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Everything posted by F350Platinum

  1. That was a great hunt for you, so good I had to go to a beach and dig a bunch of Barbers? 🤷‍♂️ 🤣 That button is incredible, and I don't think I've ever found a whole silver thimble. Does it say Sterling anywhere, or is it even older? Relic season is on. 🏆
  2. It takes an hour one way to get to this beach, so time is kinda valuable. Some of the iron there is huge, they threw a lot in there. I can only manage about 5-6 hours there making it an 8 hour day. I agree I'm pretty much "cherry picking", but throwing big chunks of iron in the trash cans might get me banned. 😬 Digging it all isn't an option unless I had an assistant to carry the big iron to a dumpster 😅 If there is any gold there, it sunk beyond the reach of the D2, I did dig all fairly consistent low and mid tones, which is why I got so many copper screws. I was glad to get those out of there. Any gold ring I have ever found was consistent in most directions, and silver is always a high tone unless it is older, but it still sounds like a coin. Silver is easy if it's there. The only reason I got 6 silver coins is that they were brought up and probably laid flat or nearly so by the wave action. I'm pretty sure this place will keep producing good stuff for years to come. For sure there will be more nickels, it seems the other detectorists skip them, and pennies. I think that is because they don't relic hunt like I do.
  3. Yikes Joe D, I think the third time would be the "Not Finding Much" if I return to that spot, but other spots there may be hot. 🤔
  4. Thanks man, Yeah I was ready to toss it after finding the dime on top of the iron, what detector does that? 🤣 I know I can't compete with the old days, but 3 Barbers in one day was pretty cool. 😎 Never done that before!
  5. I dug almost everything except stuff that came up iron in all directions. I'll tell ya if I dug everything I wouldn't have got a fair portion of the good stuff I did get! 🤣
  6. Thanks Joe, I did get out again today and posted the results. 🙂 I might have ventured out farther but the Naval Weapons patrol boat was out there, and many explosions kind of shook things up today. I got to watch the Marine Police chase a fishing boat back to a dock, and the patrol boat was boarding others. If I go back this year I'll probably pick a quieter day 🤔. All the finds seem to be on the slope or about 15 feet out. 🤷‍♂️ It's mostly nickels and old pennies, stuff that detectorists may have skipped in favor of silvers. I probably got the few silvers that were turned from vertical.
  7. After all your comments and advice, I decided to go back to "the spot" to see what else I could find, today as a water hunter. I brought my water ready D2, my tougher and heavier CooB scoop, and the Tube Tubb today. The water is not all that cold and it went up to almost 80. It wasn't 5 minutes before I found my first coin, and they just kept coming. Today I came home with 38 coins, one more than yesterday, and not one Zincoln. It was fairly evenly split between the old and the new. I finally came to the conclusion that the North wind took 50 to 100 years off this particular spot, and almost all of the finds were coming from about 15 feet past low tide, and 15 feet above it. It seems to me that if a beach gets heavily sanded out, whatever is in the water past the wave action and current gets sanded in. When I went out in the deeper water the targets were very faint or non existent. Got a couple of rings out there, one may be silver but the rest are pretty much junk. Here's the trash today, only a small handful. I dug a lot of copper screws today, a live blank .22 long, and a live .22 short. Dug next to no iron. Got a lot of clad but most of it has been there a long time, a nice tungsten ring, a broken one, and some small bling. 6 copper memorials, and 6 wheats. Here's the fun stuff, 2 old keys, another Barber Dime, 3 IHPs, 4 V nickels and 2 Buffalo nickels. On the right is a piece of typeset that says something about Chicago, a small broken buckle and I think 2 silver items, a ring and a small pendant. Both are brown, so I'll have to find a way to clean them without damage, I might just tumble them along with some of the coins to see what the dates are. One of the V nickels is a 1912. Here's the pendant, almost looks like gold under the brown but there are no hallmarks. I cannot find a similar one: Here is the reverse, it just says "OUT". I was trying to get out of there and go home, but I kept finding coins about every 5 feet. Another great day, and possibly my last beach hunt this year.
  8. Thanks Brad, My relic sites are opening up now so this was an educated whim if you will, as I've mentioned to others in this thread if the gold was there I should have found it right there, I didn't have time to dig everything. 🤔 All this was dug within 3-5' of the waterline, and some just in the water, the 13" is a great spear when you can't immerse it without losing comms to the coil. The signals were different than usual except the silvers, stuff that seems like bottle caps are coins. I've noticed this before and used that to my advantage at least. 🙂 A tweak to salt sensitivity changed things a bit.
  9. I think I'm a bit old myself for scuba, but I do bite the bullet now and again for the slow Venusian experience of water hunting 😅 Of late I've been doing it more and it has paid off.
