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    Gold, Touring Kayak and Bushwalking

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  1. I like a knob for each function that way I don't need glasses when you get old like me to tune the unit. 🫣
  2. If your choices are close, look at the second hand prices of the ones you like. This allows you to sell your detector if it turns out to be a bad fit with a minimum loss. The length of time you can swing your detector will be limited to it weight and fit. Have fun.
  3. It looks like some bench testing is require on the 800 or the coil. I hope it is a minor problem mate.
  4. You know the old saying no picture no nugget 😉
  5. I'm sure we have all done something similar. 😀
  6. I was on during that problem, had me locked out of opening a topic in more than one forum but could go to my profile and back to forums but could not open any pages. Hope this helps.
  7. https://www.detectorexperts.com/products/nokta-rc29v-11-x-7-search-coil-for-racer-2-detector?pr_prod_strat=e5_desc&pr_rec_id=918880f0a&pr_rec_pid=1347324936256&pr_ref_pid=1347264413760&pr_seq=uniform
  8. This post reminds me of my early VLF days. I solved my problems with a broomstick which was the best that I have ever used. It was fixed length and a groove under the handle that I could rest the shaft on my little finger. Here is a photo of it in use 45+ years ago.
  9. Of the ten or so trips to that area over the years had not encountered that problem and Carol is a magnet for sandflies and mossies. Must of been the wet season.
  10. https://www.ramint.gov.au/publications/royal-australian-mint-unveils-bluey-commemorative-coin-collection-real-life Other side
  11. As shown the costs can be high..............SO SAMPLING IS ESSENTIAL BEFORE COMMITTING TO THE PROJECT.
  12. A few years back someone took an Aus. nugget, I think it was 2 or 4 Oz and tried to sell it as an English nugget that he found there.
  13. Reg I was not impressed with the 15000 but the GT16000 made me take notice of MineLab but their Hype restricted me from joining the band for some years.
  14. Eric it is a dream adventure/trip and take it as such. If you forget the gains that maybe found it is worth it, a cheap ship cruise is about is about $2000 to $5000 a week for 2 people with no return from luck or skill except on the pokies and cards. Just one thing I had all the historical mines locations and extensive GPS use and Knowledge before I went to West Aust in 2003 when I retired. A lot of local Pro. gold prospectors were asking me for gps location of certain mines which I help them locate. I found many unknown spots but someone else had been in the area. There was a few lucky ones that got most of the gold and fortunately a few unlucky ones that missed the gold that made my efforts more than paid off..
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