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Posts posted by Jin


    My one is a Spiral wound, I actually prefer the spirals for sensitivity and having less rub and bump sensitivity compared to the traditional wound coils. The guy who builds them has not got back to me yet on why this is so. Spiral wound is a lot heavier though. My one also has a mod to get rid of the signal off the Ferrite, so will be a lot quieter in High X soils. It adds weight but runs a LOT quieter!!

    Re: the 22x21 "x coil"

    Wonder what this mod is?


  2. We rented a car from Europcar and around one month later got a bill for damage to the car (marks/scratches) I'm pretty thorough and had kept the original invoice that detailed damage done to the car before I hired it. The bast#rds tried charging me for damage that was done by previous people. I emailed them a copy of the invoice and that was the end of that. It just annoyed me that they wasted my time.:angry: If you look at most rental cars they have damage all over them. They never bother fixing minor damage. Guess what car rental company I walk straight past in the airport now.

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  3. Any suggestions on a good pick? My last one snapped the blade in half when digging in hard ground. (It was previously broken and welded so didn't expect it to last forever - got it for free from the next door neighbor) I got suckered into buying a medium sized pick 4 years ago, with the salesman saying the larger ones were for people that felt inadequate in certain areas.:ohmy:

    But I think a bigger pick would be better for digging bigger holes. What do the Aussie guys here use?

    I still have the medium sized pick but the tip seems to be too rounded and doesn't cut into the ground as well as my broken one that had a sharp pointy end did.

    I plan on digging plenty of 3 foot plus holes shortly, it would be great if the handle of the pick could incorporate a mini crowbar head on the end. (never seen that anywhere, just saying it would be good.) Once you get down a bit it gets tough swinging in a confined space. Cant be carrying a crowbar a mile from the car.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Aureous said:

    See my previous post re the timeline and overdue replacement practices of ML. As far as 'rumors' go, if the info didn't come from the dealers that were informed about it at the recent dealer conference, it would indeed just be rumors. FY 19/20 is still a 12 month wait time and who knows exactly when either of the PI replacements will 'pop up'??? Maybe a betting man would expect just before Xmas???? ? 

    Don't think anything else, other than what Codan has informed their shareholders is on the horizon. And if there happens to be something, I doubt it will be groundbreaking technology. More like a fancied up new shell/body with a couple of new bells and whistles. I'd probably buy it though, lol



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  5. 1 hour ago, mn90403 said:

    That wasn't a very good burger.  I thought it was going to be an Australian burger.  I've since had several good fish and chips and no more burgers.

    The best hamburgers are from fish and chip shops. "One with the lot" ...make sure you add pineapple or beetroot.?


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  6.  Thinking about it overnight I think a zed replacement is on the way. I've always gone with my gut feelings on things. Its how i buy shares and I've done ok in that department.

    Hers my thoughts:

    Both Steve and JP haven't responded. Only 6 - 12 months ago JP jumped in and said there's no zed replacement imminent, this time silence. 

    Leaked rumors from dealers conference, where there's smoke there's fire. ok, could be as Busho says people trying to big note themselves.

    Minelab definitely releasing one machine for the recreational user at the end/start of the year

    Minelab stating that the African market is one of there biggest sellers and that many have updated from gpx"s to the zeds so I would assume they would do the same if a new zed was released. (geez I thought Africa was a poor nation, obviously note) 

    The cycle at which new top end gold machines are released (every 4 years or so)

    Have a feeling that it wouldn't be too smart to release a ctx replacement having just released the nox which is similar in capability, which leaves agold machine as the likely replacement (my thoughts only)

    On a local front my thoughts on why to sell:

    Closure of 5 - 6 prospecting areas likely in the next 6 months, hence an influx of cheap detectors for sale towards the end of the year

    If it is revealed the new machine is a zed replacement, another influx of cheap zeds for sale.

    Gut feeling says offload the zed as Steve has done (thanks Phunt for pointing that one out) and spend the next 6 months trying a new method of prospecting I've wanted to do but haven't due to swinging a detector. Then if the machine isnt a zed replacement buy another zed later this year.

    Yes, caught up in all the hype and loving it. Keeps my mind off the loss of my best mate (dog) 3 weeks ago which is a struggle every day atm.




  7. ok, thanks for clearing up the confusion (Alluvial - from another forum) Seems like some of what i posted from another forum concerning the new detector was a little humor. Dang, I'm always a sucker and get taken. lol.

    Anyway, I still think that only one recreational detector is being released. I don't think Codan would have the capability to release 3 recreational detectors plus the anti-mine detector plus the new radio all within a short time frame. Hard to say what it is, so just going to have to be patient.

  8. 1 hour ago, Aureous said:

    Please note that Codan-Minelab's core tasks from FY16-18 were "To lessen dependence on the GPZ 7000" and create a "Wider metal detector product range" which was done by the R&D team over those 2 years.... the Investor presentations run to end of each financial year and that ends in 7 weeks. Hence the release of the info at the dealer conference a few weeks ago. 2 dealers have now confirmed the replacement of the Zed. When this will happen???... they both say before the end of this year. With 3 machines due out, its a matter of which comes first.

