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Rob Allison

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Posts posted by Rob Allison

  1. Hello Everyone,

        Wow, so sorry to hear about Fred.  He was a longtime friend and customer.  I had to dig through some very old pictures, but this was back in 2006 I believe.  Fred would email me or PM me on my forums and say, Rob, you're always finding gold down there in Arizona.  Fred wanted to come down to Arizona, down to Southern Arizona at the time.  We planned a weekend outing and 4-5 friends all met up for a hunt.  

    I had some pretty good success in the area over the years, but it was very trashy and extremely spotty when it came to nuggets.  If you hunted hard, dug as much trash as possible, sometimes you could come out of there with a 1/4 ounce or better nugget.  

    Most of us arrived Friday evening to set up camp.  Saturday, we walked around for a few hours, I showed everyone what I knew of the area and where some gold has been found.  The remainder of the day, 4-5 good friend all went their own ways searching for that elusive metal.  Everyone was beat at the end of the day, but some decent nuggets were found.  I believe 2 or 3 of us found nuggets, Fred and another guy didn't have any luck that day.  

    The next morning, most of us were a bit tired digging all the rubbish and hiking around for miles.  The next morning, we all did the same thing, everyone took off to either where they found their gold the prior day, or tried some new spots.  That afternoon everyone returned back to camp to eat some lunch.  I was lucky enough to find another nugget or two and a few more nuggets were found.  Fred wasn't having the luck, but that was typical of this gold placer.  I personally seen guys go, weeks and months without a single nugget find, but diggin handfuls of iron rubbish, bullets, bullet cashing and other crap.  

    I told Fred and the others I was going to hunt for about another hour or so, but then come back and break down camp.  I had to work Monday morning and had a 2-3 hour drive back to town.  Fred was a bit frustrated and said he's never coming back, better yet, he was going to head back to California! 

    I told Fred, get out of the trashy gully bottoms and try your luck for a few hours on the hillsides.  Fred said, that is like hunting a "Needle in a Haystack", and I agreed, but sometimes you could nail a nice one with minimal trash on the hillside or slope.  Fred agreed to give it a whirl, but I could tell he wasn't too convinced about having any luck doing so.  

    About an hour later, I hear some yelling from a hillside over.  I couldn't really tell due to the distance who or what was going on.  I ended up walking that direction and finally seen it was Fred.  He had this huge smile on his face.  I remember asking Fred, "Any luck?"  He said, Rob you were right, I got one!"  He dropped a nice piece of gold in my hand and I about shit!  It was a beautiful 3/4 ounce nugget with some quartz attached.  Fred was so happy.  We ended walking back to camp and doing the show in tell deal. 

    I remember asking Fred before I left that afternoon.... "Fred, where did you find that piece?"  He told me, Rob, I can't remember what hillside it was on.... LOL I think he was so freaking excited he found it, he dug it up and hauled butt back to camp to show it off.  He didn't really pay much attention on where he found it! 🙂  I never really followed up with Fred on if he went back to hunt the area real well, I know he spent another day or so there, so I'm hoping he found at least another piece or so. 

    Your friendship will always be treasured Fred. 





  2. Hey Guys/Gals,

       A partner and I have been gold placering a wash for some time now in sections.  Every once in a great while, we find a nice crevice like this one with our metal detectors.  The old-timers couldn't get every crack or crevice, missing one here and there that might be rich in gold and gold nuggets.  We were using the Minelab GPZ 7000 and Minelab GPX 5000 metal detectors. 

    Hope you enjoy.


  3. Hey Scott,

       If NuggetFinder has found a way to get around the "cutting of the cord" and the "X-coil modification" then it will be a hot seller.  I will definitely be in the market for one along with probably every customer that purchased a GPZ 7000 from us.  

    I'm not saying the X-coil deal is hard, but the majority of us don't have a spare coil to destroy, or the cash to purchase a new coil to just get the cable/chip off of it to use a X-coil. 

    Just my thoughts,


  4. Hey Guys,

       This has been a long time issue.  The easiest way is just place a small piece of cardboard, or in my case part of my business card folded over a few times wedged between the top two batteries.  This will solve the issue.  I eventually started to sell the 6000mah batteries that had a bit larger terminal on top of each battery vs. the stock Minelab ones. 

    I had one customer do the tape deal, put too much tape on and wedged the battery all the way in.  Talk about trying to get that battery out .... 😞 

    I haven't found a good source for Li-Ion batteries and charger here in the US.



  5. Hello Everyone,    Hope everyone's Health is well with this virus still holding on out there.  A friend and I have been doing a little bit of placering in a wash bottom for gold nuggets.  We happen to hit a crack that had like 4 gold nuggets, biggest one was 6.0 Dwt's, just over 1/4 ounce.  The other nuggets were about 1/2 to 1 Dwt each.  We were using the Minelab GPZ 7000 and GPX 5000.  The GPX 5000 is shown in the video with the Nugget Finder 14x9 EVO Elliptical Searchcoil. I shot a short video of us recovering the larger piece of gold.  Video below - 


  6. Hey Manny,

        Glad to hear you're still getting out.  I used to be an avid gold dredgers, so I spent many years dredging all through Humbug Creek.  Down low around the China Dam, it's deep in some sections and mostly fine gold from what I found.  I didn't find many sizable flakes, so if someone rounded up 50 grams of flakes, that is awesome! 

    We ran anywhere from a 4 inch to 5 inch 20 years ago down there.  We always found gold, but not sure it was enough to pay for fuel, food and expenses, let alone the steep inclines/declines to get the big dredge into the water.  That being said, it was fun and you're always hoping for a good crack/crevice to hide some goodies.  

