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Posts posted by geof_junk

  1. 8 hours ago, JohnTracy said:

    Problem solved !! The last time I used it was in Hawaii about 5 months ago.  Apparently  when I unpacked it from my suitcase and put it back together I failed to connect the power cable to the head. Deep down I knew it had to be simple fix. Thanks for all the impute. 

    I'm sure we have all done something similar. 😀

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  2. 16 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    OK, as some of you know we had some problems early this morning. The good news is I was able to capture some error logs that pinpoint the exact time the error occurred and pointing to possible causes. All the data has been forwarded to Pair and Invision. The cause of the errors here was a crashed table that was repairable, so no data was lost, no need to load the backup.

    I was on during that problem, had me locked out of opening a topic in more than one forum but could go to my profile and back to forums but could not open any pages. Hope this helps.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Cagold said:

    Just bought a used gpx 4000 with woodys mods on it. Trying to get it quiet. I cannot get it quiet no matter what I switch or turn or adjust or ground balance or auto tune. It is driving me crazy. Can’t even tell the difference between a piece of gold and the constant up and down noise of this machine.  Nothing changes the constant sporadic noise.  

    Why not ask Woody for advice.

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  4. Eric it is a dream adventure/trip and take it as such. If you forget the gains that maybe found it is worth it, a cheap ship cruise is about is about $2000 to $5000 a week for 2 people with no return from luck or skill except on the pokies and cards.

    Just one thing I had all the historical mines locations and extensive GPS use and Knowledge before I went to  West Aust in 2003 when I retired. A lot of local Pro. gold prospectors were asking me for gps location of certain mines which I help them locate. I found many unknown spots but someone else had been in the area. There was a few lucky ones that got most of the gold and fortunately a few unlucky ones that missed the gold that made my efforts more than paid off..   

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  5. 9 hours ago, kingswood said:

    Yep thats me too. I dropped the larger pick a few years ago and now detect with the small pick hanging thru a tool belt pouch belted around the waist. If I need the larger pick, will just walk back and get it. I havent had to do that yet ha ha.

    The tool pouch is awesome as it has a slot for the pick to slide into, a spot for the scoop and 2 pouches for GPS, gold jar etc.

    If the hole is too big for the little pick, it is worth while going a mile or two to get the big pick. ☺️

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  6. I only made one claim in Victoria for detecting. Vic rules were easy back then. I would not make another claim anywhere for detecting alone, as every one else knows where it is as JP said and to work the claim by hand had to have 200 Lt of water for fire protection if I had my vehicle parked on it.

    At one time we had a Miner Right a lot of that has gone.



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  7. 13 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    I know a lot of what I call "real miners." Alaska still has plenty of small placer mining operations, many of them family operations. Or serious gold dredgers. Almost to a person they consider metal detecting for a gold a complete waste of time. They have a family to feed and bills to pay and no time for toys. In the world of gold mining metal detectors are toys. Useful toys at times perhaps, but still toys. Me on my favorite mining tool....


    Like all us gold prospector, we fill in our holes but your would be a little bit bigger.?

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