delay is 17 microseconds - how can that be?” Alexandre’s answer if I recall correctly was basically that careful circuit and coil design made it unnecessary to provide for longer pulse delay settings in any “non deep diving” situation.

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