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Posts posted by geek4gold

  1. 11 minutes ago, Norvic said:


    My definition of tall poppy syndrome from many years of observation as an OZ "tis mostly paranoia of those who consider themselves tall poppies" my observation is it exists in all human societies. I doubt anyone "dobbed" Erik in he did that himself but he is not the lone ranger most of us do similar naïve things as we "learn the ropes". I know I did many moons back. 

    Hi Norvic. Yes, life is full of learning curves. Some times we have to learn the hard way. We have all been there I am sure. 


  2. 9 hours ago, Erik Oostra said:

    Spot on G4G! As i've mentioned to other members of this forum i got too carried away with the geology and history of that old gold digging and didn't think about anything else.. I practically live in a national park (most of the island is national park) and i guess i took it all too much for granted.. I know none of this is any excuse but on that occasion i really didn't think about the national park angle when searching for the yellow stuff.. more fool me! i'm just a bit disappointed that someone chose to go about it this way rather than having a chat to me about it first.. they've also landed my ranger mates in a world of shit.. just hope they're happy with achieving what they set out to do.. it's not my way, but whatever floats their boat.. 

    That is a shame Erik. A hard way to learn a lesson about keeping certain things to yourself. I feel for you. I know the thrill & enjoyment of your adventures & discoveries & I really enjoyed your journey as it unfolded, as have many others, but it is true that Greenies & the fun police do graze these type forums looking for ammo against us type. It may not necessarily be a forum member that daubed you in but I do know there are some vindictive mongrels out there that are only too happy to drag you down & cause you grief.

    Chin up mate.


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  3. 7 hours ago, Erik Oostra said:

    I do wonder who on this forum decided to take it upon themselves to lag me in and to take the matter further.. 

    It would have to be one of your green eyed Aussie brothers none the less. From what I can gather tall poppy syndrome is very alive & well active in your country.

    Your biggest mistake was publicly telling what you were doing in a National Park. You should have just kept it to yourself & kept a low profile, flying under the radar.


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  4. The exact reason I got an MXT 300 was to target some massive bucket dredge tailing piles in my neck of the woods. I tried with my PI but it was just a bit awkward on the steep faces of the piles due to its weight & the angle of having to detect on. Not to mention the loose state of the rubble piles. Seemed like one step forward & two backwards. Bloody hard detecting. Lots of deep rubbish & no gold. It was a hot summer day back then. I only lasted a few hours & gave up on it. Got the MXT & guess what...haven't been back since. Now I have the Nox 800 with the larger coil so that will be my detector of choice today. Must get back into those old piles.


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  5. When using the GPZ I just smash into it with the pick & don't pussyfoot about time wise. Once the signal is out I then either just use my hand in grabbing a pile of dirt to wave over the coil or use the scoop if it was a faint signal, small target, to start with. I haven't damaged a piece of gold yet. The only time I actually use the scoop for digging/scrapping is when I am using the Gold Monster or Nox 800 on shallow fly poop gold. 


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  6. 19 hours ago, Gold Catcher said:

    I wanted to post a pic with the GM 5 in coil loaded with tiny small gold pieces that I found with it. But after the pic you just posted, I somehow don't feel like it anymore...?

    Oh go on Gold Catcher. Post some gold pics up. I'm In need of a gold fix.

    Gee Gerry...isn't it finders keepers? Nice piece. How come it was still there for a GM 1000 to find?


  7. 4 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

    Then it just boils down to how deep do you wanna dig for really small gold?


    4 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

    I mean in all reality do we really need any more sensitive machines? I don’t really think that is the case. I think that their new technology behind it is all about eliminating the noise (EMI, Ground, etc.) that could reveal a few small pieces that were left behind

    I think the reality is that smaller gold deeper is pretty much what's left on offer for most of us & quite possibly where the 6000 is going to shine & where ML are heading with it. Will the amount of small gold & the effort required to dig deeper for it going to excite most of us & be worth our while? I guess that depends on your motive for gold detecting in the first place. If it comes down to making money out of it & having it pay its way it could be a long road.


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  8. 3 hours ago, afreakofnature said:

    I think this detector is going more for simplicity. It’s what the equinox did.

    The Equinox was not simplicity for beginners, that is for sure. I know quite a few who ended up selling there Nox for a Gold Monster. The GM is a lot more simple for beginners but of course the GM is more gold only.