  10. Thanks! This place gets hit hard by water hunters, I saw many more than usual this year, and from the few that may be honest about what they find it's been scant. It's a very silty river with fine white sand the further out one goes. I've been in the water myself a few times as well but not in "the spot", I will probably return soon. Here are a few of the good ones I've found this year: Possibly why others are having a problem 😅
  11. Thanks RVP, I think I've got my beach program as fine tuned as it can be, a tweak or two on the advice I've got here helped too. Good doggie 🐶
  12. Thanks School, I didn't bring my D2 water rig but I may return, however I did swing my 13" coil out over the water "spear fishing", and heard nothing. I'm pretty sure that if there were any gold objects they would have been right where I was but probably beyond the reach of my VLF, or I misinterpreted some signals. Luckily I came away with some good stuff. 😅
  13. Thanks MD4V, And thanks for what you do for Veterans. I was in the Army when Desert Storm happened, we had to enlist voluntarily or get sent over there, my ETS came up 5 days after they lifted that order. My ARNG unit was selected to go but that changed as well, and it was disbanded soon after I got out. I've been to other parts of the Middle East but never saw what many did. 🇺🇸 I've got old coins and objects in that spot before, but not to this degree. I feel like it's my blessing for choosing the right answer to the moral challenges I've had this year. 🙂
  14. Got a strong feeling this morning that I should go to my local big beach. The festivals and big events are over for the year, and finally parking is free 🥳 I really didn't expect much, and for the first two hours that was the case. The tide was very low today, I think that's part of what made me go, the high beach was pretty barren of finds but I noticed the shoreline had quite a few cuts in it. The North wind has been pounding the shoreline for quite a while. Got there around 9AM, it was still 46 degrees but the water is still warm and the sun was up, so I never felt the cold. I searched this beach for 2 hours and got quite a few coins near the edge of the water. My count was 37 coins for the day. I ended up with a small amount of clad, a few old things, a silver earring, and a jeweled cross on a tiny chain. I found it on Amazon for $5.99 🤬 At first I thought it might be gold due to the low ID, but it's not. After 2 hours of finding pretty much the same old same old, I decided to hunt a stretch of beach I call "the spot", it is about 50 yards long. The tide by then was really low, lower than it has been in a while. It was then that I almost felt like I went back in time, I started finding coin after coin that was over 100 years old. 🤯 I couldn't leave that spot despite being tired, and I'm glad I didn't: I got 4 silver coins! 2 Barber Quarters, a Barber dime, and a Mercury dime. Under those are 4 "V" nickels, and a Buffalo nickel. Two Indian heads and 5 wheats. The most interesting thing that occurred today was finding the Merc, it was sitting on top of a huge piece of iron, yet the D2 sniffed it out. 😎 The iron chunk literally fills the frame. Trash was bits of everything, about 2 handfuls of lead, copper screws and bullet shells, and the usual junk.
  15. Nice hunt School, That is a Louis Vuitton bracelet ya got there if it has "LV" at the bottom of the V, or a knockoff. 🤗 You might have done better than you thought! Your conditions must be wildly different than mine, I do have a spot where the bottom goes from a light layer of sand to black muck, but if a coin is there, even part of one, it at least comes close to its usual ID. 🤔 Could be the machine too. I've considered buying a Manticore but honestly I'm often put farther away. 😬
  16. Thanks man! I hope to find a second, or the other half of the 1607 hammered sixpence I already found. 🤔 I've been looking for the other half, but am glad I got the half with the date. I'm pretty convinced that these relics were left behind by a very early expedition, and I'm collecting them all in a case that I will do something with in the future. 🤐 For sure I am both thrilled and honored to have found them.
  17. Brilliant to hit the water then, if your other permissions are "dried up" in one form or another. 👍 I'm sure you will find much more there, difficult as it may be. 🍀
  18. Thanks my friend, you're a poet and don't know it. 🤣 Luckily being squashed between two rivers here has generated enough humidity to keep things going, but no rain in sight for the next 14 days. 🤬 Might put some hunting on hold. If the cold nights continue with warm days, maybe. 🤔
  19. Beautiful weather here this week, but the ground is drying up so I need to get out as much as possible. No rain in sight for the next 15 days. 😵 I have a permission where I dug a half of a 1607 King James 1 sixpence, and recently got permission to hunt the land across the road as well. Earlier in the week I scouted the new place, and used ONX Hunt to mark a spot in the middle of the field where I detected a possible deep coin. I only had a composite trowel, and after getting down 4 inches I still couldn't hear the target with my MI-6. I marked the spot in ONX and left. The landowner of the new permission mentioned that he might sell some of the land and to check with him after the corn was harvested. I sent him a text in the morning, but didn't immediately hear back from him so I went across the road to my other permission. The corn was cut really short and may have been bush hogged, a very fortunate instance. I really dislike hunting in corn stalks but these were cut right to the ground. In about 4 hours hunting the spot where I found an assortment of extremely old relics and the coin dating to the first explorers here, I did pretty well: A large coat button, a silver wash button, a small decorated cuff button, drawer knob, half of a knee buckle, either a rivet or collar stud, a small triangle that may be a cut coin, and a pewter object that says "Police Whistle". I tried to find a whistle with similar stamping but could not. The really old buttons came from the area where I dug the KJ1 sixpence, so they are probably from that period. The whistle bit came from the edge of the field near the road. I got a text later in the day from the landowner saying it was ok to hunt the field across the road, so I used ONX Hunt to get to the spot I got that coin signal in. I'm pretty impressed with how accurate that app is. I dug down and about 8-12" down was a 1934 wheat penny. That and some other finds came up, nothing impressive except for the last find of the day which gave me hope for this field: An old thin button. The farm is about 40 acres so I'll have a lot of searching to do! Trash was pretty much all firearm related, including a live shotgun shell. Just a few bits of aluminum and steel, you have to dig those buck balls if you want buttons. It was nice to add a few more bits to my KJ1 box.
