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  1. As an introduction, I am the president of a small placer gold mine exploration & leasing company. While doing research on one of our mine properties I came across an old leather journal & thought i'd post the entries over time here. I named it "Lost Gold At The Dead Man's Mine." Hopefully the old timer who wrote it won't mind. I tried to find any relatives but have run into one dead end after another. I felt it was a story worth telling & over the period of posting the entries I will include pictures of the area as it looks today and what our modern activities at the site have been. The journal was mentioned in a 282 page government report that I stumbled upon while doing research. I was able to secure the original journal from the descendants of the president of a defunct mining company who did some work in the area back in the mid 1960's. The journal itself was written by a prospector who worked the area in 1936. He hit a gold strike of epic proportions and lived an adventure that is very fascinating to say the least. It's a wild ride showing a glimpse back into a long lost time. I hope you enjoy the journal.* PROLOGUE : This is a journal of the experiences written in the first person in 1936 by a prospector by the name of Jed Stevens while mining at the Whiskey Jack Mine. Jed had several claims in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. This area of claims produced large amounts of gold from the mid to late 1800's. The old placer mines were abandoned in the late 1800's as a result of California's Sawyer Decision which banned or severely limited hydraulic gold mining operations and left large amounts of undiscovered gold in the gravels. Here is the first entry : APRIL 12 1936 : Today I filed all the paperwork at the county court house for the mining claims I now hold near Lost Ravine. I then drove my Ford truck out to my claims. There was a good spot near Jake's Creek up to the north about 1500 feet from the main road that follows Morgan Creek where I set up my camp. It took the entire day to pitch the tent and set up my kitchen. The tent is a 15 foot cabin tent with a stove jack. I have a first rate box stove set up inside to be used for heat and some cooking. I also set up a second stove about 200 feet from camp for the main cooking jobs during good weather. Today was a good day for getting camp set as it was sunny and not too cold. Tomorrow my plan is to investigate one of the claim sites where the old diggings took place and get a bearing on my situation as far as where I might sample gravels and old tailings. I am losing daylight and getting cold so I will get into my sleeping bag on the cot and get some sleep. TO BE CONTINUED .................................... Here is a picture of Jed's journal as it looks today. It is in fairly good shape & also included some old maps. *this story is based on a real gold strike in 1936 according to what reports I have in my possession, but the journal itself is a work of fiction.
  2. I have wondered about this for years, researched as much as I know how, but doubt I’ll ever solve the mystery on my own. So I figured I’d go public on the off hand chance some new information comes into the light. A lot of speculation but again a lot of things seem to fit. Anyway I’m hoping some super sleuth can connect enough dots to solve the puzzle one way or the other… who knows? Link to Treasure net https://www.treasurenet.com/threads/lost-gold.699588/
  3. There has been a very neat story floating around about a little mine found in The Superstition Wilderness Area. This is a story that got no publicity until a writer and Lost Dutchman Mine Hunter named Jack San Felice wrote about it in a book a few years ago. Jack has always said he believes this mine was The Lost Dutchman. Very few details have ever been made public about the dig. The story goes, that the area was located in the 1950s but for whatever reason was not exploited for many years (as so many other incredible lost mine stories go). It was a pit mine that ran about 90 feet deep. It was smack dab in the middle of an area that had a bunch of working silver mines in the late 1800s. Because it was in the SWA (Superstition Wilderness Area), and closed to claim location since 1984, any exploitation had to be VERY secret. This mine was supposedly secretly worked during the Summer months of 1997-1999. They dug the mine from its original 90 foot depth to 300 feet deep. Most people thought it was just a silver mine like all the others in the area (Roger's Spring). Over the years, little tidbits have leaked out. Things like some of the people THOUGHT to be involved claiming they had found the Lost Dutchman. If true, that COMPLETELY discounts the silver mine idea (except we all know gold is often found in pockets in silver veins/mines). All a very interesting story, UNTIL a few days ago, when a picture started making the rounds: This cabbage ball sized chunk of rock that dreams are made of is claimed to be from this Pit Mine. Jacob Waltz claimed that his mine contained two veins of material: 1. 18 inch thick vein of white and rose quartz shot through with about 30% gold content. 2. 8 inch thick vein of gray volcanic tuff with visible gold that was very soft and could be scraped out with bare hands. You miners imagine how much money is involved if they dug 210 feet of ore like this in an 18 inch thick vein! Just a little something to get everybody's mouth watering! Enjoy - Mike
  4. I don’t know how many of you are following Oak Island but I came across this you tube video about the Templar caves in Royston, England.
