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Posts posted by F350Platinum

  1. 5 hours ago, Lodge Scent said:

    Well F350, since I missed this post back in March, I will comment now. Nice finds! I do think the octagon is a button. I have one the same size and it has a shank.


    I've found stuff I missed here and there LC, but thanks for the reaction. 🙂

    This week I'm in Roanoke Island, going to hit the Outer Banks beaches. Really looking forward to getting back to it! 

    I have a couple of other prior posts I may put back. I'm glad Steve is getting it sorted, tough job. 👍

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

     Nice pic of all the buttons 350 . The lone shank probably surrendered to be with his friends ?

    The junk pic had several items I would have put in the good finds pic ! You're welcome to toss them out here for me to find . ? 

    7 miles....hmmmm I was just thinking about driving the car over to the infield so I don't have to walk the 1/4 mile RT.  ? The vehicle gate near me is locked again and the pedestrian entrance is on the other end ... 

    40* and the same 40 for the wind gusts.



    Yikes, yeah the wind got really brutal. It was warm, around 67, but ya wouldn't have known it ? yep it's all yours now.

    I put most things I find in display cases, I have quite the collection now, and common objects like shotgun head stamps and bullets, especially buckshot, get round filed. The larger brass that's identifiable goes in a box.

    If I ever get up there I could bring the box... ?

    • Oh my! 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Valens Legacy said:

    Once again some nice finds in the books for you.

    Glad to see you having so much luck with your permissions.

    Good luck on your next hunt and stay safe out there.

    Thanks VL,

    I'm beginning to wonder if it's time to cut and run for the year ? a recap would astound me, I think. ?

  4. 13 hours ago, JCR said:

    Nice hunting and some good finding too.

    Thanks JCR,

    Another possibility for all these different buttons and no coins could be that it was a training spot for the militia around 1776. ? There is an account of one being raised in this area. Could have been active, like combat training, which could explain why buttons fell off.

    Shame we will probably never know. ?

  5. 2 hours ago, Tyler said:

    Has anyone used the 10x5 around iron infested home sites. Does it fair any better than the stock 11? I’ve had some success with the stock 11 in colonial and civil war era houses. Would the 10x5 do any better than the 6? 

    In my opinion yes, it's still on my Equinox. Ran it against the Deus 2 9" in a real scenario, and really can't say which did better.

    There are some who like the 6" and some who like the 10x5. The 10x5 did great for me especially around trees and in tight spaces.


    • Like 4
  6. I thought it was going to be a nice day today, sunny and in the 60s with a bit of wind, but not what it ended up being.


    There was no wind at all when I got there, it was cloudy and kinda cold, in the 40s. My goal was to check out the last spot Chase and I didn't get to, about an 8 acre spot. I found nothing there. ? Nothing.

    But, in 7 hours and 7 miles of walking, I managed to get a few things, random stuff here and there:


    7 more buttons, two of which may not be, the octagon and the misshapen one 3d from the left. A few buckle bits and a whole buckle. Only 4 came from the button hotspot.

    What really stands out is the smallest thing in the button row, I've found plenty of buttons with no shanks, but never a shank with no button! It was about 4" deep, a solid 51. The Deus hit it like it was on the surface.

    Also dug a 1945 wheat.


    I don't get much trash using relic with the 13", and today was no exception.

    By the end of they day the wind was blowing 20mph with gusts to 35, I really couldn't hear targets through the WSA II headphones, so I called it early.

    • Like 8
  7. Great hunt, looks like you're getting back to typical now ? ?

    Ok, I didn't know what your going to do after this, but the thing you asked about is indeed lead, it's a Shamans' medallion. ?

    I already dug an Indian artifact that may have changed the rain to the work days, but that thing may put it back on the weekend! Yikes! ??



    Apparently they have different configurations, but the central figure from yours is missing. ?

    • Like 1
    • Oh my! 1
  8. I completely dislocated my left shoulder back in November, the orthopedic specialist I went to see poked and prodded a bit and told me I could get back to detecting immediately. He said it would be better for me to use it than keep it in a sling, that's the new way.

