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  • Gender
  • Location:
    western central Oregon
  • Interests:
    Prospecting for gold.
  • Gear In Use:
    A couple of high bankers, too many pans and sluices. Gold Kruzer, Nokta Legend

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    Bedrock Miner Don

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  1. What I don't get is Paul hearing a noise in the middle of the night and then getting up and going out alone to investigate. A noise that woke nobody else up? Seems odd.
  2. I kinda agree with you. In this situation I feel like splitting up is a mistake.
  3. Wow much larger than what I pictured. Now I understand how easily you can get turned around.
  4. Any idea how wide the canyon is between the 200' shear rock walls and how deep from the opening to the back of it? Is it like a box canyon with no exit in the back? Amazing that Paul roamed around there by himself for years and the minute he brings a small crew with him to prospect in there he suddenly disappears. Wonder what the lanterns would think if you tossed a stick of dynamite at it? Haha check this out, we can make noise too. Where's Paul lol?
  5. 100' eh? I've got flashlights that will light up a 1/4 mile or more. You don't have to walk in too far.
  6. Thank you Steve! I very much appreciate you for the way you monitor your website and keep it running clean!
  7. Did Bill tell you where his gold was hidden in case he died? Or did you guys have it and got to do a 3 way split?
  8. Oh okay... well I was thinking that Bill Record was the guy you were mining with. Figured that's why you posted that link to his Nebraska mine video awhile back.
  9. 1962? I was under the impression that you were talking about 2002 when you, Jacob, Bill and Conor were mining together. I have no clue about 1962 but in 2002 there were some decent detectors.
  10. If I was in charge I wouldn't kick them out just yet. As long as they don't go completely off the rails then they may be some pretty good entertainment. AND they just might find a bunch of gold if they walk around long enough out there. Did Ghost Miner ever say what detectors Bill and Conor bought? I hope they strike it rich out there.
  11. Oh man Ghostminer. You really got the cliffhanger thing down pat lol. Do you have photos to share with the readers?
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