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Posts posted by idahogold

  1. 4 hours ago, CastleBravo said:

    so this past few months or so ive been getting into prospecting i ended up getting a sluice box off of amazon for a good price and also picked up some miners moss and when i installed the moss it makes the riffles stand up about a 1/2 inch is this normal or am i doing something wrong 

    Cb -  1 word for ya? Dream Vortex Mat....ck,it.out!.Cheers, Ig

  2. On 12/30/2018 at 10:12 AM, The Seeker said:

    Hello everyone, 

    I am sort of new here as far as posting but have been reading all the great info this forum has to offer since I joined. I also browse all the finds forums for motivation since there’s always some great treasure being posted. Once I figure out how to post pictures I will share some of my finds. I live in Southern California and I hope to meet some other Detectorist, until then I wish everyone a great holiday season. HH



    Oscar " Cheers  from 10f Central Idaho....Welcome and You'll learn Alot here! ?Ig

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  3. 21 hours ago, Jimmy M said:

    .... what an old Fortyniner did when he struck it rich panning for gold near Placerville (aka "Hangtown") California circa 1849 or 1850. Tired of eating grizzly bear, deer, and biscuits, he went to the Cary House Hotel Restaurant in Placerville, and asked what were the most expensive food items available. "Eggs, oysters, and bacon" was the answer. The Argonaut ordered up an omelet made of those items, which became known as "The Hangtown Fry." It has become the most "iconic" food item from California Gold Rush. HH Jim

    Here ya go! Merry Christmas! ? Ig



  4. On 12/13/2018 at 3:36 PM, 1515Art said:

    worst products ever that's got to be quite a list, I wonder how many I've bought over the years hmmm, more importantly how many more to come? worst product ever might be a bit harsh it works if you need something to stick in a back pack and like anything else out there, gold pan, flow pan, pyramid pan or dish pan just another place to put dirt. ill have to look there must be a book or something about every gold pan variation ever made, but there's some odd ideas.


    just found this tonite...Banjo pan...ha ha ! Add it to the list? ? Ig


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