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Posts posted by fredmason

  1. Meteorites from the Basin are not high in money value so much as interesting and something else to find while wandering the hills hoping for gold. There are many types of meteorites, Chrondrites being the most common. There is a pretty good article in the ICMJ that is basic. The only thing I strongly disagree with is the "everything belongs to the Gov" bs...it just ain't so.

    Dave, if a minelab won't detect the nickel/iron it must be very fine and very low quality...I doubt anyone will ever sort all the Gb meteorites found there. Just from curiosity I tried my GB Pro in zero discriminate and the smaller Gb meteorites were invisible to it.


  2. my buddy jeff and I went up to Gold Basin for a few days...The Basin has never been generous with me or Jeff but we scapped out some gold and meteorites. This was the first time Jeff has ever bested me in quanity of meteorites and in their size. He also found the first little nuggy...we are not rich but had a fine time!

    I will attempt some pic's

    First is mine

    second is me proving I need to lose weight except I disappeared

    three is jeff's


    gold basin 2014 008.JPG

    gold basin 2014 013.JPG

    gold basin 2014 018.JPG

  3. No pic's of the interior...as you enter the door the 3-burner stove and sink is on the left, on the same side is a single width bed/couch. As you enter the door the very small toilet/shower closet is on the right then a shelf/cabinet and another single width bed/couch. In the rear between the beds is a small shelf/cabinet storage area. I am 6 ' in my prospecting boots and can stand without stooping.

    Of course there is storage under the beds and some overhead.

    I bought it used and it is the only one I have ever seen on the west coast...Plenty of room for me; and if my wife goes the thing makes into a queen bed...

    I expect to get 7 or 8 thousand for it when I sell-if I ever do....



  4. Yes, they did do a lot of what I thought would make a perfect gold detector. I like my 3030 and this is similar. I totally love the 3030 wireless setup.

    I think the 14" coil is an excellent stock choice. Hopefully the smaller coil will be an Elyp-5x10. I don't really need a gps-I have never used mine on the 3030, but it could be useful.


    Oh, Minelab; Please release Jonathan  and  others so they can tell me everything!!!



  5. there will always be speculation and sceptics...and people that jump in head first. I like your chart even it is a bit harsh on those that are slow to change...

    I know in my experience I started my Minelab Pi "fun" with a 2000 then a 2200 then a gp extreme then a 3500 and now a 5000. Every one has been an improvement in some way or ways. I have no doubt the 7000 will be a keeper for anyone that can afford it and wants the newest brightest toy...

    I am looking forward to an complete essay on the the machine and coils...when ever the users are free to do so...


  6. The link to miners Den shows gold from JP and gold from Steve in the USA...I truely admire a man with the intregrity to keep a confidence...of course i don't know what Steve is intended but the gold is sure pretty!


    They apparently didnot include discrimination  or, at least it is not mentioned in the ad.


    Klunker, I have always maintained that the true test of a new detector would be  some randomly selected users from the gold forums...



  7. Chris, I had a Garret up in Sierra Valley way back when...detecting in a playground. The thunderstorms were down by Quincy...anyway the detector stopped working and I sent it to garret. They said a capacitor blew and it was likely caused by the Lightning Storm...anyway, I don't detect near lightning storms anymore...



  8. You may not be the most welcome person in a park if you use  a leche lawn rapier....

    Consider learning to pinpoint with a rounded screwdriver and larger digging screwdriver...or get with the times and use an electronic pinpointer...


    and please pick up all the trash you dig...in this case i am with the greenies-leave no tracks!



  9. Today my youngest daughter and my second child is 40...dang, I am getting old! Happy Birthday Crystal!

    For her birthday i am sending her a pendant that was fashioned from my first piece of Alaska-thank you Steve H; almost ten years ago at Moore Creek.

    Steve aka El Dorado made the cab and turned an ugly duckling into a swan-thank you El D. He is a mighty fine artisian!

    The setting was done by a local jeweller and I wish I had had El D do the work but done is done.

    Unfortunately, I lost the photos of Alaska when my puter-died...(Steve you have/had a copy of that article in your stuff)

    The specie was about the size of a nickel and was rock with a slice of gold in the middle...



  10. Tvanwho; nice little picker. Have you given a goldbug or gmt a try on those sites? 


    Question? How do you pan with out digging/shovelling?


    Also, some sniping might bein order if there is bedrock and the water is clear...


    perhaps you could make a different post regarding your dowsing and your success rate with this method...........?



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