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Posts posted by midalake

  1. SO TODAY.  I switched from FE-6 to F2-6 for the last hour.  I did not see any real difference in operating.  It almost seemed F2 let the peso coins wrap around a little more.  I will flip back and fourth more this week including on some more non-ferrous hits and see what happens.  

  2. 37 minutes ago, sodbuster said:

    Thank you for the advice Dave.  I will take it.  Aluminum foil prototype ?

    I would add. Do a cellphone test close to your pod and see if your pod is effected. Then try the same cell phone test with with the alumn foil. ALSO I am using hard wired headphones! 

  3. 1 hour ago, PimentoUK said:

    Unfortunately, not the result I was hoping for. The foil hat made absolutely no difference to pickup - that's with or without the circuit ground connection in place. I also tried varying the coil height and with the coil sat on the grass, the EMI dropped a bit, compared to 1" / 25mm above the ground.

    Well I am not within eye sight of any tower equipment?  Did you happen to try different modes?  ALSO I am using hard wired headphones! 

    I am hunting the beach here in Beach 2 and that mode is what resulted in my EMI loss with the mod.  Might be worth a try to toggle over?   

  4. I have been running FE 6 here at the beach. FE 6 stops the wrap around of the ferrous 1-2-and 5 peso coin. 

    Well at least this thread made me look on Youtube on how to find F2.  ?Guess I kind of forgot about it.  I was kind of impressed with a Vid by Calabash that showed the F2 cranked up to 9 and there was zero depth loss in his test garden. ? 

    Any of you beach hunters using it cranked up????  Does anyone notice better response in moving salt? 

      I really do not dig any iron at FE6.  I am out today on my machine and will experiment a little!  With running FE6 for days on end now, I should be able to notice any changes quickly.  


  5. 9 hours ago, sodbuster said:

    I'm motivated to try making a triple layer protective cover from copper-nickle cloth and a plastic insulator layer to create a capacitor - EMI shielded dust cover. 

    Sodbuster, Start slow just like I did with aluminum foil wrapped around the pod for your first experiment. If it works......then go hog wild. 


    • Like 1
  6. 58 minutes ago, Aaron said:


    Try adjusting the Salinity during one of those “salt washes”, the coil just hovering over the water. You can do this while swinging the coil in short swings. Refer to my video on GB & SALT balancing.....



    Ya, watched your vid like 10 times already.  You do not understand the issue. At any time the waters edge can be 15 feet away to the ocean and 50 feet past me in 20-40 seconds time. Nothing to SB [just the way it is] 

    Yes, there is lots of tonnage of moving water here!  

    And yes, like I told Dew. The machine really likes to be out of the wash or in the wash. 

    As long as there is 6" or so of water over the coil zero issues regardless if the water is moving [from my limited experience] 

    I don't want the readers to think this is some sort of game changer, rather an issue of concern/caution.  

    One thing I will be a bit critical of is the coil mount location. Lousy, to put it mildly. It is way too easy to tip the coil or have the force of the water tip it for you.  The MDT does not take kindly to being tipped, and will sound off when it is in the water [every time]  If I had the ear of the designer, this change would be job #1. 


  7. 6 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

    you need to use caution about running the sensitivity too high, especially with Black Sand off, as I tend to run. I assume that cuts back on the transmit voltage to help prevent what I am going to describe.


    5 hours ago, abenson said:

    On thing I've learned about the Tarsacci is it's usually better to have it run stable than push it. At the point the machine becomes bubbly (hard to explain)

    When I first turned the machine on in the Condo, saw the OVL on the screen [figured out what it was] 

    While I only have two days on the machine, I agree.  There were several times where the electronics got real chatty. I was running blk sand on, tracking off. 

    The condition showed most when a wave was completing it's cycle and washing past me back to the ocean. It appeared to me [at times] the machine just "had enough" enough black sand washing by, enough water rushing, and was making it unstable.  Not all the time, but it happened a few times. 

    The fix: Keeping it still for a bit/ and or slowly working up the beach away from repeated wave wash. 

    Even though there was not an audio blackout, I could tell there was a loss of detector performance.

    Regularly I swing my scoop handle at the coil. If you do this at times when a machine is running clean as opposed to chatty/bubbly/dirty, one will understand the reduced capability of the machine when it is not performing well. EMI has the same type of effect!     A machine experiencing even a light EMI pulse will not be working to it's highest potential.

    You can get this same scenario on the Equinox as well. Without the overload symbol coming on. 


    • Like 3
  8. On 1/30/2021 at 2:29 PM, Dancer said:

    Used AM today.   It actually was better for me in the water.   Someone tipped that when you get a target, switch mode to Disc.   Worked for me. No leaks either.   Lots of sand so hunting can get hard.