  5. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/bronze-age-jewelry-uncovered-in-carrot-field-in-switzerland-180983109/
  6. I thought I'd pass on a bit more research ... Nevada’s missing treasures: train robbery loot, a legendary underground river and more (rgj.com)
  7. This is a story that originated with my great great grandfather & was told to me many years ago by my grandfather. It has never been verified : A raw gold shipment from a mine in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California bound for processing was hijacked on a lonely mountain road & taken to a port on the west coast. The haul was purported to be somewhere between $50,000 - $75,000 at the time of the theft. A ship sat waiting to be loaded and a man by the name of William Shears was the captain. They sailed north along the coast all the way to Washington state where they unloaded the booty & buried most of it. My grandfather told me he believed it is still there. According to my grandfather the shipment was placer gold & was heading for a small smelting operation not too far from the mine. Someone had advance knowledge of the date of shipment and planned the robbery. He said there were five armed men on horseback who did the strong arm robbery while taking the two freight men hostage. By the time the mine owners were notified of the heist it was too late to find it. The thieves had planned everything out. They took it by water to a remote location far from the place of the robbery. How did my grandfather know this? It seems my great great grandfather was one of the mine owners. My grandfather called the ship captain a privateer. According to his story the thieves ran into problems moving the raw ore once back on land in Washington state & buried a good part of it. He said there was information given to the family back in the early 1900's that the gold was never found due to changes in terrain due to severe storms. However, my grandfather told me he thought he had a good idea of where the gold was hidden but was too old to look for it & my father had no time or interest in conducting a treasure hunt. My grandfather believed a man named William Shears was responsible for the planning of the heist. He said he was a sea captain from England with a bad reputation. As he told the story, Captain Shears took the ore into the harbor at Bellingham, Washington where it was off loaded into a freight wagon to be transported into Canada which he said was about 30 miles north. He said something happened on the way to Canada but refused to tell me what for some reason. At this time in his life he was very sick & frail and I didn't want to push him for more than he wanted to give. He said the gold was hidden in freight containers that were disguised as other items. He said there was an old road up there where the freight wagon stopped and the gold was burried not too far off the road. Why they didn't make it into Canada & who was waiting for it there is a mystery. With some help in research I found out there was indeed a Captain William Shears recorded in the 1851 census records. His address was Elliot Court Enumeration District Marlborough King in Devonshire county. His place of birth was Devonshire England and he was 46 years old in 1851. He was listed as married to wife Sarah age 43 & had a son James age 7 & daughter Mary age 2. Occupation was listed as Master Mariner. I have no idea if there really is a buried cache of gold somewhere between Bellingham & Canada but the story is intriguing.
  8. The great 1930 depression hope Lasseter's Reef. Article by "Australian Geographic Magazine" https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/history-culture/2019/07/lasseters-reef-will-it-ever-be-found/ ..... Correct LINK ....
  9. https://buckrail.com/forrest-fenn-i-hid-my-treasure-in-wyoming/?fbclid=IwAR0uGH0OIPXAXfDrOhnAZO_4Wrz1AETWFnEUfWk_ue6-qQrOgveK0UEJfIY
  10. .... LINK .... https://www.9news.com.au/world/spain-court-throws-out-us-treasure-hunter-lawsuit-against-over-sunken-galleon/9731e6ee-750e-4bc8-bcc8-0aebcd16bdef
  11. Anyone from the McLeansville, Burlington North Carolina area know what the conditions are in that area? The reason I ask is my friend Pat Keene has one of those mats you can drag behind a vehicle and it will detect to 5 feet or more. My idea was to use this for the treasure mentioned in the book.(Going to make all you guys "work" for this story..just use the title and you can find the info)! Then started looking online for info and OMG!....people are NOT welcome in that area ...going so far as to put up 4X8 wood signs saying to the effect that ,"to date over 200 people have been charged with trespass..etc etc..are you next"? I'm sure a LOT of people on DP have knowledge on this area and subject...if you have a minute please respond.
