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Prickly Prospector

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Posts posted by Prickly Prospector

  1. 4 hours ago, goldenoldie said:

    One good thing that the QED had through the use of its MGB adjustment to complete a Ground Balance was to give a figure / number reading on its screen for the type of ground, that being the higher the figure / number reading the more mineralised the ground.

    Unfortunately, upgrades saw the GB readout become superfluous with the GB range and centre changing with each new upgrade. Rudimentary tracking that was being tested may have brought it back into play with the figures moving as you detected. Unfortunately this has never made it to a standard for customer release, and to my knowledge is still being worked on. I think the QED missed it's chance.


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  2. 6 hours ago, palzynski said:

    Hopefully there are more clever people in other countries administrations like in England where there is a partnership called the "Treasure Act" between the detectorists and the archaelogists . The detectorists declare their finds which are studied by archaelogists . If a find is declared as the treasure by the archaelogists it can be bought by a museum and the detectorist receives a payment . If the find is not a treasure it can be kept by the detectorist.  

    Hundreds of finds are declared annually by the detectorists in England thanks to the Treasure Act .

    In France the situation is similar to Australia and nothing is declared because the French detectorists know that they will have pbs if they declare ( this has occured several times ) , this even if metal detecting is authorized in France ( except on listed sites of course ) ... 

    Conclusion : Who is the winner for a better history knowledge   ?  England or Australia-France ?   That is the question ... ?




    The so called "Heritage" artefacts cannot be more than 200yrs old. European sites are digging up coins and relics from prehistory.(before Christ), while Aussie mining companies are destroying the native/indigenous history of over 60000yrs!

    Yet this fuss is being made about trinkets dropped by convicts and miners, while exploration grants to mine large areas are being handed out to companies.

    Bureaucracy gone mad!!

    I've signed and donated!

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  3. So many decisions for a Noob to deal with. imagine if they came in different colours too.?

    Some sort of base scale would be handy though, eg. Should pick up a 10c at 20cm out of the box for park, 50cm beach or some such and adjust from there. As I don't use it much, I find my old Quattro pre-sets  find enough when out with the kids to make it enjoyable. I'm sure those more serious would want more, just as I do when gold detecting. After working my way up to the ZED it's hard to use another PI with confidence, and I'm sure VLF is the same, but harder, having no real King of VLF machines, there seems much confusion.


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