  20. Nice find Gopher, Generally old military items are considered relics, I've found old rings that I consider relics. Good question. Regardless, that's a good one!
  21. Thanks Lodge, The good thing about a Toy Hauler is the "garage", once the golf cart is out it's the best entrance to use after detecting. I keep my gear back there on the rubber floor, and a vacuum is handy. Also a small leaf blower. 🤣 The worst places are the coral sand beaches, that stuff sticks to everything. I leave a clean pair of shoes in the garage when I go out, we get along. My wife likes the extra time she gets in the morning while I'm out detecting, so it's a fair exchange. 🙂
  22. Thanks JCR, Don't know much about other machines but for sure this technique works, the EMI is reduced to a low volume and tolerable chatter and the good targets are loud.
  23. I just came back from a campground trip that has a lot of electronic signals and energy both in the air and in the ground. In a few places the EMI is so bad that even single frequency struggles, but I have a proven simple way to minimize that. You will lose a little depth but you will still come away with a lot of finds, especially because other detectors do not have this capability. The Deus 2 really amazes me with its capability the more I use it, and I use it a lot. I've got to the point that I almost don't have to look at the screen. The Deus 2 has a setting called Audio Response, it's available in most or all programs, and has a setting from 1 to 7. It is primarily used to estimate depth via the strength of the audio signal in the headphones. I typically use two Deus 2 programs depending on where I am, Relic and Beach Sensitive. Usually when I am using Relic I do not have to adjust for EMI because I'm in a farm field with no EMI or power lines, and I run Audio Response at 7. My reason for this is to make even the smallest target at depth sound off. The same applies to Beach Sensitive, but the presence of salt water, Wi-Fi, or power lines may cause me to reduce the setting to compensate. If you hear EMI at all, try reducing Audio Response first before reducing other settings. I can run sensitivity at 92-94 with AR turned down to 3 in heavy EMI, and still dig good targets at 6-8" or deeper. What happens in my opinion is that the EMI is a weaker signal, and gets pushed to a very tolerable level, while the closer signal from the target is preferred. Using this has brought me many finds that others have missed. My favorites with AR at 7 are small coins like dimes that I can find at 12" or more, and very small buttons. If you read my posts, many coins are dark or green from being deep in the ground for a long time. It is great to have the ability to find even more by varying this setting! It is the first one I adjust. 🍀
  24. Go to an RV show and take her with you. 🤔 My wife was against toy haulers at first, but really warmed to the idea when she saw the inside of this one, this is our 5th RV. Of course we started out tent camping 🤣 you can get some really cool beach spots!
  25. Hey Brad, What we do isn't exactly camping, the RV is a 40 foot hotel on wheels. 😎 My wife loves her "Barbie Kitchen" with a full range, refrigerator and microwave. It has a bath and a half, 4 cushion sofa and a 50" TV with satellite and Roku. There are 2 more televisions, one in the garage for the golf cart and one outside, it has a queen bed with night stands and a slideout wardrobe. The garage ramp becomes a patio. It has 3 air conditioners, one is a heat pump, there is an electric fireplace under the TV. 🤣 It also has a generator. When we were boaters we bought boats that were used because of the after sale value but there is nothing cleaner than a new RV, and you always know who was in it... When we traded in the last one we got almost what we paid for it. My wife enjoys me going out early in the morning so she can sleep in, shower and be ready to go shopping when I get back. 😬 I'm surprised more people don't do campgrounds, I haven't been turned down hunting at one. They don't like site hunting but all other places are fine as long as you treat it like a park, this one lets me dig because I don't leave obvious holes. The tot lots are all beach sand, and I use kac's incredible Devil's Tongue Park Probe in the good grass: You don't get the scabbard with it but I sent him one. 😁 He makes two sizes. The tot lots are going to have mostly junk jewelry, but if the park hosts bands and craft shows in a large area, you're going to find chains, earrings and rings along with tons of clad. Last year I got this lil bugger out there: It didn't look like they had a lot of bands there this year, and probably someone was hitting the field regularly. Always check with the General Manager, permission trumps all. Luckily this one has had the same one 3 years running, he just says "sure".
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