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  9. 13 minutes ago, Norvic said:

    Yeah, I`m going with the original Zs screen for another season, will be the 6th season it survives ( I hope) the "dark" across the screen  doesn`t get any worse. Not a matter of cost as just get my dealer to post me a new Z if it fails mid season, then send it away for repair. I`m fortunate have had no major drops, I don`t baby it, just I treat it as I believe a machine that sometimes earns itself in a few hours should be treated. To me the Z is magic and now with a good range of different size/configuration of  X coils on it it has gone up another level, come on 6000 lets see if you compete with or compliment the Z.

    My GPZ was 2nd hand when I got it & I have had it over 3 years now. The screen & general detector I have had no issues with nor the WM12. The only thing that has happened recently is that the center 'lock & load' button is not doing its thing first push & can take a bit of mucking around with to get it to activate. The left, right, up & down scroll buttons are still all good. Doing an auto tune at the start of a session is quite a performance & time consuming for me but has to be done.

    Anybody else have or had this issue & what would the fix & cost be for this? Cheers


  10. 1 hour ago, Jonathan Porter said:

    As an example of cost, you will see the X coils and now the new Nugget Finder Z search coils are all quiet expensive, that should be an indication of the costs involved in manufacturing something for ZVT tech. GPZ’s are expensive to build, they were also very expensive to develop.


    Are the NF GPZ coils hand made like, I am lead to believe, the X coils are? The end cost of the X coils in our necks of the woods are decided by Dave, Davsgold, so it appears & not X coils as he seems to be the middle man between the manufacturer & the end consumer & so names his price. He has no competition.


  11. 10 hours ago, madtuna said:

    Well my next big screen super thin wall hanging tv I’m going to demand I pay no more that 50 bucks! After all they’re just electronic bits and pieces thrown together by a few robots

    No need to be sarcastic mad fish. It would probably cost $50 in freight just to get it to you. I am sure you got the picture, & not on your flat screen tv either, of what I was getting at with electronics in this day & age.


  12. I wonder what it costs Minelab to produce a GPZ? I am sure there is a huge mark up on it at 10k. As sophisticated as it may appear it is just electronic components & wiring. Once worked out probably just printed & pumped out by robots at a dime a dozen. Electronic products these days get cheaper & cheaper. ML have unique products & protects its technology vigorously with patents & copyrights to 'try' to eliminate competition & so can name their own price.


  13. 10 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

    Edit: This is one of the reasons why I get a bit ‘pissed’ by all the aftermarket coil brand chatter, its always X sized nugget/nuggets were found with X sized/type coil and no mention of the actual detector it was attached to!!? 

    If X type coil was so revolutionary then why doesn’t the coil manufacture make their own electronics to go with said wonder coil? After all the detector manufacturers are doing a really crap job of things!!!

    I am pretty sure that most, if not all, people who use after market coils & chatter/post on forums of their finds do mention the actual detector used too. Everybody is interested in what others are using & what is working for them both in what detector & what coil combo. More choices & each coil has its own signature on certain size, type & depth of gold. Any thing to get an advantage in the hunt for gold when pickings are getting lean. Even if it is only psychological but gives them a boost in confidence & morale in getting out there with high spirits & enthusiasm. That in itself can lead to success.  

    I think we all agree that ML make the best detectors but have fallen a bit short with coil choices for some of their models. None more so than with the GPZ 7000 despite commenting they would make a 10" coil for it that never eventuated.

    With the GP & GPX series of detectors numerous outfits made some damn good revolutionary after market wonder coils for them. Of that there is no denying. They didn't need to make the electronics as ML already had the platform for them to work with, & besides, ML has all the patents & copyrights in place to protect those electronics. Now we are seeing it with their coils & chips added to protect their detectors so only their coils can be used.

    Personally I don't think for a second that the GPZ is fragile at all. It might be if you throw it under a bus & don't take a bit of care with it. There has been the odd occasion when I have gone to dig a signal, have gone to place the detector on the ground & after unclipping the bungy have gone to grab the arm cuff to lower it gently to the ground. With my eye on the spot where the signal is, have missed grabbing the arm cuff & the detector has dropped to the ground. I cringe & curse at myself for being so foolish & careless. But so far nothing has gone astray with the detector. Touch wood.

    Someone made the comment of breaking 37, I think it was, lower shafts. How on earth have you done that? I have had my GPZ for 3 years also & still have the original lower shaft & I am out most weekends so it is well used & in some pretty rough terrain. 


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