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Posts posted by John-Edmonton

  1. It's never too cold, to go and dig gold I have often said. I took out the California Mini (on such a cold winter's day) with below freezing temperatures. I ran the unit non-stop for 2 1/2 hours, as I was afraid that if I shut the water flow off, my riffles would freeze up and my electric pump wouldn't start again. So, after I fired my last shovel into the highbanker, I quickly removed the sluice and ran the concentrates into a waiting container. It worked flawlessly.😁








  2. Headed to work this morning with a mild sore throat. Did a quick rapid test on myself, which turned out positive. Said my good-byes and went straight home. I figure I picked it up from admitting a patient last week who tested positive.  Anyhow, felt better this evening and cleaned up yesterdays gold, weighed the last two digs together and finished my photo shoot. All is well. I have had covid before, and getting it again should give me better immunity for the existing strains.





  3. Now this is really cool! Because some sluices/highbankers are made out out of light ABS plastics, they fit nicely on utility sleds. And, you can find ones which are solid, with no holes. Guess what? They float on water, allowing the user of this mining equipment to "float" it along a body of water and travel great distances to find new locations for gold. I just purchased a new one  today (my old sled is wearing out). That's what I did today, and I call it a success!👍You can now travel great distances with ease, opening up new locations which previously were probably unattainable due to their distances at one time. The world is your oyster, I mean nugget!






  4. Had an annual physical with my Physcian yesterday. He wants me to increase my exercise. So.....that means I have to prospect more often and longer trips.😁 I like it! I met up with my buddy this morning for a  North Saskatchewan River dig. Close to freezing with a cold blistering wind from the east. The river levels are dropping, allowing new territory to dig. I hit a decent spot today too! Here's the kind of day it was........⛏








  5. 7 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

    Looks like a nice hunt again for you, with some nice gold in just 2 hours.

    I just wish you could use a higher resolution camera setting so I could zoom in on the pictures.

    Very nice setup you have and I like the way you can use it.

    Good luck on your next outing as it seems as though you are on the gold.

    I can take photos of high resolution, but it would have to zoom in on a smaller portion of flour gold.



  6. A couple more hunts the past two days. Welcome autumn! The leaves are turning to vivid yellow and red colors, the mosquitoes are gone, it's cooler and the days are getting shorter. And with little mountain runoff, the river is exposing more gravel bars. I again hit my honey-hole gold streak. Got another 2.6 grams to add to my totals. I am hoping the get an ounce this year.sept27e.JPG.1f78d6d4179b70baa182af91937f30bf.JPG





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