    I hunted a couple of days ago and forced myself to use all metal. It is OK but the headphones are very inferior. don't think my ears really like the all metal tone. 

    I took my Equinox cable for my Black Widow's and put it into the MDT cable and the !$$#^& headphones won't work. 

    WHY can't all this chit interchange?  Surely, the makers know all their factory phones are junk if you are working a beach????? 

    Now I have to chase another audio issue...%$&$$**



  9. 2 minutes ago, Dancer said:

    Standard,  I don't think their available yet.    Aaron is testing one now.

    Thanks!  I took my friends Tarascci out yesterday for the first time. I too liked the mixed mode better. I have LOTS of targets here so all metal can be a pain. 

    Tomorrow, I will give AM a little more go, but I would like to know what you think too. A member here has help me get a good base!  



    • Like 1
  10. On 1/28/2021 at 1:10 PM, Dancer said:

    Third Tarascci hunt. First two cut short by bad conditions.  On the Florida Gulf ,caught a low tide at a nice wash.below a old deep cut.  Got to say that hunting conditions have. been lousy most of the month.   Hey I got lucky betting on this area, and having enough targets to learn this machine.   Tried a couple modes, but kept coming back to Mix, it's the one for me.    I like the way it sounds on iron.     Between target Id & tones, I was able to keep the beer cap digging down.  Same thing on calling a crusty penny before digging.  Quarter's an nickels were scarce.    Now I got to relay this. Out of 10 dimes dug at least 5 were the deepest I've ever dug. I could say how deep I think, but there's no way to be sure in wet sand.   The Tarascci is a keeper for me.     No gold or silver but guy & machine had a good day.


    Is that the new 12" coil on it???? 

  11. 5 hours ago, okara gold said:

    I used a coil stiffener from Detecting Doodads and it broke. I sent some pictures to the company/owner and he was surprised it broke and stated he would send me another. Never received a replacement and he won't return emails or any correspondence. I guess the initial $15 I paid for it filled his pockets and he won't honor his word. Lousy place to do business with.

    doodad 2.jpeg

    coil stiffener.jpeg

    Detecting Doodads  items are made from Infill, NOT SOLID PLASTIC. They are JUNK!  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Joe D. said:

       I will be trying some verson of that on the new coil! May void the warranty, but after three, I'm over it! 


      Any particular reason for the marine epoxy? I used the quick set JB weld for the repair on my last coil, and it worked out fine! Im guessing it is whatever works!!??

    I have used JB Weld before. But I like the working time of the Marine epoxy better. I also think it is more durable to prolonged salt use. I noticed JB weld would always wear off the bottom of the coil faster. 

    Slower setting epoxies as a general rule are stronger.   Dave

  13. 1 hour ago, FloridaSon said:

    Midalake is that epoxy?


    Yes it is epoxy. Loctite Marine Epoxy.

    Step 1 Coat the entire coil protector bottom and sides with epoxy and set into place making extra sure of full epoxy contact.

    Step 2  Epoxy extra side plates to each side.

    Step 3  Enjoy coil ears that will never break. Especially when 2000 miles away from home  and no where near Minelab service. 



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  14. 1 hour ago, Joe D. said:

       That horizontalish break is how all three of mine broke! I'm actually thinking of being proactive when new coil #3 gets here! I may glue some fiber washers to the outside of the tabs to strengthen them this time! ML states they have issue with those 3D printed tab protectors! But I've never used one, as they look overly bulky to me! And some have said that their tabs still broke with them on!  I don't have a foolproof solution yet! We will see!??

    ALL yous guys have seen the fix.  Don't put a coil in the water until complete!!!


    coil 2.jpg

    coil 1.jpg

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  15. 2 hours ago, Againstmywill said:

    Very nice ring! Maybe this maker...


    29 minutes ago, Valens Legacy said:

    I would have the metal test to see if it is plated or solid, because the stone looks very good.

    Thanks, interesting stuff!  It's not plated it has a 10K stamp. The bands are rose gold. There is very little gold weight.  I will get the stone checked when I get back home! 

    • Like 2
  16. 7 hours ago, Badger-NH said:

    I have sites near powerlines where I can't use Multi or the lower frequencies without drastically lowering the sensitivity.

    Hey Badger

    I am 100% positive my EMI was communications equipment. I have been waiting for feedback on Electric EMI. So please post, I guess no guarantees? 

    Thanks Dave

  17. 8 hours ago, GB_Amateur said:

    Next question:  what tape did you use?  When you say "not sticky" does that mean the tape is merely aluminum without an adhesive?  And if your answer is "it does have adhesive" then is that adhesive conductive?

    You know this is not that hard!  The tape is sticky, not peeled it is not sticky. I assembled it so all pieces touching my cover still have the backing on it! 

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