    The 2019 Half-Year Results & Update from Codan was only released on 4 March 2019
    Clearly states that 3 machines (one of which is a radio) are being released, but only one detector for the recreational user. Could be wrong but id be more inclined to believe a document released from minelab rather than hearsay. Of course, I hope your right. I do recall a while ago someone who knew a tester who said they were working on a lighter version of the zed. For now, I might just wait a little and see if any more news comes to light before. But I hope that happens soon as I'm about to chop the lead on the14" coil and order 2 "X" coils 

    • Like 1
  9. Was just having a look at Codans 2018 Anual report and they do seem to indicate the release of more than one detector.

    "Recreation – adventure, treasure, and gold

    Minelab continues to invest in product development for
    recreational markets and has a number of new, improved
    metal detectors in the pipeline."

    they also refer to another detector for land mines.

     "we are further developing in partnership with the
    Australian government to create a new dual-sensing
    countermine detector, to be released in late FY19"

    "After two years of development, Minelab’s new countermine dual-sensing detector is in final
    testing and will be released in this half. This detector was partially funded by the Australian
    government and combines ground-penetrating radar with simultaneous multi-frequency metal
    detection in a compact, lightweight, high-performance dual-technology detector. It will be the
    best dual-sensing detector on the market"."

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  10. Love the zed Phunt but wouldn't be happy if the price falls a lot on the zeds if they release a new machine. I'll wait until the 4500 goes tomorrow then advertise the zed. Worst-case scenario is if the talk about a new zed is wrong then ill buy another. not fussed. For once id like to be at the cutting edge of technology and get over ground that hasn't already been flogged with the latest machine. I was hoping JP might have jumped in and dispelled the rumours as he has in the past. But the silence tells me a new machine is coming and ill be first in line to get one.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Aureous said:

    Phrunt, the info I heard was good. You may note that I said there were 3 machines due out by ML before the end of the year. One is indeed a replacement for one of the current lineup of coin/relic units (my bet is the 3030) but the main point is the GPZ replacement, it IS exactly what Jin quoted,even down to the suggested RRP. A handful of testers have been busy with the prototypes for a couple months now. The depth advantages and 'other' features are 'astounding' they reckon. My guess is release within 3 months....

    Someones coming to purchase my 4500 tomorrow and I'm going to take a punt and advertise the zed as well now. I can live with a gold detector for a while. I've always got the nox to use. 

  12. 39 minutes ago, phrunt said:

    How is this unfair advantage coil coming along Reg? To me it seems the Russians beat them to it with their X-coils :laugh:


    Id say the unfair advantage would be a 40t excavator. But it could be a ground loop system or one of those Bulgarian concentric coils. Whatever it is ill probably be late to the party. Just bought the zed after 4 years of it being released. And I may be late to the party again if one can believe what's posted on another forum.  Id say it was just a joke, but then again it could be someone that has insider information who has chosen to spill the beans as an anonymous poster.

    Part of what was said. "the new Minelab Vanquish will be Minelab's best ever prospecting detector. It will have depth capabilities up to 50% better than the GPZ 7000. And a retail price of $12,995 here in Oz. It will render all current gold detectors obsolete"

    Im sure JP said about 6 months ago there was no replacement for the zed coming up anytime soon.

    14 hours ago, phrunt said:

    Season 4 has now started! Woohoo!!


    Yep, always look forward to watching my gold shows on a Thursday night. Sitting back with a pizza and a good drink and dreaming about how good it would be to get an excavator into some of the old-timer's diggings. The shows may be staged and a bit over the top but who cares its more entertaining watching something that highlights our hobby than most of the other rubbish on free to air tv or Foxtel (cable tv - in Australia)  

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  14. Gave the 7000 a run for a couple of days this week. Wasnt too concerned about finding gold but more about understanding how to use it better. I took lots of notes from this forum and tried many of the suggestions on how to use the 7000.

    I started with these settings using a booster and ear plugs

    high yield


    sensitivity 7-9

    volume 5

    threshold level 26

    threshold pitch 40 - lower tone seems to suit my hearing better

    volume limit 6

    audio smoothing off

    semi-auto ground balance - (using ferrite)

    ground smoothing off

    Then on JP's advice had ground balance mode in user settings, so as to change over to manual when checking a target. Also, didn't scrape the coil but kept it slightly off the ground.

    I was pleasantly surprised how quiet the machine was and was trying to concentrate on faint changes in the threshold more so than obvious target responses. I hit some mullock heaps and was surprised at the number of targets still there. For the amount of stuff I got at depth there should have been gold but as we know a lot of diggings were done for little or no gold by the old-timers.

    I then went to a spot id found gold at before on a surfaced area. I got a signal on a target that someone had scraped with there boot but never dug. Turned out to be 0.07 gram bit of the good stuff. That was the only bit found over two days but by the end, I really enjoyed using the 7000 and look forward to getting to know it better. The only downside is those pesky shotgun pellets. Reg says that he knows the sound they make so doesn't bother digging them, hopefully in time ill learn the difference as well. For now, I dig everything. I did try increasing the sensitivity but soon reverted back to a lower gain for the moment until I get to know the machine better.

    As a side note, the first day of my trip I decided to use my gpx instead of the 7000. I'm a big fan of the 18" elite so used that for patch hunting. Towards the end of the day, I was curious about a set of mullock heaps that id heard had produced some sizable gold. I quickly picked up a soft signal and started to dig. 1.5 HOURS LATER I was 900mm deep, in rock hard ground, had broken my pick (lucky I carry 2 with me) and was expecting at least a 5-ounce nugget. Instead, it was some kind of old spoon. I don't think I've ever dug a hole that was so hard. I was knackered.  


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