  12. Even though I just got a brand new nox 800, I decided to grab the 705 today because it had a larger coil and I intended to search for deep silver and relics at an old park that I have hunted heavily in the past. The coil is a CORS strike in triple frequency. I set the machine in it's lowest frequency with the sensitivity maxed out and began searching in coin mode all metal. My first target was a snap off a jacket or jeans . My next target was jumping from iron to high tones and I called it iron but it was deep so I dug anyway, I was way surprised to see a glint of gold at the bottom of the hole. I pulled it out and it was this nice 10k gold ring with opal and 2 small diamonds. It is my second gold ring this year and possibly my last find of the year as the weather here in Montana is getting quite nasty. Started snowing shortly after finding the ring and I called it quits for the day.
  13. They say this is the largest hoard but it seems to me there are larger ones ... https://www.livescience.com/largest-treasure-hoard-england?utm_source=SmartBrief&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=368B3745-DDE0-4A69-A2E8-62503D85375D&utm_content=457CDC61-78BE-415D-9BA3-647900D62450&utm_term=9d161709-ab3f-4a42-87ad-b1ed29e66205
  14. Metal detectorist finds 2,000-year-old dagger wielded by Roman soldier in battle with Rhaetians https://www.livescience.com/metal-detectorist-finds-dagger-ancient-roman-battle?utm_source=notification
  15. According to legend, in a creek not too far from home, there are two gold bars from a stage robbery. Typical bars in these cases were 125 lbs, and would be about 8 x 16 x 3". I'm going to build a small raft, with a detector mounted on it. Said raft will be controllable by me, so it can be caused to sweep back and forth across the width of the creek as I wade behind it. I'd probably be 10-12' behind. because of barbed wire, and other iron trash, I need really good iron discrimination, and the size of the target means I don't need super sensitivity. A large coil would be a help, as would auto ground tracking. Wireless headphones would be a big help, assumin they can reach that 10-12' I'll be behind the detector. Also I'd need the coil to be waterproof to 24", Though I'm not planning on having the coil that deep. The detector being at least water-resistant would be a help. I'm thinking a lower frequency VLF of some sort, for depth, and will probably be buying on the used market as I'm happy with my current fleet of detectors, except for this specialized task. I'm looking for suggestions from you hotshots, and appreciate the help. I guess it doesn't need to be said that I'd like to keep the cost as low as possible. Jim
  16. This was posted by someone else in a different forum. I thought that ya'll would find it interesting. https://www.wfsb.com/news/local-treasure-hunter-helps-family-in-western-massachusetts-find-hidden-money/article_9109b47c-a2db-11eb-a6ef-eb9bac297655.html
  17. I thought I saw someone here post something about a similar coin they found. https://www.livescience.com/pirate-henry-every-treasure-coins-discovered.html?utm_source=notification
  18. We got permission to hunt a park that use to be a Girl Scout camp from the 1920's to the 1990's when it closed down.The head caretaker of the park is a great guy and gave us the green light to detect there.We gave him a few scout relics which he would put in the park museum and he was very grateful for are finds.He told us that one capsule was found but a old farmer said a other one was still missing and gave us the area it could be in.It is probably from the 30's or 40's.I think the one is in a museum around here and we hope to see what it is made of.Have any of you heard of other Scout capsules and what could be in them ?I hope they are detectable.If not we could still stumble on to some silver coins or rings for a consolation prize. If found we will give the capsule to the caretaker to be put in a museum.
  19. This treasure is close to where I used to swim as a kid during Xmas school holidays in Victoria Australia during summer. ....LINK.... https://oztreasure.weebly.com/inverloch-treasure.html By the way the wife found a gold sovereign in the Inverlock region but was not related to the above treasure.