    Congrats on your success, wishing you many more nuggets to boot. 


  7. Hey Paul,

       I guess we have to use more elbow grease to rake and dig those gold nuggets out.  

    Yes, K&J Magnetics is who I use for the most part.  The more you buy, the cheaper they are, but they have good quality magnets, from lower end to higher end neodym's.  There is no minimum order with them also, they will ship one single, small magnet if that is all you want.




  8. Hey Guys,

      What I forgot to mention is we do offer "clean gold" as a trade-in option for equipment.  Many don't know this, but we offer spot value for gold.  We also like to look at the gold first, as we had a few people send in some really low quality gold or gold filled with more black sands than gold ..... :wacko:

    I'm sure other dealers/distributors might also offer this, so check with your local dealer(s) first before trying to outright sell. 


  9. Hey Paul,

       Great to hear from you and hope everything is well on your end.  I can tell you from personal experience, everyone is looking for the magic wand that will just find gold, or at least non-ferrous targets and eliminate most of the iron rubbish.  It seems like every time a new VLF or coin machine comes out, the gold hunters like myself believe it's the next best thing to chase gold nuggets in trashy areas.  

    I have tried just about everything, and nothing really helped that much.  I think when you start using discrimination, then you loose depth overall and potentially the deeper nuggets that others have missed in the early days.  

    I agree, a good pick or rake with many good powered neodymium super magnets, not the cheap $10 super magnets or cow magnets.  Purchase at least one good class 52 neo-dym super magnet and you will be set for snapping up the trash. 

    Lastly, dig all targets that don't get picked up by the magnet .... 😷


  10. Hey Guys,

       I had to social distance myself, so I decided on a trip back to the old placers.  Like always, digging tons of iron rubbish, this time I must of dug a dozen iron pick tips.  I'm sure they were using the tips to pry open crack and it would just snap off the tips.  I was working with my Minelab GPZ 7000 all day, moving rocks and racking sections of bedrock off.  I ended up with 6.2 Grams of the good stuff in 5 gold nuggets total.  

    I didn't get a picture of all the nuggets or a final shot, but here are a few I took during the earlier hours.  A few pieces wedged in the bedrock cracks.  

    Wishing and praying for health and wellness for you all during these crazy Coronavirus times. 


    Nug1 (1024x768).jpg

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    Nug5 (1024x768).jpg

  11. Hey Steve,

       Ya, we can almost bank on that for a fact.  When we were there back in 2013, the Geologist mentioned he was doing a bit of detecting with a VLF and was documenting what he found and where to the owners.  I could see places where there were small dig marks anywhere from a few inches to 4-5 inches in the wall, right on or above bedrock.  I'm sure all those targets were gold nuggets!  

    I'm sure the owners made some deals with some good detectorist over the years to work on a split, if not the owners themselves.  I know if I owned the mine, I would scan ever square inch of that exposed bedrock and the paylayer.  🙂 

  12. Hey Guys,

        I know both guys, Lunk and Walker, both great friends and some of the best metal detectorists I have met in the last 25 years.  Congrats on the deep one Lunk, those always seem to turn out nice if they are gold.  The GPZ 7000 is an amazing detector for small gold and large gold at depth.  Also, the GPZ does wonders on gold that is crystalline in nature or specimens. 

    Wishing you much more success!


  13. Hey Hard Prospector,

       I have to agree, when we looked at the property about 7 years ago, it was listed for several million.  That being said, you could probably go in and scan the walls with a good metal detector and find thousands of dollars in nuggets.  Personally, to mine underground, placer or hardrock in California to any extent, Patented or Unpatented ground is almost impossible, if possible, it would cost more than the mine is worth.  

    It's a beautiful area, plenty of history dating back to the original gold rush in California and would be fun to own.  

    If someone does purchase it, I wish  them the absolute best of success there.  I'm sure if they could do something, they would eventually uncover some huge gold nuggets and maybe a rich gold lode.  

    P.S.  Would love to metal detect it, I will be your Huckleberry. 🙂  Below is a picture of me getting ready to enter the Ruby Gold Mine back in 2013.  I have a ton of pictures, but most of the pictures inside the mine didn't turn out well as it was pitch black.  


  14. Hey Guys,

       A partner and I flew out to the mine several years ago as my partner was very interested in the purchase.  We got the grand tour, all day, most of the tunnels.  It's a great place, tons of history and I'm sure a bunch of gold left.  However, being in California, I doubt you would ever be able to work it to get that kind of return back.  My partner wanted to pull the trigger, but I talked him out of it. I think it's too much money and it would take a lifetime of just poking around to even get close to making it back.  

    Just my thoughts, probably the reason it has been on the market for over 10 years.  



  15. Hey Guys,

       Here is a short video I shot this weekend working around some old placers that contained drywasher screen piles and handstacking. There was potholes and digs all along the benches and places right in the creek bottom.  If you jump to about 2 minutes 10seconds, you will see the drywasher tailing pile, coarse and finer piles.  I found one nice 4+ grammer about 4 inches down using the Minelab GPZ 7000.  

    The nuggets in the beginning of the video are from the nearby placer area.  Biggest being 29.6 Grams, nearly 1 solid troy ounce. 


  16. Hey Steve,

       I have to agree with you.  I think we both have seen this hype and trends in the last 20-25 years.  Typically a gold detectors is released in Australia's Winter season, but not all the time.  If I remember right, the GPZ 7000 was originally released almost during our Summer time.  

    The Vanquish was talked about being out before Christmas.  I'm not convinced from what I know that a big gold detector will be released anytime soon.  



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