    He simply said "if it hurts too much don't do it".

    Digging makes it feel better, it still hurts from time to time.

    I'd get a doctor's advice for a rib.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Lodge Scent said:

    Great hunt F350! I am happy finding buttons all day. You know there are coins to be found there. I've been playing with Tekkna lately but Relic is never far from my mind. It will hit some good targets at a pounded site so hard that I am skeptical of what I am hearing. That tinkler is a very cool find!

    Thanks Ghound,

    Between us we got 27 buttons total. I'm thinking that because I found an Indian artifact in the same place, it must have been a place where goods were traded, not sold. Not one button found is the same as any other. Buttons were a premium item 250 years ago, so they were no doubt reused.

    If the field had been cleared better we would have dug more, the deeper stuff was evading us unless the spot was clear or between rows. Bean stalks dry out and become tough. Relic is the only program to use in that situation because we had to keep the coil over 4" above the ground where the stalks were, that's what it is best at.

    Could be there aren't any coins at all, or that the heavier stuff sank deeper.

    Tekkna is great for really trashy spots but Relic is the best choice where we were. ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Skull diver said:

    Should one send it to the dealer who first made the sale to initiate the service procedure?

    Thank you to anyone with information on this matter....

    First off, I'm sorry you have had to give up on the Deus 2, so close to perfect and yet so far. ? I completely understand your dilemma and hope that you find the right machine, seems that the Manticore may be worth a shot, I wish you the best of luck. ?

    If the person who bought your coil is in the USA, there is one place they can call to get warranty work without going through a dealer, at least I had success with them, and they turned my remote around in a week.

    Detector Electronics Corp.

    23 Turnpike Road

    Southboro, MA 01772


    That's all I have, if you can specify the country you sent it to that would help others who may know a similar warranty fulfillment company.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 2 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

    You've collected so many permissions it boggles the mind.?

    You can actually cherry pick the locations instead of just the targets..?  


    One of the things that I haven't mentioned about farms is that there are so many conditions and stages happening that it is difficult sometimes to choose where to go. When Chase comes down I try to think of a spot (or let him pick, saves guilt ?) that will almost guarantee some decent finds to make the trip worthwhile. Personally I can go to any of these places, hunt all day and not find much. Unless I get some interesting item or many, I might not post. It is still fun and does not bother me.

    Posting a crap hunt sometimes does keep it real though, and makes me more credible. ?

    Here farmers plant mostly corn or soybeans with either winter wheat, barley or "cover crop" after harvest. The cover crop they don't care about. Some farms are so big that they rotate two crops. 

    With corn, if they don't knock the stalks down with a bush hog or tiller it is almost impossible to hunt, so a field with corn can be a two year wait to revisit. Soybeans are preferable as if conditions are good they will cut them short. This field was not so good, but we toughed it out knowing it would be a two year wait if we didn't. Not only is it fresh but also putting it off might make the aged owner forget he gave permission.

    Add to that other strategic difficulties, some farms have very little to offer or are extremely trashy. I have one really big one that has literally nothing on it despite its age, or at least I found nothing while scouting it for a whole day. Others have hotspots, some of which have been wiped out and I am  awaiting some sort of tilling to refresh the place ?

    But yes, having a lot of places to go does lead to getting still more. If I pass a farm of interest and it feels like the time is right and the farmer is out there, I'll stop and ask. Most are curious as to what I might find, and thankfully appreciate the desire for some reward for me should I do all the work to dig it up. Establishing a friendship of sorts goes far, they will try to think of other places to look, or even ask someone else for me.

    There are 2 rules for getting permissions:

    1. Start out with a question about the history of the place and a compliment about how nice it is, then Listen to the farmer after asking to hunt it, no matter how long they talk. It's the most important thing, if you act hasty or impatient, you're not doing to get it. If they say no, be prepared to calm their fears of leaving holes and damage. Make them say no more than once.