  20. This is a lengthy article about the hoard finds in England. It follows the saga of two detectorists who found some great objects in 2015. We are often times a forum that has many more details than the reporters so maybe there is someone here who can help us understand even more. I hope the link works for everyone. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/11/16/the-curse-of-the-buried-treasure
  21. Not sure if im posting on the right forum, correct me if not Steve. Heard on the news last night a jewelry store in Michigan is going out of business and he has hidden all types of valuable coins and jewelry in many places. He stated he is selling a chance to locate them I think entry is $49.00 per chance? He also stated each piece has a gps tracker on it. Hoe does that work? most gps will get you close then you pull out your metal detector or what? Is this like Geo Caching ? On another note was informed the Texas Governor rejected our County Judges request to lock us back up...HURRAAAAY! told Judge just make everyone wear mask...good luck on that. lol. Hope everyone has a safe and healthy weekend and Happy Hunting! Lonnie
  22. From Wikipedia - "The Fenn Treasure is a treasure reportedly worth more than one million dollars hidden by art dealer and author Forrest Fenn in the Rocky Mountains. According to Fenn, many people have claimed to have found the treasure, but no one has provided any evidence to him supporting their claim. Fenn has confirmed four of the nine clues have been solved and that searchers have been within 200 feet of the treasure. As of 20 August 2016 Fenn has stated that to his knowledge it is still not found." Read the full story
  23. Due to the high danger in entering the house with grains of sand and rusty materials when my woman is there, I keep my buttocks safe leaving any find that is not gold outside in the garden, inside a basket ... I do not remember how many hunts ago I left this pendant and other coins in the basket, perhaps distracted by the rings, much heavier ... Also it is rare to see pendants with red paint ... It seemed like costume jewelry. Anyway with my daughter yesterday afternoon, we rummaged in the basket and I showed her how many coins that I discard can return as new with a bit of hard work .. She immediately noticed and took the little heart and asked me if she could keep it ... I was surprised by the color, which I neglected to check well and with a lens I searched for the title engraving .. With great surprise this 2.3g pendant is 18K and at the current price it is a find of respect! I explained to my daughter that she will have a prize for this discovery, because I don't want her to wear gold at the age of 6 ... I was about to throw a good part of everything I collect and leave only coins to clean up and she saved something that I had not even noticed that I had recovered ... For the record, like an idiot I lost today's hunting session sleeping till late, after more than two weeks of decent waves stop and only 24 hours available before other waves arrive ... Too much wine and roasted meat last night ... Damned Italy
  24. I took my wife, and two young boys to the river for a couple hours this morning. I figured I'd bring my Detector, and get a couple hours of hunting in while the kids played. I have been hunting the rivers all week long. I possibly put in close to 30 hours, with very little success. I am learning the machine with each swing though. I was hunting in Park 2, knee deep in the water, a spillway at my back, and open river in front of me, with a strong current. My settings were default, except the Iron Bias was switched to F2 giving it a value of 6 automatically. I went with 50 tones, and periodically did a ground balance, increasing the number it settled on by 2 or 3. (I had heard this was a trick) My first target was an all to familiar aluminum piece, followed by a metal flake. I thought to myself, "That's ok, one of this holes will eventually surprise me. I only have two hours so I'll just dig away, and enjoy myself" I was right, my third dig was about 2 inches down, I saw the glimmer. I knew this was no beaver tail. I pulled the ring, and lifting it thought "wow, looks like silver" I scanned the inside, seing a hallmark my eyes immediately caught 14k. I stood up, and started walking towards my wife grinning ear to ear, almost deviously. It took her a minute to notice I looked odd with a smile like that, and asked what? I showed her, and she promptly made me stow it away, convinced I'd lose it I went on to pull three more rings, my next one being a MASSIVE Palladium wedding band (I had never heard of Palladium when I dug it) Each time I would approach my wife proclaiming yet another victory, and each time she would say "no, I don't believe you" and then I would show her. The next two were one Sterling Silver, and one Stainless Steel. I also found a total of 8 fishing lures, and a commemorative medallion for a 1988 space flight. This was by far the best day I've had medal detecting, and was a reminder of why the hobby was love at first dig for me. I know a 4 ring day is not gonna be a regular thing, so I'm chewing it slowly. I couldn't be happier with my first gold experience, and wanted to thank all of you on Detector Prospector for being so kind, and answering any questions I've had. I know I'll have many more, and the experience you guys bring to the table is quintessential to my learning this fine hobby. I wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming hunts. As always HH - Luke
  25. https://www.kob.com/albuquerque-news/forrest-fenns-treasure-reportedly-found/5753216/?cat=500
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