    2: See rule 1.

    I guess you could just say it's complicated ? but I do hope to inform as well as brag ? information is a bit more important here.

    • Like 5
  12. 7 minutes ago, NCtoad said:

    The four copper coins are United States wheat cents.  The dates of those four are:  1930, 1934, 1945 and 1953.  The silver coin is a Japanese coin.  I’m not sure of the exact date but most likely pre world war II…probably from the 1930s era.  So they’re not very old.  But thanks for your interest.  

    I was asking Alexnov what he found, but very cool stuff man ?

    I translated his post.

    • Like 2
  13. On 3/20/2024 at 5:53 AM, rvpopeye said:

    A pair of hemostats 8" down next to a big rock on the path from the parking lot and 2 pennies , 1 was a zincoln.    All of these spots were less than 5 miles from the LLBean main store , expected more from places that are  probably swarmed every summah .

    That's about all I get most times when I hunt a very small beach nearby, but paying attention to the tides and going when they are the lowest possible can turn some stuff up.

    Of course my beach is on a big sandy river, and the only rocks I encounter are the imported rip rap they use to keep the parking lot from being swept away. ?

    Forgive me for kidding ya, but congrats on the gravity-defying photo and the sidelight to bring out the detail.

    At least you won't wonder where the hemostat is now. ?

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, Alexnov said:

    Я люблю tekkna. Я не знаю, что это такое, но поверю Гэри на слово, что с этим происходит какое-то колдовство! Лол какое-то колдовство! Лол ,,,,?



    "I love tekkna. I don't know what it is, but I'll take Gary's word for it that there's some magic going on with it! Lol some kind of witchcraft! Lol,,,,?"


    Can you identify the objects you found and the age of them? Very interesting. They look very old. Do not do so if it is not in your best interest. ?

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  15. On 3/26/2024 at 10:33 PM, Doc Bach said:

    Super copper trade piece Bob. Or who knows possibly an ancient Indian made artifact that predates the other finds by many years?Gotta love that relic program! It's been pretty much exclusive for me the last few months. I use it until I get plumb worn out or it's not practical then I switch over too fast and cruise along.

    Thanks Doc,

    A lot of people use fast, I tried one version of it but they blanked out iron, which while relic hunting is useless to me. I'll have to mess with it some. ? 

    I like the Tekkna program and am excited to see what they will do for it with beach hunting, but it is specialized and too soft in the clean places. I use it to get a break from the harshness of Relic. ?

    Relic makes a distinctive sound when passing over something good, even with low reactivity. With the 13" coil battery it lasts all day, I don't think it was as good in versions before V2.

    I rarely find Indian stuff, here they didn't use copper before the settlers arrived unlike some lucky hunters out west. I hear many tales of arrowheads everywhere but have yet to find one of them either. ?

    • Like 3
  16. On 3/24/2024 at 11:21 PM, midalake said:

    There were so many fan boys when the D2 came out and how it was going to RULE small everything. Well, we know that did not happen. 
    YET, the Equinox never falters and excels at small bits. 

    Hey, I resemble this remark! ?

    For sure at first the D2 did not rule at finding small stuff, but now I'm shocked at what it finds now under V2, even with the 13". ? 




    I only have the lowly Equinox 600, and it sure did find a lot of tiny stuff, but most of my hunting with it was the 10x5.

    I think it's arguable from a relic hunting standpoint that being able to swing a much lighter detector for more hours at a time has produced some banner finds for me this year, from tiny gold rings to bits of Spanish silver, to small buttons 10+ inches deep like I dug yesterday.

    While I'm sure I would have found most of all of it with the 600, it sure was more comfortable using the D2.

    It's getting close to beach season for me, I'm excited to get out there with V2 and see what I get. It was in its infancy last year when beach season ended, but I got 2 gold rings in two days in a place I didn't think there were any ?



    I agree with you man, but it probably has as much to do with your proficiency as a detectorist which you undoubtedly have, your persistence and knowledge of your hunting spots. ?


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